Looking through his Eyes of Everlasting Mercy we area able to See One another for who we truly are; children of Grace.
"In Isaiah 54:8-10, He shows us again what "Ramuach" looks like by communicating to our hearts,
'With Everlasting Kindness,
I will have MERCY on you. (Mercy = Eternal Womb of LOVE, Compassion, Grace)
Beloved, because of who he is, the Life of Timeless Covenant of Mercy, He only is able to stare into your eyes and see
the Image of Himself, the Life of Everlasting Compassionate Love.
Before time began he saw you inside of himself, breathed you alive inside of his own heart where we eternally abide.
Abba by Jonathan David Hesler
Beloved One of Grace, Father, created you the image of himself, 'Love.' He is Love living inside of you breathing back to him the breath of reciprocal love into his own heart of everlasting, unconditional affectionate and
compassionate grace and love.
He is our Emerald Green Light, The Endless Life of Mercy.
He is the 'Forever Merciful One.'
He is the 'Forever Compassionate Heart'
who forever sees your life through his own Eternal heart of Loving Kindness.
Yeshua is Father's Eternal Life giving gift of Mercy offered up for us as his best drink of LOVE for us to drink from.
He pours the best wine of His Love into our hearts causing us to come back to life..... arising to LIFE inside of HIM.... 'Eternity' The Green Light Life.
He gave his best Love gift of all..for us to be his Bride,
He gave us His own heart of Mercy, Yeshua.
His Mercy Living inside of us is The DOVE of HIS Merciful Love.
His Breath living and breathing through us... breathes his life...... into this world.....
Merciful LOVE ~ Ruach HaKodesh.
His Eternal Eyes are the
Eyes of Everlasting Covenant LOVE,
I affectionately call The Eyes of The Dove.
His LOVE covering us is His Presence expressed as A Mother's Wings covering her young.
We are His Very OWN.
He is our Very OWN.
His LOVE comforts our souls and melts away any need to hide behind leaves of shame.
We all can come out of hiding trusting Him to consistently and completely Love us.
Only as LOVE moves do we move as One Heart with him.
Only as you see LOVE moving do you move with him.
Only as you see LOVE speaking do you speak with him.
Only as you see LOVE moving to minister his life giving Mercy to
someone's heart..... you also move in synchronize rhythm with him as his hands and
feet pouring His loving light into their hearts.
You are ONE with HIM who IS the life of the DOVE (Merciful LOVE) living and breathing as one heart inside of yours.
Father, We say YES...to you. Teach us the Way of LOVE We were made for LOVE. Father you are LOVE.....You wholly and completely abide within us as the 'Beautiful ONE'
Our HEARTS are WIDE OPEN to GIVE LOVE as you gave us your LOVE....We Lay our lives down for the sake of LOVE.
Father's affectionate Love breathes through our hearts,
meeting all of our need
and makes us well.
The Wings of His Dove is spread wide over us,
forever sheltering us under the cool breeze of
safe and secure, belonging Love.
placed us in the safest place we could ever be;
He placed us inside of Himself,
Heaven's heart.
His very own Heart of Mercy ~
The Dove ~ Ruach HaKodesh is our Holy Breath.
We live inside of of His Everlasting Merciful,
Life Giving Breath,
breathing as
Holy Breath.
Mercy is forever before his face.
Mercy's eyes
are always upon our
One heart throne
of abiding Love within us.
Yeshua is the very Life of The Eternal Blood Covenant of Mercy laid upon the Mercy Seat within our ONE HEART
temple home.
Our heart is covered under the shadow of His Wings where we forever rest. Our hearts have become His Throne of Glory. Our heart temple is filled with the light of His Glory. We carry the Light of His Life Giving Fragrant Life of Love.
Love Covers our One Heart throne with the very light of His Life, The Light of Glory.
We have become Love's Home and throne of Glory.
Father LOVE
Father 'LOVE' is forever motivated by LOVE for us.
Father 'LOVE' forever expresses value for us.
Father 'LOVE' is forever committed to us, never lacking in in seeing all dimensions of our heart.
Father 'LOVE' forever accepts us in His Everlasting Covenant of Mercy.
Father LOVE forever covers us and desires us.
Father LOVE is forever pursuing us with
Compassionate and affectionate Merciful Loving Grace.
Father LOVE laid down his own Life, 'The Blood of Mercy' upon the throne of our hearts. Our Hearts have become his very own throne where His Life abides, rests, rules and reigns from.
HE is HEAVEN Living within Our Hearts ..........
Inside the Fiery Furnace of Your heart, Under the Shadow of Your Love, The Dove's wings, I find my Rest.
We forever find our rest under the shadow of 'Belonging in LOVE'
We are His children made in His image and brought us home to
His heart through his everlasting covenant of Mercy (Yeshua).
His own Merciful life blood was given to bring us home to REST with Him in ONENESS of Everlasting Abiding Love.
The Furnace ~Under The Shadow Of Your Wings by Jason Upton
We live, abide, and dwell....at home...
inside the fiery furnace of his Love, abiding under the shadow of His Gentle Breeze
"Abba Father always shelters our hearts with his tender loving care. It is because this is simply who He is. Tender Love is His essence and nature. He is tender in all of his ways with his daughters of Grace. He is true to us, through and through. He is the One who is Faithful and True. He humbly leads us in the way of LOVE and LIFE, serving our hearts his very best, his own 'bread' and 'wine'
from the depths of his heart, created just for us. He loves to be in
relationship with his Beloved Daughters of Grace. He is real, true,
faithful, merciful, humble and honoring of our very lives that were
created in his heart before time. We are part of who he is, He is LOVE, who redeemed us back to himself, LOVE. LOVE heals LOVE back to himself through laying aside his very own life to have her as his beloved Bride."
Beloved Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
Beloved, LOVE one another deeply, purely, genuinely, steadfastly....in the power of his grace.
John 13:34-35 "So I give you a new command: Love each other deeply and fully. Remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. Everyone will know you as My followers if you demonstrate your love to others."
Heart of Grace Beloved, Beautiful One ~ Your heart is surrounded by Abba's Beauty and Peace.
Beautiful One, your one heart is beating with his, you are surrounded by Grace.
He covers and shelters you with his wings called 'Forever - Love and Grace.'
Under the sheltering wings of Timeless Love and Grace, Abba comforts you in His Tender Embrace of Everlasting Grace. Beautiful Child of Grace, Inside His sheltering Heart is where your soul is healed and leaves of shame fade away.
Beloved, One, Beautiful Child of Grace, Father is your very first Love. His Spirit broods over you this morning, forever wooing you closer, to take that step into the light of his timeless heart.
He invites you to 'HEAR' his heartbeat for your life.
Beloved Grace, you are dearly Loved.
He forever affectionately expresses his Love for you in every way in each and every day.
The rhythm of his heart speaks to yours, 'I love you dearly, I love you truly, I love you faithfully, I Love you eternally, I Love you with all of my life, I Am Forever Enduring Love.'
Beloved Grace, you are fully alive abiding inside of the Tender, Humble, Gentle, laid down Life of Eternal Covenant LOVE ~
Yahushua HaMashiach made you ONE with your Father GOD who is LOVE.
Beloved FATHER, thank you for expressing your life of Love to us through your Son Yeshua.
I can forever Love you because you placed your 'Forever Heart of Love' inside of mine.
Father, When we SEE You.... we SEE the GREEN 'LIGHT' OF ETERNAL LOVE.
Your life resounds the 'volumes' of his Sounds of Love Your life speaks the 'volumes' of his words of Love.
Your life is orchestrated as the rhythm of his heart and the sound of His Love flowing through your hears is His Greatest Symphony of Love.
You are his fragrant life giving love letter birthed from the womb of his heart, releasing the rhythm of his heartbeat of mercy and grace to all whom he places upon your path.
Did you know You're a Word from Heaven's heart?
Did you know that each new life born into this world is a new life, new sound from Heaven's heart beat born into this world?
Your life 'resounds' the rhythm of his heart beat of Life Light LOVE (waves) into this world.
Do you really know, you're a child of GOD, carrying the light of His Heart, resounding his heart beat through the very essence of your life.
Heaven's heart of Loving Grace is made manifest through your life.
All of Creation is groaning to HEAR HEAVEN's HEART THROUGH YOURS.
WE SPEAK THE SOUND of LOVE birthed from our hearts
(our Hearts Abiding as ONE with Heaven's Heart of LOVE) we are releasing
Heaven's Heart beat of 'LOVE and Mercy' into each other's souls and hearts, and bodies.
When we release the sound of our hearts....we are releasing the
Light Waves of Heaven's Abiding LOVE to each other as it
travels upon the sound waves of our voices ....piercing directing into our hearts.
All of creation craves the Light WAVES of HIS LOVE.
HEAVEN's HEART is made evident through ours.
Blessed are the peace makers, they shall be called the sons of YHVH.
Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE and GRACE Beautiful ONE Captivated by LOVE and GRACE ~ Releasing the Sounds of His Fragrant Heart of Merciful LOVE
New Life is Born Arise inside the Life of Your Beloved One.
My Beautiful Dove I See the winds of New Life Arising, Come away with me My Beloved Dove fly with me in the Winds of LOVE created just for us.
Catch the trade winds of New Life in the sails of your Beautiful One Heart birthed under the Shelter of Father's Wings.
Within the secret chamber of Love fly, fly, fly.... My Beautiful One.
Soar My Beautiful Dove forever more.Inside the Life of LOVE.
Sweet One, Fly with me in LOVE.
Fly with me In-side of Our Beautiful One Heart of LOVE.
The atmosphere of Heaven is in our eyes
and in our ears.
I hear the sounds of Rain
pouring down far and near.
I feel the scent of rain
pouring down upon my skin.
I see the sound of light
coming across the skies.
I melt in his Presence as He thunders the sounds
of His LOVE throughout the night..
Atmosphere of Heaven ~ Dove of LOVE,
you're taking us higher into the cliffs of the rocks.
You've removed the veil of darkness from our eyes,
we see your
for us
face to face.
Face to Face, Heart to Heart together as One we SEE LOVE.
Our hearts begin to see the dawning of our new day
as bright as the new day sun
brilliantly shining
upon the path of LOVE laid out before us.
Atmosphere of Heaven,
we have found You
inside the illuminating canopy of
'The Living Light of LOVE'
My Beloved Dove,
Behind the veil
Inside the secret place of your heart,
I See Love in your eyes.
Beautiful One
I hear
the Heart beat of
flowing as water through your
My Sweet Dove.Come away with me
I behold
Living inside your eyes.
(Carrie, My Love, you Carry the Captivating LOVE and Grace of Heaven within your Beautiful One Heart of LOVE) Carrie ... Rebecca Love Grace
There are times and places we walk through that I call places of 'breaking, molding, shaping and re-shaping....and re-making.'
These are the times where we are in the 'ring' with our trainer who is breaking and training us to 'dance' with Him.
He trains us to follow the very slightest movement of His Spirit...in this 'dance.'
The dance with His Spirit is The Dance of LOVE.
He first woos us, calling us to himself through dancing 'The Dance Of LOVE' over our lives.
He draws us to himself with cords of Loving-kindness. He encircles us with the strength of his love and grace.
It is in this 'ring' where we learn who He is. He is Father GOD who has the lead role in the dance of 'LIFE.'
As he dances over us, He reaches into our hearts and begins leading us in the dance of 'Love and Grace' with Him.
This place is where we feel his hands upon us gently 'circling' us in the patterns of 'LOVE.'
The DNA of Love twirls us around and around upon the floor of
'justice and mercy,' molding and shaping us till our hearts naturally
lean into and follow the gentlest touch of our Father's hands of LOVE.
This place is called, "The Potters House."
Carrie...LOVE ....Grace February 27, 2011 at 7:39pm ·
GOD's Loving-kindness For His People
Hosea 2:14-22
“So I, the Lord, will speak romantic words to her. I will lead her into
the desert and speak tender words. There I will give her vineyards. I
will give her Achor Valley as a doorway of hope. Then she will answer as
she did when she came out of the land of Egypt.” This is what the Lord
“At that time you will call me ‘My husband.’ You will not
call me ‘My Baal.’ I will take the names of those false gods out of her
mouth. Then people will not use those names again.
“At that
time I will make an agreement for the Israelites with the animals of the
field, the birds of the sky, and the crawling things on the ground. I
will break the bow, the sword, and the weapons of war in that land. I
will make the land safe, so the people of Israel can lie down in peace.
And I will make you my bride forever. I will make you my bride with
goodness and justice and with love and mercy. I will make you my
faithful bride. Then you will really know the Lord. And at that time I
will answer.” This is what the Lord says.
“I will speak to the skies, and they will give rain to the earth. The earth will produce grain, wine, and oil, and they will meet Jezreel’s needs. I will sow her many seeds on her land.
To Lo-Ruhamah, I will show mercy. To Lo-Ammi, I will say, ‘You are my people.’ And they will say to me, ‘You are our God.’”
Did you know You're a Word from Heaven's heart. Each new life born into this world is a new life, new sound from Heaven's heart beat born into this world? You're life Resounds the rhythm of his heart beat of Life Light LOVE (waves) into this world.
you really know, you're a child of GOD, carrying the light of His
Heart, resounding his heart beat through the very essence of your life.
Heaven's heart of Loving Grace is made manifest through your life.
All of Creation is groaning to HEAR HEAVEN's HEART THROUGH YOURS.
When Gerbert, heard my voice, he stopped what he was doing, turned and starred at me. As I continued to talk he continued to stare, the light waves upon my voice spoke LOVE to his being.
All of creation craves the Light of HIS LOVE.
HEAVEN's HEART is made evident through ours.
Blessed are the peace makers, they shall be called the sons of YHVH.
LOVE You are My Daddy GOD. You are my source of Life You are my Strength You are my breath of Life I pursue you with all of my heart, soul, life ~ It is here with you I find my life ~ You draw me into your presence ~ Its You Jesus whom I Love with all of my life ~ You've become my song, You've become my delight. You Are My TRUE LOVE
As we lay at his feet we become still .... and begin feeling His heart gently Shepherd us with His Loving kindness and His hand covering us with the light of His tender mercies.
Our hearts begin to beat as one with the Shepherd of our soul. As we listen to the rhythm of his heart,He touches us ever so gently,we begin to know our Shepherd’s heartbeat and we begin to move as ONE Heart with His. Psalm 23"He leads me beside the still waters,He causes me to lay down in green pastures." Illuminating our eyes,we begin to see ourselves as He sees us;we see within ourselves His “LOVE.” Grace of LOVE only sees us through eyes of love,nothing else but His image of LOVE.
~ Beloved Eternal Rose Of Love ~ Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Hidden away inside of the Eternal Garden of Love
Unite with this truth,be this truth,manifest this truth:Truth is LOVE. Trust in LOVE.
"I will Trust in You, You are my hiding Place, You fill my heart with songs of deliverance when I am afraid, You are My Deliverer, I say in my heart, I will trust in You.....Love.... I am made strong in the strength of Your Love for my life.... You are my song of deliverance. I am strong in the strength of Your Love overshadowing my heart. I will trust in You......LOVE. "
Love is our Hiding Place.
Love is hiding your heart within His.
You are hidden in Love.
Within this Hidden place,
LOVE becomes your strength.
His affectionate love for you is what gives you your strength.As
you know his affectionate love for you, which no man can give nor take away,you
will be able to walk into any situation this world offers with your head held 'high' because you intimately know that you are forever affectionately cared for and adored and Hidden inside of Love's Heart. His
affectionate love is what gives us strength for each day.His affectionate
love for us fills our hearts with joy, and the joy of being so deeply loved strengthens our hearts and souls.
Love Surrounds Me on Every Side
He is the Life of LOVE surrounding us, laying down His life to be
our wall of fire..... yes, our protective wall of fire. Love is protective over the ones
He carry's within the fiery blue flame of his heart. We carry the blue flame of his love and His Love carry's us. Our lives laid down to carry the flame of His Love, we becomeHis manifest Fragrant Life releasing the aroma of His Love to all whom He places upon our path.
You carry the essence and message of His Love,His life giving
merciful blood.
His Spirit rests upon you.
He is there loving you
each step of the way...... into and beyond the door....... into
Yeshua is our Open Door into Father's Eternal Heart of Eternal Abiding LOVE.
Love is Truth.Truth and Love are One Justice and LOVE are One Truth and Mercy always fly together.
He is never separated from any other parts of His nature and character. When he is revealing Truth to us, He is revealing Himself, LOVE, to us. When He is revealing His justice to us, He is revealing His LOVE to us Truth and LOVE are ONE He will reveal Truth for the sake of Mercy and What Love reveals.......within our hearts and lives is always because He is
being merciful to us so that we can fully walk in His Merciful, Truthful, Righteous Ways of LOVE.
He will reveal Mercy for the sake of Truth. They always fly together.