Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

The Crowning Grace of Love

The Crowning Grace of Love
While Praying in the RAIN  I experienced seeing what reciprocal LOVE looks like.
I took  this pic this morning while outside praying in the rain.
I love the "crown" response of the rain as it falls upon the earth.
It reminds me of How my Heavenly Daddy crowns me with his
Eternal Love by raining upon my life His Spirit of GRACE.

There is no other way, we are the recipients of His LOVE first;we have nothing to give unless we first receive it from our Father pouring it into our hearts
He first Loved us so that we could LOVE him
His love pours into and through us, flooding the river banks of our lives into the lives
of everyone upon our path.

As I was watching the rain fall,  I could see
his nature expressed in the rain

as Everlasting Loving kindness and Mercy.

I began to feel his loving kindness pouring over my heart,
my only response was to simply receive and
  wear what he was giving me......

the crown of His Grace.


The Crown Of His Presence


Accepting and wearing what he pours into me brings delight and honor to my Daddy.

With all of my heart  I responded back to him by giving to him what he poured into me ~ LOVE.

Giving him all of my adoration just as he was giving me all of his Love and adoration created a greater space of habitation for him to reside and to be enthroned and crowned upon my heart
as he found a resting within me.
While finding a resting place within me, I began experiencing my resting place within His Spirit.
I felt the space I entered into enlarge with what felt like a greater space within Him than I had encountered before;
I felt the expanding of his heart express a greater depth of eternal   Love and acceptance and adoration for I rested in this place within His Spirit.

As I stepped into his heart of unending mercy and acceptance  for me,
He crowned me with His Loving Presence.
His comforting  Spirit of Grace consumed my heart of hearts with what felt like a warm flood of Living waters flowing as a river through my spirit.

As I stepped into GRACE,
 I sat down in my resting place.
At his side I  made myself at home by the fiery furnace and burning torch  of His Love
which was lit and burning bright just for me.
It felt like a fireside chat;
Father to daughter,
along with a warm fluid hug of comforting Love.

I began Seeing how he sees my response to his Love pouring over me.
I was seeing how my response of loving worship  illuminates who He is ~
The  Eternal  flame of LOVE  ~ Mercy and GRACE.

While I'm in the middle of responding to His LOVE,
giving him all of my adoration,
I felt his living waters rise up out of my spirit like a living well,
lifting higher and higher,
like a fluid crown,
Yet is was his living, breathing, moving presence upon the throne of my heart
being my crown.
He crowned me with his Presence.
Feeling His Spirit pouring into me,
I responded to his crowing presence
by giving him all of my life to be enthroned upon.
Reciprocal Love ~ my heart became His throne.

  His crowning Grace for all of us to see and experience. As we respond to His Grace like Rain pouring into our hearts,
our hearts will rise up in greater and greater measures of adoration and praise back to him.

Our loving response  to His Love causes him to have a greater space and place
to be enthroned upon our  hearts ~
causing the Crown of His Presence
(Light of His Countenance, The Light of His Glory)
to rise over us and be SEEN by all.

As the Crown of His Precious Life is revealed  through us

may be his vessel to draw all to His Loving Heart

The GLORY of the LORD YHWH ~
The King of GLORY ~

The burning torch of His Love within us
illuminates  the path before us....and others.

We  become His burning torch of Love
lighting up the path of LIFE for others to see
their way  home to HIS HEART of LOVE just for them.

As He rests upon our lives with His crown of GRACE,
shining the face of His Love within us,
welcoming others home into his arms of Love through us.

The Waters of Everlasting GRACE
washing through
us can only cause a response
within us revealing the
Nature and Presence of our Father abiding as One Heart within us
 as our 'crown' of Everlasting MERCY and GRACE.
"Our Father
(Hebrew for eternal life giving Love)
upon over our hearts.

 Yeshua gave His LIFE for us
so that we may be eternally connected to him
with his life so united to ours that he lives through us,

Christ is our Crown of Glory upon our Heads.
We wear the CROWN of HIS Everlasting Presence
as He Rests  upon the eternal throne of our hearts.

The Glory  of HIS Presence crowning our lives
 is eternally ours and we are eternally His."

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

as we are responding  to Him,

giving HIM  our fully surrendered life and focused adoration, 

we are crowning Him with all of our LOVE......

all of our presence just as he is giving us all of his ~

We Become One Living Heart and Crown of Love

Walking side by side with my King Y'shua ~
Jehovah Ishi
The LORD who is my Husband
~~ In His Grace, At His side, under His arm forever crowned in His Eternal LOVE.

Beloved Carrie Love Grace

To view and read the continuation on this word of Grace go to these link:


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

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