Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

My Name is 'Love,' I am a child of Great Grace

Hello, My Name is 'Love,' I am a child of Great Grace.

My Abba Father calls me, 'My Beloved.'

In January 2010, Abba Father spoke to my heart,
"Write, write, write on MY LOVE...and My Sounds of Mercy."

Thus I began writing on the Sounds of Mercy....pertaining to every aspect of life.

I describe how his LOVE illuminates my life as he leads me to share every good moment that I can recall.

He communicated to me that these were the moments in which He was revealing His nature of 'loving kindness and goodness' to my heart and soul all throughout my life.

Within each loving moment upon this journey in my life he has been revealing the nature and essence of his love for my soul.

I have been studying and meditating upon the nature of our  the Father's Love since 2003.

It was in, January 2010 when I surrendered to writing about the nature of His LOVE for us.

Within two months of surrendering to His call to write, I received a letter from a friend who discovered that the root origin of my name is Gaelic Irish and its literal meaning is 'Agape Love, Beloved, and Love.'

I was named after my great aunt who was part Irish, Welch, and German.

Throughout my childhood and adult life, my favorite color has always been emerald green.

In the Bible, in the book of Revelation, chapter 5, this color is the dominant color in the rainbow around the throne of God. 
This color is symbolic for the Infinite Life and Mercy.

Everlasting Mercy and Agape LOVE is the heartbeat of who our Father GOD is.

Mercy is the expression of everlasting and unfailing Love, compassion, tenderness, and loving-kindness of our Father God

GOD is LOVE who never fails us in any way.
It is His nature and very personality.
Love is always constant in his righteous mercy towards us.

He has always loved every single one of us who is the image and expression of His Image of LOVE birthed out of His heart.
LOVE has loved us before the beginning of time.
He knew us while we were still within His heart womb and breathed us alive into this earthen realm.
He sends each one of us upon each other's paths as love letters sent from his heart to remind us of who He is and how much he infinitely Loves us.
As you read this letter today, know that you are in the now moment of Love and this letter is just one of His Love letters to you to remind you of how infinitely He truly Loves you and has always Loved you.

LOVE is eternal and is the only constant in this world.
There is absolutely no higher power nor greater force in existence greater than Love for GOD is LOVE.
(1 John 4:7-8)

Nothing can destroy Love.
Love is Eternally infinite and is always expanding and creating Life.

Nothing can override LOVE nor overturn his judgment of Mercy towards us.

He is the very life of Mercy who made an Everlasting covenant of Mercy through his own blood before the foundations of the world.

He promised to wholly save us, before any of us were born, for He saw the end from the beginning.
Love laid down His own Life to bring us back into right standing and fellowship, and oneness with Himself (where we came from), The Eternal Light of Heaven's Heart of LOVE.

LOVE stepped over into time to fulfill  His promise to save us by standing in our place for us and  signing the contract in His own perfect blood; He became the total fulfillment of Grace, Grace.

LOVE was compelled to send His own Son to bring us back into relationship with Him. The Son Loved His Father so much that He willing laid down His Life to bring all of His Father's children back home into His Eternal Heart of Love.
Love fulfilled His promise and Love took our place and became our sin for us in our place in order to set us free to be innocent before our Father's Presence.
He placed us inside of the Life of Christ (The Life of Eternal Mercy) and seated us inside of Himself at the right hand side of our Father.
(Colossians 3)
We are now seated in this very moment at the right hand of our Father who is LOVE, where we have always belonged and are forever ONE with Him Who is the Life Flame of Eternal Love.

Our part now is to accept and embrace our ONENESS with
We are children of the Light of Eternal LOVE,
 His name is Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ), the Anointed ONE.
As we are ONE within Him, eternally abiding in Him who is LOVE, we are now everything who He is.
As He is Anointed, we are too for we are One with The Anointed One of Heaven.
As He is LOVE, we are too for we are One with the Life of LOVE.
As He is Holy, we are too for we are One with The Holy One of Heaven.
As He is Beloved, we are too for we are ONE with the Beloved of Heaven.


Writing and singing of Our Father God's LOVE is my passion in life.
I Love our Father God who says to all of His Children,

He made each one of his children in His very own image...

As He Looks at you, all that He sees is His LOVE.

He is looking at the image of HIS LOVE He created you in.

He only sees you as LOVE; absolutely nothing else....but LOVE.

I pray His Blessings upon your life as you come to know Who Love is and
that He is the One True Beloved Love.

I trust Love to pour out revelations of His lavishing Love for you every day of your life.
His love for you is always moving forward, growing, expanding, and never ever ceases.

He is the One True Everlasting LOVE..

"In this very moment, Trust, him, the Wind of  LOVE is blowing  through your spirit,
  strengthening you for this moment by moment journey with Him.
We live in side of his everlasting LOVE, moment by moment.
As we live moment by moment in his love for us, we receive the strength for each moment.
His Love causes our hearts to know that we eternally live in triumph within Him who our victory is giving us perpetual triumph inside of his Life.

As he beholds us before his face he forever sees the Image of Himself he created you in.
He beholds the image of his own life of Love inside of you.
You are made in His Image: The Light of LOVE.
He calls you by His Name, He calls you, "My Beloved.'

"LOVE, Beloved, Agape LOVE."
I am a child of God (LOVE).
I am Beloved through his eternal Grace upon eternal Grace.
I have my Father’s Eyes.
I belong to the Kingdom of LOVE.
I live inside of The Eternal Golden Fields of Grace.
His Mercy forever Rains 'Reigns’ upon and through my life.
I am His Queen Bride;
He calls me by his own name, 'Love.'
When He speaks my name, He says, "My Beloved."


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013