Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Daddy's Mercy Melts Away All Fear

Psalms 33:5
"...The earth is full of his unfailing love..."

We are in the womb of his unfailing love. His mercy melts our hearts consuming all fears.
Our hearts can relax and melt in His presence when we finally realize we are his babies.
He made us His own with love when He made us in His image.
He himself Mercy; the essences of his being consistently displays the natures of moving compassion.
He loves deeply, tenderly embracing us always with loving kindness.

When He made us in the womb He made us with deep love and the kind of compassion that says,
"I have unfailing steady and unwavering love for you, my love.
I am making you my own and calling you by my name....My Name is LOVE"

I can see Him so excited and intense about us,
like a mother eagle is who watches ever so intently over her eggs waiting for them to hatch.
He does not take his eye off us for one second.
He does not take His eye off of the sparrow.

He chose the word mercy to describe his deep tenderness for us.
In Hebrew, to have mercy is the word racham.

He uses this same word in Hosea 2:23 when
He says he betroths us to himself forever in righteousness and justice,
 in loving kindness and mercy,
"I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord."

His racham (mercy) is the same word used when tenderly loving one's child.
He chose the word racham when speaking about us as his children;
and of course he would, for he when he made us, made each one of us with deep love in his heart and soul knowing every little detail about us.

He numbered hair on our heads,
detailed the numbers of our days we will live,
the exact DNA we have.
He experiences with us our every coming and going,
rising and laying down.
He is so very involved in every detail of our lives because he is the very LIFE OF LOVE living within us

He has never been apart nor separated from us.
It wasn't just two thousand years ago that Jesus Christ died for our sins, the Word says it was before the foundations of this world that Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. This means he made a way to be with us before the beginning of time, before the sin of Adam and Eve, GOD the Father made a way to be with us.

Racham is the origin of the Hebrew word for rechem meaning"womb" .
Is.49:15, God asks, "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on [racham] the son of her womb [rechem]?
Fathers have feelings of compassion racham for their offspring, ps. 103:13.
God as Father tenderly loves us as his own
showing compassion towards us who are weak and defenseless.
God sets the example by His constant compassion for the helpless
and undeserving
In Isaiah 54:8-10, he shows us again what ramuach looks like.

When He stares into our eyes,
He sees love in our hearts.
He only sees us through the eyes of LOVE and LOVE alone.

This comforts our souls and melts away any need to hide behind leaves of shame.
We can come out of hiding trusting Him to consistently love us completely
without any wavering in His soul and heart towards us.
As his babies, we can bear our wounded hearts and souls before Him allowing
the Dew of His Love to melt away all fear and harm that the world tormented us with.

The Lord gives grace to the needy,
mercy to the humble, opportunity to those who resist,
and an invitation to all.
He is slow to anger and rich in love.
In our humility, acknowledging his presence,
He will meet us there.

Love Outran Me ~ by Worship Mob

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

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