Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Beloved ~

(Prophetic art by James Nesbit)

My Beloved ~
You're My Beloved, You're my Bride.
To sing over you is my delight.
Come Away with Me My LOVE ~
Under my mercy, come and wait till we are standing face to face.
I see no stain on you my child.
You're beautiful to Me.  So beautiful to Me.
I sing over you my song of peace.
Cast all of  your cares down at my feet.
Come and find your rest in Me.
I'll breathe my life inside of you.
I'll bear you up on eagles wings.
I'll hide you in the shadow of my strength.
I'll take you to my quiet waters.
I'll restore your soul.
Come rest in Me, be made whole.
You're my beloved, You're my bride.
To sing over you is my delight.
Come away with me My Love.

My Beloved by Kari Job ~

Monday, July 30, 2012

Holy Fire ~ Burn Away Anything That Is Not of You Fill Me With Your Holy Life Jesus

It's Time To Get Back In The Saddle And Ride With Him

His LOVE REIGNS.......
You are His thoroughbred race horse......
He has taken the reigns of your life, guiding you in LOVE.
Every turn you take it is because of Him.
Every step you take, it is because of his leading. Each pace you run,

it is because you run in synchronized rhythm with his heart beat.

Softly you wander through the wilderness, sniffing the snow on the ground,
you begin to smell the budding of new life rising up from below.
Joy fills your spirit, lifting your head, you are rejoicing and begin to
run with wild celebration feeling the triumph of life rising up within the
land of your own heart and soul.
He reigns in your life.
It's time to get back on the saddle and ride
with him up into the mountains.
Do you see Him with you?  I do.
I see him taking you up into the mountain side, riding with him to the very top.
Heaven is in your eyes. Heaven is in sight.
Come up, come up higher to the mountain peak.
Stand with him on the SOLID ROCK OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU.

Your SOLID ROCK is JESUS....His love is unshakable and unmovable.
He is the mountain of LOVE.
I love you in the highest name we know....JESUS.

Come home....Come home.....RUN HIS LOVE...
HIS LOVE IS SAFE and is forever for you.

LOVE ~ Beloved ~ Carrie Love

Our Daddy Knows You By Your Name

My Dad knows YOUR NAME.
He's Your Dad too!

Our Daddy knows You By Your Name.

He sees each tear that falls

He calls you by name...He calls you,"My LOVE"

Your heart is forever before the LIVING FLAME OF LOVE dwelling inside of your heart.
He is the living love who sees all of the pain, torment, suffering, hurt, harm
Allow His Light of Love the breath into each room of pain.

He will walk into each room and light it up with his illuminating love
causing his Spirit to carry each pain for you....
His Living Flame of Love is JESUS..
Call on the name of Jesus
He knows you by your name,, your name is "LOVE."
He only sees you as the one whom HE LOVES.....

Beloved ~
Carrie ~ Love

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Radiant Light Of Love

Your house, home to Your glory, O Eternal One, radiates its light.
    I am fixed on this place and long to be nowhere else.

Psalm 26:8 

Moment by moment  in the Rains of Love,
I hold you in the palm of my right hand.
I AM your Beloved ONE who
unrolls the scroll,
intimately detailing the love story of your life;
moment by moment,
petal by petal
through the gentleness of my breath breathing upon you,
my beautiful desert rose.

I Am Your King Eternal, Master Gardner,
tenderly caring for your life.

My Touch is gentle, kind, full of peace
leaving no bruise behind.

The fingerprints of my hand upon your life reveals the beauty of My Glory
radiating within you, My eternal Heart Home.

My touch reveals your beauty,
one petal at a time.
I gently nourish your heart in the gentle rains of mercy.

In the stillness of My Presence,
your heart knows where your true home lies.
Inside the garden of Life,

I give you my very own Life as your own.
You fragrant life  radiates our abiding Love.

"My soul quietly waits for the True God alone

    because I hope only in Him.
He alone is my rock and deliverance,
    my citadel high on a hill;
    I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my significance depend ultimately on God;
    the core of my strength, my shelter, is in the True God.
Have faith in Him in all circumstances, dear people.

    Open up your heart to Him;
    the True God shelters us in His arms."

Psalm 62:5-8
The Voice Version 

  See, I am doing a new thing! 

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
 I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 49:13

Fragrant Life Abiding Inside the Rain Of LOVE,Beloved Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Awaken To The Wooing Of His Love For You

Awaken to the wooing of His LOVE for you ~
He woos all of us to himself through His great Love for us.

He is awakening the BRIDE out of her sleep,
knocking on the window of her heart beckoning to her to arise and come away with HIM into the secret places of His heart
(the inner chambers).

As we arise to His wooing, the cooing of the DOVE,
we find ourselves saturated with His Presence, carrying His fragrance.

The harvest can see the beauty of His Fragrant LOVE
radiating through us wooing them Home to the HEART of Abba's LOVE.

Can you hear the cooing of the doves?
Can you hear the wings stirring?

He is stirring up the waters of His LOVE placed within us.
This is His secret water garden of LOVE.

Victoria Lilies of GRACE the most aromatic flowers living,
dwelling, having their abode in the enclosed water garden of LOVE.

Beloved Carrie Grace Love

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

You Looked At Me, And I Fell In Love

       Come with me from Lebanon, my bride. Leave Lebanon behind, and come. Leave your high mountain hideaway. Abandon your wilderness seclusion, Where you keep company with lions and panthers guard your safety. You've captured my heart, dear friend. You looked at me, and I fell in love.

One look my way and I was hopelessly in love! How beautiful your love, dear, dear friend— 
far more pleasing than a fine, rare wine, your fragrance more exotic than select spices. 
The kisses of your lips are honey, my love, every syllable you speak a delicacy to savor.
Your clothes smell like the wild outdoors, the ozone scent of high mountains.

Dear lover and friend, you're a secret garden, a private and pure fountain. Body and soul, you are paradise, a whole orchard of succulent fruits— Ripe apricots and peaches, oranges and pears; Nut trees and cinnamon, and all scented woods; Mint and lavender, and all herbs aromatic; 
A garden fountain, sparkling and splashing, fed by spring waters from the Lebanon mountains.

Song of Solomon 4:7-9
A garden fountain, sparkling and splashing, fed by spring waters from the Lebanon mountains.

Song of Solomon 4:7-9

Doves Eyes by Misty Edwards
Psalm 45:7-9
The Message (MSG)

6-7 "Your throne is God's throne,
ever and always;
The scepter of your royal rule
measures right living.
You love the right
and hate the wrong.
And that is why God, your very own God,

poured fragrant oil on your head,
Marking you out as king
from among your dear companions.

8-9 "Your ozone-drenched garments
are fragrant with mountain breeze.
Chamber music—from the throne room—
makes you want to dance.
Kings' daughters are maids in your court,
the Bride glittering with golden jewelry.

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Your Love Is Making Me Ready For The Wedding

James Nesbit prophetic art

Your Love Is Making Me Ready For The Wedding

True LOVE is found in having an intimate,
heart to heart relationship with our Creator GOD who is LOVE~
This kind of relationship is found through accepting HIS Love for
you expressed through His Son Jesus who laid down his life
for the sin all of all humanity for all time.
When Jesus breathed his last he said, it is finished, 
meaning the work of forgiveness is forever completed
through his act of His LOVE for us once and for all.

How do you find this LOVE?
Realize it is Jesus Christ  who is the son of GOD.

Jesus' name in Hebrew, Yahushua,  means I Am He who Saves.
YHWH ~ is The name of Jesus's Father and GOD in Hebrew which means
I AM that I AM.

The Spirit of JESUS Christ is very present, real, alive and
 with us as He is omnipresent (everywhere at all times).
With all of your heart, soul, and body, 
 ask The Spirit of CHRIST JESUS to come into your heart;
tell Hm you recognize your sin and you're sorry for your sin.
Then let Him know you're completely turning away from your sin to
totally turn towards him to embrace Him....
as your very own savior and King of your life.

Accept his everlasting forgiveness.
Accept His everlasting Love,
and as you do so, He is joining His Life with yours.
As you accept His Spirit into your heart,
your heart will become one with HIS and
your heart and soul  will become alive with HIS LOVE.

GOD IS LOVE ~ You've just invited the very LIFE of LOVE into your life.

1 John 4:13-16
This is how we know we're living steadily and deeply in him,
and he in us: He's given us life from his life, from his very
own Spirit. Also, we've seen for ourselves and continue to state
openly that the Father sent his Son as Savior of the world.
Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God's Son participates
continuously in an intimate relationship with God.
We know it so well, we've embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God.

John 3:16

The Message (MSG)

16-18"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.

Know that this message you're reading now is a message of Love placed here for you directly from the Father letting you know how much He Loves you.

Let me know when you've done this.
I will enjoy celebrating your new life with you.
I love you!!

Beloved Warrior Bride of Love
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Friday, July 27, 2012

Loving You Before Time Began

Because I love you
with an everlasting love.

Jeremiah 31:3
The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:
I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.

(NIV Bible)

Holy Spirit of Grace is pursuing you with an unending LOVE.
His Love is like the fresh drops of rain resting upon
the petals of each flower you pass by in this life.

As you travel upon this journey of life here in this earthen realm,
look for his goodness in every image of LIFE;
each one is birthed from the depths of his heart just for you.

Each one is a message sent from his heart to remind you of who He is.
He has never, not once, been apart from you.
He has gone into time before you arrived in this
moment to place his Love letters for you 

all along the path of your beautiful life.

He has pursued you before time are truly His heart of LOVE.

You are His Flower of life within the Flower of LOVE.
His Love for you has no end.
You are eternally, completely embraced by His embrace of Grace.
His Love stretches beyond our sight and far beyond our imaginations.

Turn aside to The Spirit of Christ Jesus  ~
in this moment, come up into and under the canopy of His Love for  you.
His Love fully and completely covers you on every side.
His Love is His Life.
Abide in the secret place of the most High.
Abide under the shadow of His wings.
Begin to drink in His unending Love for you.
Drink of His Life giving Love.
He is The Spirit of Peaceful Truth dwelling within you ~
He is your Refuge and Strength.
In  HIM place all of your trust.

Rest in His everlasting embrace as you listen to this song ~ Songs of The Secret Place.

In His LOVE,

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Selah ~ Breathe in the Breath of His Love for you

Selah ~

Beloved sons and daughters of our King,
Our Father  is always moved with a heart of mercy and compassion for us.

If you are hurting, know he is gentle and kind
and is available to lift every burden off of your shoulders.
He describes himself as our gentle shepherd
who is lowly and humble, and kind.
He desires you to come to Him
with all of your burdens and need.
Lay at His feet,
 rest with Him at your side.

"Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls."

"Say to the Daughter of Zion [inhabitants of Jerusalem], Behold, your King is coming to you, lowly and riding on a donkey, and on a colt, the foal of a donkey [a beast of burden]."

~ Beloved One ~

Selah ~

And breathe again ~

He loves you in a fresh and new way every morning.
Your sins are washed away.
There is absolutely nothing in this life that will stop or hinder Him
from revealing His deep love and compassion for your very life.

He is our champion of LOVE and GRACE.
When you call upon Yeshua,
the Life of God's Love,
He will leap over ever wall and climb every hill side to reach you where you are at.

We are His first LOVE.
In this very moment hear his heart calling out to you as he asks of you,
"Will you make Me Your First LOVE?"

Carrie Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Innocent Trust In Love

Innocent trust in LOVE.

Trust in the Freedom and power to LOVE and
to be LOVED.

There is Liberty in the power of LOVE.

There is FREEDOM in being LOVED.

LOVE sets us all free.

GOD is LOVE who made us in the image of His LOVE.

When we dare to let go and BE He is LOVE.........
we break out of all bounds and limitations that fear has roped us down to.
Love is the greatest force in existence.

When LOVE walks into the room, all powers and forces melt
down into a puddle before His Presence of LOVE living within us.

The Power of LOVE within us breaks all chains and sets us FREE
to BE who He created us to be.....ONE WITH LOVE.


FLY in (inside of) LOVE to heavenly places.
It is time to arise, ride and fly with THE LIFE OF LOVE, with the Life of our Father's Heart ~
to set our sisters and brother's free to come HOME to
our Father's Heart of LOVE.

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Fly by Jason Upton

Yeshua ~ The Beautiful Life of Hope and LOVE

Yeshua  is the Spirit of HOPE and Love

HOPE LIVES inside of you.
Hope opens up doors that no man can shut.
Hope makes a way where there seems to be no way.
Hope will blow newness of life into your heart.
Hope will have  you in the perfect place at the perfect time.
Hope will place the right people upon your path at the right moments.

Lean not onto your own understanding
trust in THE WORD with all of your HEART.

Lean into and place all of YOUR TRUST in The LORD Yeshua HaMashiach,
the Living Word of LIFE.

Abandon your own gain his SIGHT.
See with His EYES of Hope and LOVE.


Yeshua HaMashiach is the seed of Love and Life planted within your heart.
His Life is  blooming within the soil of your heart.
Love is the way to live in the LIGHT.
Love is the very light of HEAVEN.

LOVE is making a way for you.
He has you called into Newness of LIFE.
He is calling you to arise and live inside of HIS Resurrection LIFE. still........inside of this moment....
inside of HIS Spirit of LOVE ~ Yeshua HaMashiach

Love is who you are in a relationship with.
Love is with you and is the greatest strategist of Life
Trust His care for you.
Trust in who He is ~ he has his best interest at heart for you.
Love never abandons you.
He never leaves you forsaken nor begging for bread.
Love has never left you alone, no, not for one moment.
You are his daughter, created in the image of his own heart of LOVE.

Allow his LOVE to saturate every cell of your being.
He is drawing into your life all the goodness you have need of.
You are the branch who is adopted into the vine of TRUE LIFE.
All have need of is flowing to you from  His Beautiful Life ~

Yeshua's  beautiful life is the Spirit of life flowing into you.
He is The King and The Life of  The Kingdom flowing through you.
Seek ye first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

Receive the beautiful LIFE of Christ into your heart ~ 
 and you will experience True Hope,
Love and Life.


Beloved, as He treasures, values, and nurtures your heart,
place the same value on your own heart and protect your heart with all diligence.
You are his fragrant garden enclosed.
Treasure your heart.
Value your heart.
Nurture your heart.
Respect your heart even when no one else does.
This is loving yourself first so that you are free (whole) in your heart and soul to love others as you have nurtured and accepted yourself.

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Extravagant LOVE



The rhythms of YOUR GRACE flows through this space....

Your LOVE cover our lives ~

We are consumed with your endless Love ~

I find myself dancing to the rhythms of your GRACE

I find my self dancing down the
yellow Gold Joy road
with ease
right into your throne room of


captures my heart .....
over and over and over again ~
You give me freedom like I've never known.
Your LOVE brings me home into your arms.......where I belong.

I find my life written down inside of the life of

Your Blood.......
It  is Your is LIFE flowing through my being.

You remind me how great
YOUR LOVE is ....
there is NO END ~
to the flow of YOUR LOVE
~ ~ ~ ~~ into our lives ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
through our lives ~ ~
around our lives......
You opened your arms wide to embrace all of our lives ~ ~
You've  captured our hearts with your LOVE

We can't help but to flow with the rhythms of YOUR GRACE

Your LOVE is the greatest LOVE of ALL......

Abba, you fill our hearts with your joyful LOVE ~
bringing us home into your arms of GRACE
where we belong.

YOUR LOVE is Extravagant!


Eternal Father of  LOVE GRACE HEART HOME
I love you with all of my heart Dad!!! 
~ Your Daughter,

Whoever will humble himself therefore and become like this little child [trusting, lowly, loving, forgiving] is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3-5

Walking With Daddy In A Wide Open Field of Grace

Our Daddy walks with us in a wide open field of Grace; one arm around you, one arm around me.

It is the three of us walking in unity; one heart, one pace, one sound of Grace.

Walking slowly and deliberately beside us  with each step He takes, He looks down at the ground with a thoughtful expression upon His face. Pausing for a moment, holding our hands within His, raising his head, He looks directly into our eyes. With a gentle smile upon His face, His voice penetrates into the depths of our hearts as He speaks:
"My Children, I  Love you more than every blade of grass that you ever pass. 

I love you more than every cell that makes up your beautiful life. 
I Love you more than the expanse of my ever growing space. 
Here, take a hold of my nail pierced  hands: I give you my very own Life so that you may experience 
ALL OF My LOVE for you right now in this moment in this LIFE."

~ Beloved  ~

Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace 


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beloved Bride

I Just Want To Be With You Jesus
Beloved Bride ~

Our Covering is the Laid down life of Christ.
He laid down His Life to cover us for all eternity.
He covers us in His ascension.
He has risen to RAISE us up with HIM.....
to set us on our feet to fully LIVE
in the power of HIS Spirit.
His voice in our lives is our Music!!
We dance to the song of His Heart singing over our lives.
The sound we hear is  his voice celebrating our lives.
The song of His affectionate LOVE for us  causes us arise
to LIVE a celebrated life in the power of His Spirit.
We are the bone of His bone and the flesh of His Flesh.
He is the  Breath within us carrying  the sweet fragrant praises up into
our Father's presence.
We are His BRIDE.

Beloved Bride ~ Arise and Shine within the  LIGHT of Your Beloved Christ's Amazing LOVE.
Your King Died and Rose again to Life to cause you to shine as HIS BRIDE.

Amazing LOVE ~   We are alive and well, His Spirit is within us because our King
died and Rose Again.

His LIFE within causes you to RISE and SHINE 

the Light of His Amazing LOVE
breath of Life living  within you.

You Live because Your Beloved King Jesus LIVES~~~


In all I do, I honor You!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Beloved, You're My Water Garden Enclosed

                                            Your Love Is Extravagant ~ Casting Crowns

~ Beloved, You're My Water Garden Enclosed ~

~ Royalty of LOVE~
I surrender my life to be
Your Royal Rose within Your  water garden enclosed.
My life is your tabernacle and temple,
your habitation of Love.
You made the way open for me to remain in your presence,
where I am filled with joy and fullness of life.
The dew of Your presence falling upon me in the
darkest of nights refreshes my heart and soul.
I come alive in Your Presence,
I open my heart to carry your fragrance into the
water gardens of the world. I am Yours.
In the middle of the night I am awake,
and my heart yearns for more of You. I sing to you, "I am Yours."
You come to me, take my hand, we again journey
together up to the mountain of spices where
you breathe Your life through me as living winds
blowing through my water garden heart enclosed.

You breathe Your Life upon every rose in my heart.
Opening my eyes, I see your face.
I yield to your grace.
I melt in your embrace.
I see you picking up the armors of your love
and begin building a hedge of protection around our secret place.

It is You ~ I SEE you; it is your very life of laid down LOVE being my armor.
You have laid down your life to become the wall of fire around me.
You encompass me with your very life,
I'm shielded in on every side as your Life.
You're my canopy covering me on every side.
You have given all of Your life for my life.
Your Life shields me in as a fiery hedge of  Love.
It is You My LOVE who surrounds me.
You encompass me. Your LOVE strengthens me.
You cause my heart to bloom in the safest of places .....
in the the center of the womb of Your HEART.
You have placed me into Your Life where
I now can open wide my heart to Your Secure LOVE
and begin to live, thrive, bloom
and shine my heart back to You.

Your fragrant Life blows through my very being.
Your breath of Life and Love blows through my spirit
and out into the highest mountains and farthest valleys of your kingdom.
Your Sweet Aroma awakens my life to LOVE, JOY, and PEACE.
It is Your Sweet LIFE blowing healing Love into your children;
their heads lift up with shouts of praises,
they to see the light of your Glory covering their faces.
King of GLORY is ......YOU!!
We SEE YOU FACE to FACE.....our King of GLORY!
We shout out with hearts full of praise,
COME in to our hearts our KING.....of GLORY.
Come and rest inside....we give you our hearts as your very own home.
Fill our HEARTS with YOUR LIVING LIGHT of Love!

My Beloved King of GLORY,
I walk up to the door of the water garden enclosed.
I have a key in my hand.
I look up at the door and see your face.
My heart melts in seeing such love for me upon your face.
You say to me, I am the door and my heart is always open to you.
You gently take my hand, my heart is melting in your loving  presence,
all fear melts away, I wholly enter in with you alone
into the water garden enclosed.
As you hold me by the hand,
with your other hand you pull back the veil that I thought was
keeping me from seeing your throne.
You allow nothing to come in between You and me.
All of your heart is open to me as we are alone.
My heart is rapidly beating as I realize I'm truly fully with you ~
My very Love, My Shepherd King.
I realize being with you is my Home.
I hear you whispering in my ear,
"Beloved, come and sit with me for a while.
Come and dine with me My LOVE."

I answer, My Love, My Shepherd King,
I come to your table alone.
I lower at your feet the sack of heavy burdens that
I've been carrying on my shoulders.
As I do, you reach out your hand to take them for me,
you know my heart; you show me in your every move
that you desire to care for me in every detail.
You lay that old sack down and beckon to me to
come rest with you for a while.

You are MY Beloved, there is non other I love more than You.

I whisper to you my heart felt LOVE and let you know
that my heart leaps for joy that you have
made the way open for me to come behind the veil 
to be with You. You paid an unmeasurable price by
laying down your life, making a way for me to be your very own.

I say yes to you my Shepherd KING...
yes I will be your bride.
I am no longer my own,
I'm your water garden enclosed.
Living as ONE with you, 

I go where you go,
see what you see,
live where you live,
as  we abide as  One Heart in Our Water Garden Enclosed.

Life of Eternal LOVE....You burn so brightly, You are my King Eternal.
Your Life shines out into the farthest regions beyond my sight yet I know you are shining forth your light bringing "LIFE of LOVE" every where you go.
Shine oh My KING ETERNAL, awaken all of your Royal Roses with the LIGHT OF YOUR LOVE.

Your very own  Garden Enclosed ~ Living from the inside out ~
I am Your Beloved LOVE ~ You are My Beloved LOVE.

Beloved ~
I Am My Beloved's Water Garden Enclosed,
Beloved Rose

Colossians 1:26-27
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

26 This message is the secret truth that was hidden since the beginning of time. It was hidden from everyone for ages, but now it has been made known to God’s holy people. 27 God decided to let his people know just how rich and glorious that truth is. That secret truth, which is for all people, is that Christ lives in you, his people. He is our hope for glory

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finally Home Where I Belong

Finally Home Where I Belong ~

In any way what so ever.
He is in a FURIOUS PURSUIT OF LOVE...for our lives.
LOVE pursues us with a passion like no other.
There is nothing in our lives that holds him at bay except us.

Even as of today, He pursued and lavished  His love upon me.
He removed his Royal Robes to serve me with His Life.
Lavishing me with tender loving kindness,
washing my feet,
cleansing  my heart with such gentleness,
He tenderly prepares my heart to come Home.

The touch of His hand,
The Truth of His Words
melts all fear and doubts away,
including the  thoughts of "how could He Love me so?"
He reminds me of who He is, He says to my heart, "I AM  LOVE."

My only response to such pursuing Love
is to remove the robes of shame covering my heart
allowing  Him to cover me with His Robe of White.
I bowed my heart before him,
taking off another layer of shame
that robed my heart of intimacy,
holding Him at bay.

I allow His gentle Words of Love as holy water
wash through the depths of my heart,
cleansing me through and through.
Living waters fill my heart, crystal clear and blue.

Captivating my heart....

I begin to see His Eyes, 

I realize  He is My King Jesus

who came to be by my side

in humbleness of heart as my Shepherd Guide.

In His Arms,

He carries me through the doorway 

of His Blood into our new

~ The Risen Life Heart ~

we now live united as

One Heart of LOVE

at our Father's right side ~
Dinning at our Father's table, 

looking into His eyes, 

My heart sees and knows that 

I am finally home where I belong.

I Am His Beloved and He is Mine.

He is my Heart and I am His.

~Is 32:18

'My people will abide in a peaceful habitation,

 in secure

dwellings, and in quiet resting places'

Holding His Hand,
Humbled by His LOVE,
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace