Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

My Healing Journey ~ Dance Despite The Pain ~ A message of LOVE from me to you.

Come To the Water, Come To the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink..."
~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

Today, March 27, 2010, a good friend has helped me experience a paradigm shift and see that at this time I possibly
can be an encouragement to you by sharing my story.

I have been battling symptoms of
Systemic Lupus and MS since 2003 with additional symptoms since 2008.
It all began with migraines that quickly became triggered by
scents of shampoos, soaps, candles, perfumes, and detergents...and more.

Because of my professional work and dealing with the public,
I had kept it under wraps the best that I could.
Now, looking back, I do not think I was doing a very good job at trying to do this nor was I doing myself any favors.
I have now learned to become vulnerable enough to share my pain and struggles.

I'm yielding and allowing GOD to use the intimacy of His Love he built within me
through the many storms that blew through my life.

His Love for me only became more real and intense through them.

I yield my life to be a beacon of HIS Great Love,
sharing with you the real and true power of His all encompassing, everlasting, and
unwavering Love for us all.
No matter what storm it is that any of us face, the presence of His gentle Spirit
is constantly with us as we go through them.

For years, at least since 1997, I have felt the nudging of His Spirit to write the books He's placed on my heart.  This past January after I surrendered to writing for Him and writing about HIS LOVE,
His Father's LOVE for us,it was within months after my surrendering He revealed to me the root origin of my name which is  Gaelic Irish.
I was named after my Great-Aunt who was part Irish.
The meaning of my name is "LOVE,"
more specifically, "My Beloved" and "Agape LOVE."  
I am my Daddy's girl.
I have the blue print of His LOVE running through my veins.

He made me in His image and then named me after the nature of the very essence of His image; LOVE.

It is my prayer that He receives all the recognition and Glory in all that He's done and is doing in my life.

During any storm, I am with Him in the Hollow of His hands,
the center of My Father's Peaceful Presence,
the very place Jesus slept at the bottom of the boat.
This is where I live: at His side, under His arm, protected, next to his heart beat, being forever loved.

Jesus knew who He was in the face of the storm - Jesus knew He was His Daddy's child;
there is no storm or power on this planet greater than the Power of HIS Daddy's LOVE.
Nothing in this world can stand up against our Daddy who Is GOD.

He Brings Peace During the Storm; I Come to Know Him as My Jehovah Shalom.
I've come to Know JESUS as my Jehovah Rapha ~ My healer.  HalleluYAH!

The symptoms I suffered through since 2003 ~ they lasted for approximately 7 years:
There have been days I've battled body wide pain,
chronic (every other day/weekly) migraines,
vision loss and fluctuations,
fluctuating blood sugar levels,
fluctuating tingling, burning and numbness in my hands and feet;
chronic fatigue,
fluctuating fever,
right temple pressure and pain,
right eye pressure and pain,
seizures and tremors,
chronic muscle and bone pain
Kidney and bladder pain

 Respiratory symptoms began when I got a cold in March of 2010 and couldn't shake it.
Within that month my body became allergic to almost everything in my environment
causing severe breathing difficulties.
This symptom lasted approximately 7 months  from  March through September  of 201.
 The feet pain was at times to the point I was not able to walk and at other  times I could walk only short distances. This lasted approximately 9 months between the spring of 2011 through January of 2012.

 Yet I will  testify to the TRUTH that my days are ever filled with The Presence of LOVE and PEACE Because my heart and soul is focused on my First LOVE, JESUS.

I know Him as Love.
He is Love.
He is Mercy, and His Love never fails me;
His LOVE for me is steady and never wavers.

It is because of the greatness of His Love for each of us,
He knows us all by name.

His Love is the strength of my life and my days are filled with Hope.
He is my well of Life.
Every day I discover what Grace means by focusing on the path of Love he has laid out for me to follow.

I live a life of dependence through trusting His Love and goodness for me.

Every day, I experience His loving-kindness through caring people,
loving moments and loving memories of all of my children, family, and friends.

I get to tuck away all my special moments into the secret places of my heart to carry as my treasures.

I can pull them out to look at them
any time I want to remind myself of how much He loves me.

Through looking upon my memorial treasures,
I have found He has placed each of you into my life at some point in time,
be it during my childhood, teenage years, or adult hood;
you were for some reason placed on my path of life.....
that I call, "My Path of Love."

He is the master weaver who has woven and intertwined the paths
in our lives; creating a beautiful Poema, a love story.
His Love Story for you and for me.

I am opening up my life to share with you some struggles as well as how He has brought me to a place of experiencing secure Love even in the midst of life's storms.

Jesus Christ is The True Anchor who holds.
At His side being Loved,

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace 

Dance Despite The Pain 

(Photo taken, April 28, 2002)

~~ SEE & BE ~~

(February 17, 2012)

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles
the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ
in you, the hope of glory.
[Colossians 1:27]

A Weekend of Break Through At The Movement In Worship Conference

This weekend at the
Movement in Worship Conference I was encouraged with affirmations 
that rang true to the core of me and that we are moving (living) vessels of Abba's Word (Truth).

We make the movements of TRUTH.
We demonstrate TRUTH through our movements.
We speak TRUTH into the natural realm through our movements in worship.
We prophesy and war through our worship movements.

Our every day life is a worship to Abba
through our every breath, every moment,
and every movement.
We are his living Word of LIFE demonstrated to all who are around us.

As we engage what we SEE in the Spirit and make those movements here we are relating His Spirit of LIFE to others through our unspoken words,
yet in deed our movements Speak LIFE to others.

Abba affirmed to me the Truth of what he has been speaking to me throughout the past several months when I was experiencing incredible pain in my feet; on some days it was to the point of not being able to walk.

My heart's desire was to be able to continue to dance in worship as this has been my favorite way of expressing my Love to Abba.
One night I finally cried out to with all of my heart expressing to Him that I did not want to loose my ability to worship Him in dance.

He immediately spoke and visually revealed to  me,
"DANCE, despite the pain."

There were many times while laying as still as possible because of such incredible pain from migraines and body wide muscle pain that all I could do is engage HIS Spirit with my spirit.

During these times I could SEE myself dancing with HIM.
I could feel my spirit dancing with His Spirit.

When I realized he was speaking to me to BE what I SEE myself doing with HIM, 
I could see myself

SEE and BE......
BE in the natural what you SEE yourself doing with me in the Spirit.

For almost 3 years I had not danced.
There were times at home that I would dare to dance across the floor with Abba holding my arms.
This is where he was transitioning me to walk (dance) in the Spirit of HIS Power in every area of my life.

The feet pain lasted for 9 months.
There were two other times I was invited to dance and I did move out in TRUST to dance, yet each time was brief and I felt ok afterwards.

Each time I stepped out I got stronger physically and my faith increased.
My HOPE LEVEL went up.
My JOY LEVEL went up.
This past weekend at the Movement in Worship Conference, was the first time I truly danced and I was able to dance both days with an incredible breakthrough of JOY and thankfulness in my heart.
Under the unction of the Holy Spirit I was able to RUN out the door with a giant RIVER FLAG
shouting with BREAK THROUGH JOY.

SEE and BE......
SEE it in the Spirit and BE it in the natural.

When we BE what we see our Father doing.........we are birthing the KINGDOM REALITY HERE...through our active movements.....

(We engage with Him in the Spirit and bring it here)
As you know...this is not only for making dance movements...
this is for everything He shows us in the Kingdom..........
We see in the KINGDOM then move upon what we SEE.

May our eyes be focused on THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST alone who is

In Jesus' Name.


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie ~ Love 

Abba, You are the keeper of my heart.
You hold my life in Your hands.
You have made my life brand new inside of You.
I REST IN YOU ~ Oh GOD ~ My Precious Father.

River of Life ~ Movement In Worship Conference ~ Feb. 2012
Song ~ by Audry Assad ~ I Want To Rest In You

I blossom like a flower in the desert ~ You raise me like as a banner of Love
in the midst of the Battle, drawing all who are hungry and thirsty
for your Love to your side Jesus....our King.

"Mercy breathes me back to life, but not before you show me how to die."

You Bind up my brokenness and You cause me to arise
brand new in the fire of Your Passionate Love for my life.

D.s. Lewis Axberg



Inside Of CHRIST Rainbow
Were No Darkness
Can Slip In
Dance Inside
Of CHRIST Rainbow
Where Joy
And Mercy
And Flowing Over
In Fountains
(This Poem Is Inspired By My Precious Twin*Sis Carrie
I Borrow Even The Head*Line From Her….”DANCE INSIDE HIS RAINBOW”….)



Julie True ~ Faith Like A Child ~

Julie True ~ Breeze from Healing Love album

You Are Taking Me To New Places In My Heart.

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