His Love is like the fresh drops of rain resting upon the petals of each flower you pass by in this life.
Run into His Arms of GRACE.
Drink in His Love for you.
Taste of His Grace and See that it is Good.
Laura Rhinhart Drink of You Soaking Worship Prayer
"On that great day," God says,
"I will round up all the hurt and homeless, everyone
I have bruised or banished.
I will transform the battered into a company of the elite.
I will make a strong nation out of the long lost,
A showcase exhibit of God's rule in action, as I rule from Mount Zion,
from here to eternity."
Micah 4:5-7
Its Raining In the Garden of Paradise
What I notice about a "good" rain is that it is ACTIVE.
It DRENCHES the SOIL till it is saturated, and overflowing.
Rain nurtures the dry ground with fresh water poured from heaven.
HIS LOVE is active, contagious, spills over, overflows and
continues to saturate our lives till we and all who are around us are overflowing with
His Healing and restoring LOVE.
I love this reality:
we do not have to do anything to make His Life Giving LOVE
Rain down on us....
Just stand out in it and take it in.....
Open up your heart arms and begin receiving.
Jesus is the LIFE of Father's LOVE ~
desiring to pour in the life of his love through His Spirit.
Open up your heart arms and begin receiving.
Jesus is the LIFE of Father's LOVE ~
desiring to pour in the life of his love through His Spirit.
He's pulled on the Rope, released the dams, and its pouring......
His LOVE is flooding into your life a mighty rushing river
washing over the dry parch lands of the earth.
Father, it is the greatness of your Love for us
that compelled You to send Your Son to die and rise again for us.
You gave Your Son; and as a Daddy who gives such sacrificing Love,
I know you will not withhold any good thing from us, your children.
Daddy, thank you for smiling upon your children tonight.
Help us all stand out in the rain as
trusting little children innocently playing,
running, laughing and dancing in wonder and joy with You.
Come Holy Spirit and lift the burdens and carry them for your little ones.
We cast them onto You for you care for us.
We let Your Spirit lift and carry the weight of the burden for us.
Help us all to be as your little children,
feeling the simple goodness of who you are to us.
Help us to trust your safe love so much so that we will
jump out into the refreshing RAIN of Your LOVE
to play, laugh and dance with You.
GOD, Your Love saturates us through and through.
We are soaked; overflowing with your Peaceful Presence and Joy!
Smiling back at you,
I'm feeling the joy of Your LOVE.
Feeling so loved by You causes me to rest in Your Peaceful Presence.
I feel the strength of your LOVE flow through me like a Mighty River.
Oh so Peaceful yet so Strong;
Oh so Peaceful yet so Strong;
powerful and full of LIFE.
As Your Illuminating LOVE FLOWS through this vessel,
with each moment that I breathe,
I feel the Light of Your LOVE
I feel the Light of Your LOVE
grow brighter and brighter within my heart.
I Feel the strength of Your Peace filling my spirit,
overflowing the banks to my soul and saturating my entire being.
Father, In Jesus' Name I pray for us, your children, who are your body.
Your WORD says You do not separate yourself from your body
but you bless your body.
You wash Your Bride with the Water of Your WORD.
Y'Shua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ),
My First LOVE, I praise you and Love You
with all of my heart, soul and strength.
Daddy, Your LOVE strengthens us.
Father, thank You for blessing us tonight with the Greatness of YOUR STRONG LOVE.
LOVE your daughter,
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
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