I speak to your heart, hear and receive your Father's Heart..nurturing you.
Seed of the Kingdom of GOD, listen to your Father's Names
Listen to Your Father’s Names
My Father, "HE LOVES ME"
You will know your Identity by His Character
By Carol Nemitz
Let us speak blessings over our Seed:
What better blessing than God’s Name? (Numbers 6:27)
Seed of the Kingdom of God, listen to your Father’s Names:
Your Father paid the highest price for you to be born
Your Father died and rose from the dead so you could be conceived
Your Father loves you this much
Your Father loves your mother this much
Your Father is knitting you in the womb right now
Your Father is your Creator
Your Father is your nourishment and your breath and your life
Your Father is invisible yet all creation speaks of Him
Your Father can’t wait for you to know and understand Him
Your Father has His Hand on you as you grow
Your Father sings over you every day
Your Father tells you stories to help you know His Voice
Your Father can see you in your finished perfected state
Your Father wants to hold you in His Arms
Your Father prays for you every day
Your Father loves your mother very much
Your Father is a good husband
Your Father watches over His Family
Your Father is Wisdom in Person
Your Father is Ever Present
Your Father hears your every sound
Your Father listens to you intently
Your Father is Love in Person
Your Father is sending you colors and songs and creative thoughts
Your Father is sending you inspiration and impartation
Your Father is the Artist that all artists draw from
Your Father can be seen in His creations
Your Father is already making memories for you to enjoy
Your Father is preparing rooms for you to play in
Your Father is making a yard full of toys for you to enjoy
Your Father is wondering what your favorite food will be
Your Father is wondering what your first words will be
Your Father can’t wait to hold you
Your Father will clean you when you are dirty
Your Father will feed you when you are hungry
Your Father is touching your heart to know Him
Your Father hovers over you to familiarize you with His Presence
Your Father will bless other people through your smile
Your Father will lead you throughout your entire life
Your Father will be there for you through thick and thin
Your Father will never leave you or forsake you
Your Father is cheering you on
Your Father will be at all your games
Your Father is excited about giving you your name
Your Father is going to give you His Name
Your Father will open doors for you that no one can shut
Your Father will shut doors for you that no one can open
Your Father will light your every darkness
Your Father will heal your every wound
Your Father will count the hairs of your head
Your Father will write books about your life as you grow
Your Father has great plans for you
Your Father will correct you and disciple you to be great and full of valor
Your Father will train you to follow Him
Your Father will help you see people through His Eyes
Your Father will love people through you
Your Father will help you to control yourself
Your Father will be with you where ever you are
Your Father has been down every path that you will take
Your Father is here with you now
Your Father is your gentle Comforter
Your Father is the Author of Kindness
Your Father will teach you to love the broken hearted
Your Father will teach you to listen for those who are looking for Him
Your Father will help you lead others into His Arms too
Your Father will give you grace to share
Your Father will show you how to walk through the shadow of death and not fear
Your Father retrieves you when you get lost
Your Father welcomes you home when you run away
Your Father will teach you how to work hard and to profit
Your Father will never leave you begging for bread
Your Father will show you how to take His Light into the world
Your Father will teach you to build a refuge for the poor
Your Father will teach you to give generously and to love life
Your Father is giving you Abundant Life
Your Father is your Fountain of Life
Your Father will calm your every storm
Your Father is your Peace
Your Father is your Safety
Your Father can be trusted
Your Father has a vision and a hope for you
Your Father will make sure you eat well and sleep well
Your Father is your Helper and Friend
Your Father has created thousands of angels
who are planning a big celebration for your birthday
Your Father is the Commander and Chief of all Heaven’s Armies
Your Father is your Defender Who Fights for you
Your Father is your Safe Place
Your Father overshadows you with His Wings
Your Father drives the wicked away from you
Your Father reverses any curses that may try to come toward you
Your Father is expert in battle
Your Father is Captain of the Hosts of Heaven
Your Father sends forth His Hosts to act on your behalf
Your Father wants you to own the land
Your Father will teach your hands to war
Your Father will teach you to build His Kingdom
Your Father will give you His Wisdom and Counsel
Your Father has already conquered death, hell, and the grave
Your Father is your Mighty Shield
Your Father is your High Tower
Your Father is your Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Your Father is your Fortress
Your Father is both a Warrior and a Poet
Your Father will teach you to wield His sword
Your Father will equip you in His Armory
Your Father will teach you to ride His Horse
Your Father is your Victory Cry
Your Father will teach you to hear His Trumpet call
Your Father will heal and repair the holes in your armor
Your Father is the wisdom you need in the midst of battle
Your Father is your Victory
Your Father will party with you when you win
Your Father will teach you what pure joy really is
Your Father will give you the happiness you will seek
Your Father will never cease to surprise and delight you
Your Father loves to take the family on adventures
Your Father will teach you the special meanings behind our Feasts
Your Father will have a special word for you each day
Your Father has appointments for you to keep with Him
Your Father will make fresh bread for you every day
Your Father will make a place for you next to Him at His Table
Your Father will give opportunities for you to speak
of the Victories He helped you win
Your Father will teach you to share His fresh Bread
Your Father will teach you to make His Light with a special recipe of oil
Your Father will teach you to share His Light
Your Father will teach you to communicate with Him where ever you are
Your Father will teach you His Ways
Your Father will help you mature
Your Father will teach you to prepare meat for His Table
Your Father will teach you to be giving and hospitable
Your Father will give you unlimited invitations to His Table for you to share
Your Father will help you study His Word
Your Father has written many books for you to read
Your Father has put Himself into His Book just for you
Your Father will give you His Holy Spirit to help you understand
Your Father has written you many love letters
Your Father can’t wait for you to read His words for you
Your Father will invite you to visit with Him every day
Your Father will teach you to document your journey with Him
Your Father will teach you who you are through the characters in His Book
Your Father will teach you how to be a good spouse
Your Father will teach you how to take care of children
Your Father will teach you how to clean them when they are dirty
Your Father will teach you how to feed them when they are hungry
Your Father will teach you how to love
Your Father will teach you how to clean their clothes
Your Father will teach you how to lead your children to Him
Your Father will teach you how to dance
Your Father is good and His mercy endures forever
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and He died and rose again so
you could know God and be victorious in this life.
Words in these notes are from the rhema journals of Carol Nemitz.
More notes can be found at:
Face Book Profile: http://www.facebook.com/
email: gardenwithgod@yahoo.com
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