Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mercy is His unfailing Love

Psalm 33:4-5
"For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love
Mercy is His unfailing Love...and look around us...
the earth is full of His unfailing love towards us.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Love Mercy

Micah 6:8
"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly,to love mercy,(unfailing love, tenderness, lovingkindness)and to walk humbly with your GOD.

Mercy Expresses Unfailing Love

Mercy is the Expression of Unfailing Love
1 Corinthians 13 4-7
Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Does the Sound of Mercy Sound Like?

What does the Voice of Mercy Sound like?

First by definition Mercy is Lovingkindness.
Psalms 89:14, " Righteousness and justice are the the foundation of your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your Face."

God is showing us who He is. He is showing us His nature.
What we are seeing here is Mercy and Truth go before His Face.
His Face is His Image.

Let's look a little closer.

According to the Old testament writings. The high priest wearing a breast plate called the Ephod would enter into the Holy of Holies to intercede on behalf of Israel.
Around their necks hung a little black sack tucked behind the breast plate. In it was two stones, the umnum and thumin. One is a black stone representing un-forgiveness and the other a white stone representing forgiveness. Before the Throne of GOD, the high priest would reach into the sack to pull out one of the stones. If the white stone was chosen, it meant their sacrifice was perfect and acceptable and their sins completely forgiven.

God is a Just, Holy, Pure, Righteous, and His Judgements sets the standard of Purity
that we in our own flesh are unable to obtain. His justice brings correction and alignment where there is chaos. He's so just that He could not lower His standards, but through His character of mercy He is able to stand in our place to take on all judgements.

Our hearts need a total, complete, unwavering, and solid washing away of all guilt and shame; forgiveness.

It is an assurance deep down in our inner most being always resounding to us, "You are Forgiven; My Mercy is new every morning, My Mercy is always for You."

That is why He reminds us of who He is in 2 Chronicles 5:13,
"...For He is good, For His mercy endures forever."

Our cry for mercy is a cry for a deep fulfilling love that only the Spirit Of God can bring into our hearts.

What is Mercy?

It is Lovingkindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and forgiveness.

God sent forth His Sound Of Mercy: Jesus.

God sent forth His Image of Mercy: Jesus.

Jesus says, "Those who are burdened down and heavy laiden, come unto me and take upon my yoke for it is light and easy. Learn of me for I am humble and lowly......"

He reveals his Father's natures as one who is gentle and kind, willing to take on our burdens, and ready to to wash our feet.
Christ reveals the Father's love by humbling himself, not allowing anything to hinder him from restoring our relationship with His Father.
Christ's love reveals the image and sound of the Father's love.

Who is The Sound of Mercy?


Who is the image of Mercy and Truth that Goes before the Father's face?

Jesus is the image of Mercy and Truth.
Jesus is image before the Father's eyes which He sees us through....always at all times.

Jesus became our White Stone of Forgiveness.

Jesus became our White Stone; offering his body and life blood as the perfect sacrifice to be tortured, beaten, bruised, dis-jointed, and shamed in order to disintegrate forever the unseen yet easily felt invisible barrier called "un-forgiveness."

As He is Love, He made us in His image reflecting images of His nature and character.
He is Love, so just as He desires to love and be loved, so do we.

His loveing desire to relate with us is what compelled Him to asked Jesus to be our Mercy gift, to bring His children back into the "Light of His Healing Love and Oneness with Him."

We deeply yearn to to experience agape love;
To know and to be known kind of love in our spirits that transcends our human definition of Love.
His Image of Love once planted in our Hearts redefines the landscape of our lives as we experience being known and cherished by Him.

You can experience the greatest Love Story of your life.
It is a magnificent story line interwoven with beauty as you willingly give Him the ashes of your lives.
His Love reaches into the deepest ashes of our lives to uncover and reveal the beauty of His accepting and healing Love in places no one thought love could possibly exist.

The begining of your love story begins with the Sound of Mercy.
I can hear you ask me, "What does that sound like?"

It is the sound of the crushing of His Heart as he took on the pain and punishment of sin
that our hearts would have felt....
but he felt it for us....
now we no longer have to feel the pain of separation from our Daddy.

His Heart is the White Stone that was crushed,
sending forth SOUND WAVES
penetrating into all time and space.

The Sound of GOD's Mercy Cry broke through every sound barrier ripping apart all curtains that separated us from experiencing His all Consuming LOVE.

Mercy is unfailing love, meaning His Love is constant and everlasting; it is the only constant in our world.
Unfailing Love resounds as state of constant Love, and love always forgives.

I can hear Him asking me, "What does the SOUND of Forgiveness sound like?"

It is the sound of God's VOICE Crying Out, "IT IS FINISHED!"

This is the ultimate Sound of MERCY.

I Give My Life for all....
I love you so much Father that I give my life to bring your children home to You.
Because I love you, I honor you and cherish you....
Because I love them, I honor and cherish them by giving my life blood to bring them home to you.
I Love you Father.
I pray you make them one with us as you and I are one.
With All my Love to all My Children...

You are My Love
I am Your Love
I am Your White Stone of Mercy giving you my unfailing love and tender kindness for all time.

Your White Stone

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Sounds of Mercy

"I could see a green rainbow around the throne..the mercy of God.
The color itself was thick, as if it had substance and energy within it. I had never seen that color of green before. His mercy gave my soul such boldness to approach the throne, and yet I also felt the fear of the Lord as I watched wave after wave of mercy pulse outward from this One seated on the throne."
Julie Meyer

The sound of the color green - Mercy.
It is the dominant color surrounding the throne of God.
His mercy penetrates our hearts consuming all fears.

The Lord gives grace to the needy, mercy to the humble, opportunity to those who resist, and an invitation to all. He is slow to anger and rich in love. If we bow low in humility, He will meet us there.