Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Falling Into The Arms of Love

You're My own Bright King,
You're My Strength and Shield
You've carried me through this valley
in which you alone have known and

 fully experienced with me.

Father, You carried me next to your heart

in your arms of Love.

"Carry Me"
by Kari Jobe

 Within my journey over the past ten years, over seven of those years  I had  experienced chronic migraines. which were triggered on by the scent of candles, perfumes, soaps, shampoos, all chemicals, and sunlight.

It was the Love of Abba that sustained me while I spent so many days of my life during this time not being able to move.

In the depth of the pain
I experienced my heart grow closer to him in a very special way;
I felt him holding my entire being in his arms.

He brought forth much good out of what I had gone through;
intimacy with Him.

He caused my heart to know how to be still and rest inside of His Heart.

I gained insight on the depths of Love when all I could do was fall into his eternal embrace...of everlasting GRACE.

I experienced knowing in the depths of my heart that I am forever held within his heart.

When all of our plans in life don't work out,
when we are not able to accomplish our dreams in this life the way we dreamed they would happen,
we find ourselves surrendering  our hearts,
positioned in a place called,
"Abandoned to LOVE."

It is total surrender and acceptance because there was nothing else left within me,
no strength in my own self to lift myself up to make it happen.

If something was going to happen in my life, only he could bring it about.

This is the place where I experienced him as the total fulfillment of every dream of my heart.
Knowing Him and Him alone became my only dream.

It is in this place we experience him as the one who never fails.

When all other disappoint us nor want us around,
regardless if it is because of an illness or because we're not like them,
he is the one who always wants us around.

He wants us to be with him. He desires for us to abide inside of his heart,  united in Love,
living as 'one' with him as he holds us.

Our dreams may fail but  Love never fails us.

By the fall of 2010 I experienced a warm healing flow in an amazing way when a special group of loving people surrounded me with loving prayer in the Name of Yeshua.

They continued to walk with me in prayer as I began experiencing repeated kidney pain, vision loss, hearing loss, body wide muscle pain, seizures, including  feet pain to the point that I could barely walk. 

My daily prayer was and still is, 

'Father, show me how You see me
so that I can see myself
in the same way You see me with You."

Reveal to me the depths of your Love for me while I am suffering.

Reveal the strength of your abiding love within me to every area of pain.

I continued to see my self in His Heart as he sees me.

  I walked it out by faith.
Little by little, victory by victory,
I gained healing in each area of my body, heart and soul.

His heart kept speaking to me that I would come out of
this seemingly dark place to the other side of this pain.

In this dark place is where I found his love shining the brightest.
I found him as my greatest treasure hidden in these dark clouds.

He knew how to heal me, as he had me poised in the right place,
the place of abandoned rest in my heart, soul, and body.

 I found my  place of complete rest for my heart,
soul and body is being held His embrace of everlasting, total accepting Love just for me.

experiencing the depths of each kind of pain I've experienced in this life ....
I found myself being Held in the depths of his Arms of Loving Grace.

No matter the depths of our greatest pain and suffering,
 we will experience his Mercy and Grace going even deepr than our deepest pain and suffering.

Love the arm holding me.
Love........ is the river flowing through me.
Love........... never fails me. Love never fails you.

I am at Love's side,
under his Wing,
protected and provided for at all times by my King.
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

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