Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nestled In Among The Oaks On The Corner Of Cedar and Pine

Nestled In Among The Oaks On The Corner Of Cedar and Pine

November 4, 2013 at 3:05am

1 Thess. 3:12

 "And the LORD make you to increase and abound IN LOVE ONE TOWARD ANOTHER, and TOWARD ALL MEN, even as we do toward you."

I remember the day when the Adoni said to me,
" I will show you my bride, you will see them with your own eyes."

He opened my eyes to see the beauty of His bride, the beautiful lowly ones walking in the humbleness of His LOVE.

I found them set aside in the lower parts of Ascension nestled in among the oaks on the corner of
Cedar and Pine.

They are lowly ones walking in steadfast Love for one another. 

They are broken heart menders and living word givers  reaching out to the community around them, freely giving what they have freely received.

Saturday, while at Christ Healing Community's yearly 'give away,' I was standing under the shade of an oak tree looking up at the street signs 'Cedar' and 'Pine' when I thought out loud to myself,

"Love really does matter most of all.'  ~~~~ 

There once was a time when I suffered for over seven years, almost daily, from migraines.

They were triggered by any hint of a chemical scent from soaps, shampoos, detergents, candles, perfumes, and more.

I couldn't go into a grocery store without getting a migraine.

By the end of 09 I began experiencing seizures triggered by chemical sensitivities and sounds and they also began in during my sleep.

I also began experiencing vision and hearing began fluctuations during this time.

There were more times than I can recall in which all  I could do was lay as still as possible,
barely whispering prayers and praying in tongues; and many times I felt that all I could do was simply sigh out a groan.

It was during these deepest moments of aloneness while in pain that time felt as it was nothing but a blur,

yet I experienced my spirit being held by The Holy Spirit. I began to deeply experiencing His Spirit interceding for and communing with mine.

By 07 I allowed my three  older children to live with their dad because I barely could physically take care of myself.

David's natural father was never in his life and there was no family available for me to turn to for help.

David, who is my youngest child, remained with me; it was the two of us traversing throughout this healing journey.

He witnessed seeing me in great pain and also witnessed seeing me experience God's healing Love flow into my body.

David witnessed seeing me experience body wide pain, feet pain to the point I could barely walk, and when he was five years old he saw me have seizures.

What he was seeing me go through grieved my heart, yet all I could do was 'trust' and 'abide' while I remained in a state of prayer morning and night with David right there with me. 

There is beauty that Daddy God was developing within our lives as David, at such a young age began seeing and experience the Faithfulness of GOD as he witnessed the fruition of so many healings.

God has used my life as an instrument demonstrating patient trust and steadfast faith in GOD while going through such a difficult time. 

At such a young age he's seen me cling to Jesus with all of my might, yet  finding out all my own might wasn't strong enough;  once all my strength was gone I experienced His Strength holding on to me.

Once in the middle of a seizure, as dark as it was when everything went black, I can truly say I experienced His Presence with me and knowing it was only Him alone who held my very existence together.

I felt my heart eyes awakened to knowing His Spirit within mine and around mine,  holding me together with all of HIS Might;

I instantly had a knowing that not one ounce of my own strength could ever do this for me.

Morning and Night, David and I would read the word together and pray;sometimes we even built a tent to huddle under and pray.

David is now experiencing the joy of taking walks with me, going to the park to play, playing ball with me ( as of today, its not only baseball its now volleyball too). 

He and I can  go shopping together now, I've gained the stamina to home school him, and yes, we even dance and wave banners together.

 By the time the end of 09 rolled around, as a result of all health issues I was experiencing, I was unable to operate my  business, I experienced a quick marriage that quickly ended in divorce, and became homeless, yet  even during this time I experienced  

The Holy Spirit at my side and leading me to a place to rest our heads. 

Many times throughout this journey He reminded me  that He (Jesus) didn't have a permanent place to live, he went where ever His Father led him. 

As He reminded me of this fact, I became willing to let go of all expectations of having a home in this life that I could call my own in order to have him alone as 'my forever, eternal, heart home.'

He became my only source of security and safety in this world; it became my sole desire to be led by Him at all times, to go  wherever  he led me to be throughout this journey here in the earth.

As Father was Jesus' True Heart Home while he walked here on the earth in his physical form, I also came to know that my True Heart Home is My Father's Heart. 

My Father is my True Home Sweet Heart Home.

His NAME is Like Honey upon my lips. His heart fills mine with the Honey of His Sweet Life.

During 2010, I said to GOD,
"God if my life is spent laying on this couch worshiping you, then so be it.  It is the best place I could ever be because I am with YOU; all that I want in this life is to be with you."

After 7 years of painful migraines, and  going through so much of what I call the 'wine press,'  He led

me to this small body of believers from diverse backgrounds, yet the fragrance of Love remained the

strong unifying glue.A friend beautifully stated it to me like this,

"Once you have been through the "wine press" and "pressed beyond measure" (2 Cor. 1:8),  the many individual grapes become WINE through the pressure.

Each individual grape looses its thick skin and gets lost in the unity, but keeps the flavor and smell of the original fruit.

This body of believers  resemble the  one we know in Song of Solomon as the Shulamite who was living  out on back side of no where in the lower regions of the country side.

They are made up of sinners who became free from chains that no man could set them free from.
Only experiencing the all consuming power of His Love is what set them free.

For each one, this little white church sitting on the corner of Pine and Cypress became a watering well where the Shepherd King met them right where they were at in their life and nurtured each one back to life.

He  nurtures each one with the broken bread of His life, filling each heart with His Everlasting Living
Waters,quenching the deep thirst within.

Within this place He reveals Himself as the Fountain of Life quenching the deep need within every heart.

It became a place for the for the lost sheep to run to.

It is where  the prodigals traveling along a long and dusty road  could see their Dad from afar running out towards them with wide open arms ready to hug them with His forever belonging heart hugs.

These are the ones whom other churches probably wouldn't allow in the doors, fearful their carpet may get soiled.

Most every walk of life is represented here: prostitutes, ex-prisoners, dug addicts, the homeless, the family-less, the abused, the forsaken, the widows and orphans, nursing home residents, the sick and disabled, the old and the  young.

The Shulamite, just as these listed above, considered herself to be the least of the least;  flat chested, scorched brown by the sun, and unlovely. Her family and world did not think much of her. 

Yet  there was One man, a Shepherd,  who thought much of her; He wooed her and pursued her despite how unlovely and unacceptable she perceived herself to be, as this is what she was told all of her life.

These lies became like a warm familiar blanket she could only identify her self with and see through a glass darkly, a vague image of what she dreamed to be.

The Shepherd king won her heart over through unconditional love, forever wooing her heart with loving-kindness to see into His so that she could see herself through His crystal clear heart reflecting to Her how he has always seen her before the lies began.

He escorted her to His home by way of an obscure place.
This obscure way is The Way of  the secret stairs where He shelters her under the shadow of His wings in the cleft of the Rock, holding her close to his chest as His Beloved One.

While hidden away in the cleft of the Rock, her heart awakened to see this place as her true heart home;

This place is HIM, The Cleft in the Rock is His Presence;
Her Shepherd is her true heart King who has been her true heart home all along, even before the beginning of time.

As ONE, she and her king 'ascended' up into the mountain till they reached the top which He and she calls,  'The Rock of United LOVE.'

It is here, He began calling on the north, south, east and finally the west winds to blow through her garden heart  enclosed, which had become their secret habitation;
ONE HEART HOME united in Love.  

It is here standing upon the mountain top 'United as One In LOVE' where He removed His shepherds garb to reveal to her heart it was Him The King of Glory who has been the One pursuing her all along.

He awakens His beloved's heart to know that despite her lowly beginnings,
His heart has only seen her as his bride before the beginning of time.

It is Him, The King of Glory, who has been her ONE true LOVE all along.

Standing as ONE, the winds blowing through their ONE heart home,  the fragrance of
'The Beautiful One's LOVE' is carried by the winds of His Grace throughout the world beckoning every heart to come home.

He is in LOVE with her. He is in Love with His church. He is in Love with you and I. 

He is in Love with this small  body of believers, whose  hearts are united as one,
meeting in this tiny white church nestled beside to an old oak tree next to the railroad track on the corner of Cedar and Pine.

The world doesn't think much about them but GOD, our Shepherd King does.
Our King of Glory's heart is fully tilted towards them, His Shulamite bride. He is their Heart's Home.

It was in this little place  among these precious 'beautiful Ones' who, as they were  praying for me  that I experienced healing power flow throughout my body. 
It was a few days later I realized I was not experiencing migraines. I had experienced pain for so long I had forgotten what it felt like to be pain free.

 I felt like I was holding my breath waiting for the next migraine but it never came. There's just really no words to express how grateful of a feeling I felt to not be in  this kind of pain any longer.

I was deeply thankful to Father of all Mercy and GOD of all comfort for His healing LOVE that came through these 'Beautiful Ones,' who to me is His Shulamite Bride coming up out of the wilderness fully leaning upon her Shepherd King.
I too am like this Shulamite bride coming up out of the wilderness leaning fully upon My Beloved Shepherd King.

 I've traversed through such brokenness that all I could do was lean fully upon the strong walls of this 'Water Well' while His bride served to me The Waters of His Life to quench my deep thirst.

I could feel The Fountain of Life  seated next to me pouring into my heart and  soul the Waters of Everlasting LIFE.

I experienced Him feeding me the broken bread of His life and taking my place while nurturing me back to life.

As I journeyed through this wilderness, all hope of relying upon  any efforts of my flesh to bring myself up and out  was gone; fully yielded and surrendered to the one who became my only sustenance, my only Husband, my only  Beloved is the one whom I'm fully relying upon and leaning upon as He causes my heart to REST in our 'UNITED ROCK OF LOVE.'

As we ascended into The Mountain of His Presence, He as my Husband, fully carried me through the door into His Heart Home and Chamber.

He then revealed to my heart its been HIM all along; The King of GLORY, who's seen me before time began and has been pursing my heart to be fully surrendered to Him alone as His Bride.

I rely upon His heart to be fully for mine. He is my LORD, My strong tower,  my breath, my strength, my everything. 

HE is my Father.

Yeshua is my brother. 

My Jehovah Ish - My Husband and loving Healer.

He is My banner of LOVE  lifted up High over me.

He is my all in all. He is My Shepherd King who shepherds my heart like no other and who created my heart to be beautifully united with HIM, The King of Glory, as ONE garden heart home which we call, our 'Beautiful ONE.'

This is my story but this is your story too, your heart is His heart's home which he calls his 'Beautiful One' Heart Home.

The King of Glory is calling you Home to abide as ONE withing Him forever in United LOVE.

LOVE matters most of all ~ ~ ~

"The world may be tilted towards the rich and famous but GOD is tilted towards the

underdog, the forgotten ones, the abused, lonely, orphaned, widowed, the prostitutes,

the sick in heart and body.Jesus extends peace to us and says,

 "Drink of my life and you will never thirst again.He says to us, "I Am for you."He is

our friend even before we're willing to become His friend.No one in society is beyond

His extended hand of grace and friendship.

Via my pastor on November 2, 2013  ~ Clayton Hartline
  Song of Solomon 6:8-12
as well as young women beyond number; but my dove, my perfect one, is unique,her mother’s only child,the darling of the one who bore her.
The daughters see her and call

her happy;the queens and concubines praise her.

 “Who is this, shining forth like the dawn,fair as the moon, bright as the sun” —but formidable

as an army marching under banners?[She]to see the fresh green plants in the valley,to see if the

vine had budded,or if the pomegranate trees were in bloom. Before I knew it, I found myself in a chariot, and with me was a prince.

There are sixty queens and eighty concubines,

 I had gone down to the nut orchard

Jesus Friend of Sinners by Casting Crowns


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