Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Monday, August 18, 2014

Awakening of LOVE ~ Be Loved My Beloved

Eternal Loving-Kindness is carrying my life......

I accept the truth He absolutely Loves me no matter what.
I yield, surrender..and just say Papa!

His unbounded, unchained LOVE imparts into our hearts faith
to believe and trust Him for what seems to be the impossible
in this natural realm.
Yet ALL is  fully possible with HIM who is the All powerful,
He is The One who promised TO HIMSELF to save us.
and then stepped over to the other side to fulfill the very promise He made to Himself.
You and I  can at any time come and sit in His manifest Presence Abba.... Lap.

You may ask, "How?'
It is all because of WHO HE is,
HE is Everlasting Loving-Kindness
who has joined our hearts with His

HE is The the very LIFE essence of the
Everlasting Covenant of Love.

The IMAGE of LOVE grows till He
is manifesting
(The Life and nature of His Love)
in all areas of my life....
His Grown up Ripe Truth Fruits of LOVE.
He has drawn me with the cords of HIS Loving-kindness.

He has sown His Life of LOVE into me.

I can't help but give all the LOVE back to which He poured into me.

Reciprocal  LOVE.

Love breeds more LOVE.....
When we sow more LOVE...
we are breeding more LIFE of LOVE...
till LOVE is all grown up in all areas.

His Life seed inside of me carries His image
and I cannot help myself but to grow up as His image in this earth.

Even when I fail,
His nurturing supply,
which to me is much like a spiritual umbilical cord,
forever flowing
(there is not a shut off valve).

His Spirit grows our ONE HEART of LOVE
through His very strength pouring into us.

As a Daddy nurtures His ONE HEART within us
it is His Love giving us His own life giving strength to grow
up from glory to glory into the fullness of His Jesus image;
He has given us His DNA,
as He is, so are we...
We are the image of His LOVE expressed to one another on this journey upon this path of Life.

The same Blood of Jesus was powerful enough to save me,
is the same blood that keeps me,
grows me up.

His Love pouring into me is what (WHO) centers me...
draws me, carries me into a single eyed focus.....
because his unconditional accepting
Fathering and Mothering heart of LOVE for me lets me know I have an absolute safe place of belonging in His presence at all times regardless of my lack of effort,
my failures, my sin, pain or illness, or lack of focus or praying, meditating, reading the Word; why?

It is because He is My Daddy, whom I always, always at all times have a place on His Lap.
(By the way, my best efforts wouldn't get me into this place of manifest presence...
it is only by His Spirit of Love who is ONE with me and .....
also who is also the Very Tabernacle of HEAVEN...
who is ONE with me....

The Finished Work of the Cross is GRACE upon GRACE ~

He took on all of the burden of the promise
He made to himself to wholly save us.
He made the promise then stepped onto the other side to
become the fulfillment of the promise on our behalf.
He removed the heavy burden from our shoulders by
carrying it upon his thus enabling us to fully be in His manifest all times.

Through Yeshua's perfect obedience to the Father we have full access,
acceptance and belonging in our father's presence at all times.

His Everlasting Mercy ~ YHVH's LIFE BLOOD in Yeshua
is the place (position) of life he placed us into ....
He placed us inside of the LIGHT OF HIS LIFE.

We live
The Spirit of Mercy,
The Spirit of Faith,
The Spirit of Truth,
The Spirit of GRACE
The Timeless Tabernacle

Heaven(s) who is also living
of us.
Yeshua is the Eternal YHWH BLOOD on the
MERCY seat sounding out the sound of MERCY for us at all times.

His Blood upon the Mercy seat eternally intercedes for us on our behalf.

The Sound of His Merciful Life is flowing at all times occupying all space, and is never ceasing.

Abba Father only sees us through the Life of His SON
(His Gift of Mercy for us).

Abba Father Sees us through His Son's Life blood.
He only sees us 'inside' of His Life Blood and image of His Son.
He has placed us IN CHRIST.
He is at all times wholly pleased with us because we are at all times wholly covered and hidden inside of his life blood.
When Father sees us He sees CHRIST.

Upon us accepting the Spirit of Christ we become One Spirit with HIM who is Christ the anointed One.

We become the 'Beautiful ONE HEART' of LOVE
who lives inside of His Spirit Heart Home
as well as His Spirit living within us as his 'Temple' whom he wholly sanctified through his perfect obedience by laying down his own life blood.

He perfectly pursues us with everlasting goodness and mercy at all times.
Just trust that he is good to you because this is who HE IS.
He is the very life of Goodness.
He is the very life of Everlasting Kindness.
He is the very life of Everlasting Mercy.

He is the very life of Everlasting Grace.
He is the very life of Everlasting LOVE.
Ahava - LOVE

Forever IN   ~ Love,
Abiding at Abba's side inside of the Living LIGHT of LOVE ~
Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace

copyright 8-18-14

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