Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Pearl of Great Grace

Amazing Grace by Christ Tomlin

The Pearl of Great Grace

'In the deep, inside the hard oyster shell of his protective Love is where you are eternally held while on the outside, the storm rages, yet your heart is forever covered and protected by our
One Life of 'Forever Abiding Love.'

"My Beloved Child of Grace,
My Love is never apart from you, I am the One who is forever covering and
holding your heart in the palm of my hand.
I am right there with you in the midst of the storms in this life.
Despite the storm that is raging in the middle of the night,
My Love I am here in the deep, at the bottom of the ocean floor holding you in my 'forever' Loving embrace.
You are my delight, I'm with you in every night.
I'm covering and embracing your heart in my protective Love while on the outside the storm rages.
You're hidden in the center of  My Peaceful Heart.
Beloved, I am your  forever anchor who holds you steady and on course.
Beloved,  I AM your Anchor who holds your life securely in the palm of my hand,
covering your heart from the raging seas."

My Pearl of Great Price, I've given you my whole Life,
You are My Beloved Child of Grace
Born by my covenant Hand upon your Life,
You are Mine, My Beloved
Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace
                                                            My Beloved by Kari Jobe   

For seven years of my life I experienced debilitating migraines to such a degree that I couldn't go into public places without the smell of candles and perfumes, chemicals triggering a migraine.
I was so bound by fear at the single thought or slightest hint of  experiencing another migraine that I would isolate myself. Just the thought of this kind of pain triggered tears and caused me to beg for a way of escape from it.

In the end, it all turned out for my good as all I could do was surrender and release my spirit to 'be' with His Holy Spirit while my brain and body was experiencing incredible pain.

His Spirit became my total comfort, my total source of peace, and my best friend. His very Life and Breath is my everything. He is my Shalom. His LOVE became My LOVE; united with His Spirit,
resting (abiding) as 'One Spirit' inside of my heart.
His Spirit united with mine in the most intimate 'union' while He wholly 'rested' within me,
comforting my heart and soul.
He wholly consumed me with his Presence as his Spirit wrapped me up in His arms.
He became my sole source of total Love and Life.

Just resting and abiding in His Presence and Love for me became my way of life.

Holy Spirit always responds to the Blood of Yeshua resting upon the mercy seat of our hearts. As we yield and invite His Spirit to rest upon ours as His throne, where the life of Yeshua's Life Blood is forever applied, His Manifest Presence of LOVE will abide and rest with you, and wholly consume your heart to live with you  forever as 'One heart.'

Yield to His Love for you today, allow LOVE to be enthroned as King upon the mercy seat of your heart.
His Life of Mercy, Love, and Grace will forever lead you and you will experience His Spirit as the LIGHT of TRUTH illuminating each moment you breathe, each thing you look and think upon, he will guide.
His Love will set the pace of your walk as you take each step upon the path of His Life of Truth and Mercy.

Rebecca Love Grace

The Anchor Holds

Beloved Warrior Bride Carrying the Captivating
Fragrant Life of  The Beautiful ONE ~   ' Love and Grace'
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013


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