Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Friday, January 25, 2013

Healing For the Broken Hearted

"We may know that God loves us in our heads, but He desires for this revelation to seep into every fabric of our being.
Love is meant to be experienced, not only intellectually understood.

 If we never feel love from those around us, life becomes very empty.
A big hug from someone we care about FEELS good.
A kind word or a loving glance FEELS good.

While our access to God is through faith, we must believe that there is a reward for those that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).
Our ultimate reward is the revelation of our Father's everlasting love for us."
Father's Love Letters

There were times that my heart had been so broken that I thought I would not recover.
Yet it was in those places that I fell into the arms Everlasting Love - 
The One Who truly loved me through and through.
He Loved me with no conditions placed upon me for me to be perfect enough to be loved.

I experienced Him loving me right in the middle of all of my brokenness, my mess, my sin, my failures,  I found his acceptance and unconditional embrace.

He held me and loved me into wholeness.
Just like a bone that breaks and as it mends it actually becomes stronger,
this is what he has done with my heart.

During such brokenness it can feel unbearable at times, 
yet it was in these moments that I found  His presence catching my heart, in his arms.
When we call out to him, his heart makes us aware of how he's been at our side all along; He's  walking through each moment with us, even the deepest hurt and pain
I experienced myself in His arms while he was taking my place in the pain.

 When He took our place on the cross  he did the great exchange with us.
 So too when we turn the pain over to him he takes our place in the pain and carries it for us,
setting our hearts free to feel his loving and peaceful embrace in its place.

takes our place in the depths where our hearts have been shattered, He is LOVE, the very essence and power who holds all things together.

As I experienced him carrying my heart so too will he carry you.

He became strength for me and he will become the strength of your heart too.
He breathed his Peaceful life into my broken hear and so too he will do this for you.

As I  felt my heart inside of His heart,
His breath was breathing strength into the core of my being giving me hope, life, and motivation to look up and arise inside of his Spirit of LIFE.

His life earnestly became the very strength and breath of my heart.

Beloved his heart is for you.
 He will be this for you too, it is because this is who he is,
he is the very essence and life of Eternal Love.

The heart work he began in me took me to what felt like the very depths my soul and heart where I experienced my heart and soul emptied out to who I thought I was;
in this place of surrender He opened my eyes to a new place inside of me where I knew my whole existence was inside of Him and Him alone.

He is LOVE,
I trust Him and Him alone with my whole heart, soul, and body.
When this core transition happens within our hearts, we have nothing leftwithin ourselves  but to breathe in his breath of Love for us.

He teaches and guides us with his Loving hand.
 In this time with him alone we find we can truly trust His Love for us.

We begin to unfold each petal of our hearts in trust, one petal  at at time as we learn to trust Love
till we come to the place of loving him back with the very love he poured into us.

Our being begins to open up to him like a rose to love him with all of our heart, soul, and body.
With all that we are we begin to praise him, love him, worship and adore him with the life of love he first gave to us.


When our hearts awaken to this place of  finding and knowing our life exists inside of him alone, and even knowing we existed in him before we were ever born, we then can move in confident trust in his leading and guiding us within each breath, in each step, each glance of our eyes, each spoken word for each day of our existence.

From the depths  of our being we are completely led by  him alone;
he and I both know my heart belongs completely to him alone.
It is by heart to heart that I know him.

My eyes are upon him alone.
My heart's desire is upon him alone.
He is my burning desire.
He is my burning light of life that is a living torch within my heart,
flaming the flames of his love for all to awaken and come home
to his heart of Love for each one.

Brian Longridge ~ Healing Rain
Healing for the Broken

At His Side, Abiding Under His Wings of Love and Grace,
Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

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