'In the deep, inside the hard
oyster shell of his protective Love is where you are eternally held
while on the outside, the storm rages, yet your heart is forever covered
and protected by our One Life of 'Forever Abiding Love.'
"My Beloved Child of Grace, My Love is never apart from you, I am the One who is forever covering and holding your heart in the palm of my hand.
I am right there with you in the midst of the storms in this life. Despite the storm that is raging in
the middle of the night, My Love I am here in the deep, at the bottom of the ocean floor holding you in my 'forever' Loving embrace. You are my delight, I'm with you in every night. I'm covering and embracing your heart in my protective Love while on the outside the storm rages. You're hidden in the center of My Peaceful Heart. Beloved, I am your forever anchor who holds you steady and on course. Beloved, I AM your Anchor who holds your life securely in the palm of my hand, covering your heart from the raging seas."
My Pearl of Great Price, I've given you my whole Life, You are My Beloved Child of Grace Born by my covenant Hand upon your Life, You are Mine, My Beloved Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace
My Beloved by Kari Jobe For seven
years of my life I experienced debilitating migraines to such a degree
that I couldn't go into public places without the smell of candles and
perfumes, chemicals triggering a migraine. I was so bound by
fear at the single thought or slightest hint of experiencing another migraine that I would isolate
myself. Just the thought of this kind of pain triggered tears and caused
me to beg for a way of escape from it.
In the end, it all turned out
for my good as all I could do was surrender and release my spirit to
'be' with His Holy Spirit while my brain and body was experiencing
incredible pain.
His Spirit became my total comfort, my total
source of peace, and my best friend. His very Life and Breath is my
everything. He is my Shalom. His LOVE became My LOVE; united with His
Spirit, resting (abiding) as 'One Spirit' inside of my heart. His Spirit united with mine in the most intimate 'union' while He wholly 'rested' within me, comforting my heart and soul. He wholly consumed me with his Presence as his Spirit wrapped me up in His arms. He became my sole source of total Love and Life.
Just resting and abiding in His Presence and Love for me became my way of life.
Holy Spirit always responds to the Blood of Yeshua resting upon the
mercy seat of our hearts. As we yield and invite His Spirit to rest upon
ours as His throne, where the life of Yeshua's Life Blood is
forever applied, His Manifest Presence of LOVE will abide and rest with
you, and wholly consume your heart to live with you forever as 'One heart.'
Yield to His Love for you today, allow LOVE to be enthroned as King upon the mercy seat of your heart.
His Life of Mercy, Love, and Grace will forever lead you and you will
experience His Spirit as the LIGHT of TRUTH illuminating each moment you
breathe, each thing you look and think upon, he will guide. His Love will set the pace of your walk as you take each step upon the path
of His Life of Truth and Mercy.
Artist: Pamela Jones
Painting titled: 'Releasing The Heart of The Apostolic ~ Setting the Captives Free'
Vision on 5-13-13 LOVE Sets The Captives Free
I was praying in the Spirit this morning about 7:30 AM, meditating upon his righteous judgements this morning, releasing all to Him even all the dead works. Once I did this, I felt my spirit release from my body and lift up, I was lifted up into his presence and was in a courtroom of sorts.
His Shakinah was so thick upon me that I could not open my mouth nor speak. I experienced knowing my spirit as he knows it, I also experienced knowing what my spirit looks like and feels like when it (I) holds onto 'anything.'
His righteous merciful judgements were released this morning.
This is a special and significant day;it is like he is preparing (cleansing,freeing, releasing, clearing out all the lies and false beliefs and false judgements ~ releasing righteous judgements in every way into us and through us....as we wholly trust his just judgements and surrender 'wholly' to him to have his way at all cost) his bride for the infilling of his Spirit..........'Shavout'
again fell back to sleep and dreamed a significant dream which included the couple who leads our Sabbath meetings. He died then was resurrected, his wife was grieving when he drove up to her
in a pick up truck with a huge Menorah in the bed of the truck which was as tall as a person or taller, 8 foot or more yet it was taken apart in
pieces and covered in plastic bags.
He drove up beside Delilah, poked
his head out of the window and spoke to her, "Do you think the Lord is
going to bring us this far and not allow us to fulfill His Promises to
us. Come on, let's go, we have promises from our Lord to fulfill."
was in the house watering the trees that were dying. They had been
left there for a long time, dust was every where yet as I was watering
them they were coming back to life.As they were coming back to life, the atmosphere began to lighten up as if the dust was disappearing. Having more than enough water in
each pot the water was overflowing into the pots next to them.
There is more to this dream but this was significant as His Spirit was
speaking to me, 'resurrection of my dreams' and to confidently know that there is
resurrection power in remembering (recalling and declaring to each other and to Him) HIS promises which He made to me as HE is the one
who gave them in the first place. He, by the Power of His Spirit and me whole heartedly agreeing with him will bring forth LIFE of what he spoke into my 'heart womb.'
He will not bring us this far to allow them to die.
Spirit empowers us to recall what He has spoken to us, whenever He
speaks and what ever He speaks and 'we join' in with him in speaking it,
there is LIFE.....will come forth ~ when we join in with him, a
combustion will happen, sparking and igniting LIFE.
Upon waking up I clearly heard the phone ring and hearing the voice of my ex-husband saying to me, I just want you to know I'm becoming a Christian and getting baptized and filled with the Spirit today....and then I knew his wife was also joining him in this.
I was floored and wowed..and grateful.
Immediately after hearing this conversation...... This morning I had a crystal clear vision of the image of our savior's face behind bars. Eyes full of longing, his face was pressed in between the bars while his hands were gripping them;
blood was dripping down his face and from his hands, down the bars and on the wall behind him.
As I was seeing this image he clearly spoke to me,
"Love the One you see behind the bars because it is me whom you are seeing."
I've laid down my life to die to myself daily and pray for the ones who have betrayed and trespassed in many ways. I have been challenged in every way to rise above, to not see my life as my own but as HIS, and then to see them as ones who belong to Him setting me free to rise beyond the 'flesh' and
SEE with His Heart how He sees them.
MY and HIS just reward in all of this:....it is to see them come to Christ and rejoicing with them in their salvation and infilling of His Holy Spirit.
He is showing me the fruits of what is coming because I've asked him for His Righteous Judgements in all areas of my life....it is a place of complete abandonment to trust that HE IS MERCIFULLY JUST and GOOD all the way down to the depths and core of my life.
MERCY always trumps judgement.
I was hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no
drink. 43I was a stranger and you did not take me in; I was naked, and
you did not clothe me. I was sick, and in prison and you did not take
care of me.' 44And those will answer,
and they will say, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a
stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and we did not minister to
you?' 45Then he will answer and he will say to them, 'Amen, I say to
you, as much as you have not done to one of these little ones, neither
have you done that to me.' 46And these will go into eternal torture, and
the righteous into eternal life.” ~ Matthew 25
Revelation 21:10 The City of Light 9-12 One of the Seven Angels who had carried the bowls filled with the seven final disasters spoke to me: “Come here. I’ll show you the Bride, the Wife of the Lamb.” He took me away in the Spirit to an enormous, high mountain and showed me Holy Jerusalem descending out of Heaven from God, resplendent in the bright glory of God.
Song: It's All About A Wedding by Julie Meyer
Wilderness Betrothal---part 2
Jeremiah 31:2
“Thus says the Lord: “The people who survived the sword
found grace in the wilderness---Israel, when I went to give him rest.”
The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have
loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving-kindness I have drawn
you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt
In the wilderness is where the people found grace and where
the Lord went to give Israel
rest.In the wilderness, The Lord, with
His Loving-kindness, drew Israel to Himself.
The word Loving-kindness conveys that the Lord was
covenanting His loyalty, love, and faithfulness to Israel.He was betrothing the people to Himself while
they were in the wilderness.
He brought them to the wilderness that they might find grace
in Him, to marry them to Himself, and to give them rest.He wanted to give them REST in the
Once again, “He wanted to give them REST while in the wilderness.”
In Exodus 33:14, God and Moses carry on a conversation about
and God says to Moses, “…. My Presence will go with you, and I will give you
Moreover, Moses says, “If Your Presence does not go with us,
do not bring us up from here.For how
then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight,
except You go with us?So we shall be
separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face for the
The word rest is described as to “give rest” as is nu’ach in
the Hebrew meaning to rest, settle down; to be soothed or quieted; to be
secure; to be still; to dwell peacefully.
In Gen.8: 4 states that the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.Nu’ach is also the verb that describes the
Spirit of God resting upon the Messiah (Is. 11:2)
In the current reference, God’s presence will give rest to
His people, that is, His presence soothes, comforts, settles, consoles, and
quiets us.
This is what He is showing me. He brings us to the
wilderness to betroth us to Himself, and we become His own bride. As we are His
bride, His presence ‘Nu’ach’ ~ ‘Rests’ upon us.
Experiencing Him being our husband in
soothing us, comforting us, settling us, consoling and quieting our hearts and
souls is the result and benefit of us being betrothed to Him.
He brings us out of bondage and into the wilderness to
betroth us in loving kindness to Him.In
essence, our walk is similar to the experience of the Hebrew children as He
brought them out of bondage from pharaohs and taskmasters and drew them into
the wilderness for betrothal.
We deal with the same type of spirits in this world who not only request but also require us to make bricks
without the hay. Which is practically impossible?
I can hear the love of the Lord, saying, “Come away, come away with Me
and let me give you rest.Let Me rest
upon your spirit, your soul, and your body.Let Me be your husband, let Me sooth you and console you.Let Me deliver you from the hand of the
taskmasters, (The task masters of your flesh and the flesh of others).
Let Me draw you away into the wilderness alone where there is no other and
where no other has walked before.Come
away with me to the secret place where I will betroth you and call you my
own.I will drench you and saturate you
with my presence till your heart overflows with the goodness of my love for
you.” “Your souls shall be like a well-watered
garden and you shall sorrow no more (Jer. 31:13)
“I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people
shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.”(Jer.31: 14)
Ezekiel 16:1-14 speaks about God’s love for Jerusalem.He watched over her from her birth as she
grew as a child into a bride and Queen.
Verse 8 says, “When I passed by you again and looked upon
you, indeed your time was the time of love; so I spread My wing over you and
covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant
with you, and you became Mine,” says the Lord God.”
When He talks about spreading His wing over us and covering
our nakedness, He is talking about betrothal.In reference to the story of Ruth in chapter 3 verse 9, “wing” is
symbolic to “the corner of My garment.”
She says, “…’I am Ruth, your maidservant. Take your maidservant under your
wing, for you are a close relative.’”
The commentary says that “Under your wing” is literally
“spread the corner of your garment over.”
It says that the culture of the ancient
Middle Eastern world involved the practice of the casting of a garment over one
being claimed for marriage (see Ezek. 16:8).
This is the tradition to which Ruth clearly is referring to.”
I cannot help but to see that this was our Lord’s original
intention when He brought the children of Israel into the wilderness.He wanted to be their God and them His
people. It was a time of building a deep committed relationship with His people…so
that they would ‘intimately’ know HIM in such unity as a bride would
‘intimately’ know her husband.
While in the wilderness, they would grow to know Him and trust Him as their God
as He revealed Himself to them through not only His covenant words but his
intimate involvement in every detail of their lives.
As they walked with
Him, it was through these events that He would continue to reveal Himself
making known His Name (character and ways) and what His Names truly mean.
Yes, they sinned against Him, but the whole time His heart
was breaking as a husband’s heart would,
yet he himself being the very life of ‘Everlasting Love,’ continued to
demonstrate to them who He was through ‘faithfully’ walking with them, never
leaving them. His purpose and motivation was to bring
them into such an intimate relationship with Him that they would actually awaken
to the reality that he is their faithful ‘Yehovah Ishi,’ ‘The LORD YHVH,’ their
faithful husband.
His intimate fellowship with them was thoughtful and purposeful as he desired
his ‘bride’ to know him intimately, walk with his ‘heart,’ baring all their
heart and soul to him as a bride; finding a resting place to bear all of her
heart and soul to her husband; they would walk together as one heart in the
cool of the evening as Adam and Eve walked with Father in the cool of the
As a bride and groom become one in unity and fellowship through the intimate sharing
of their hearts and souls, it is through experience that we come to know Him
for who He is.
He wanted them to experience Him as their husband leading them through the
hard, waterless, and dark places of the wilderness; not to lead them to despair
but so that through the scenarios and situations presented, they would know him
for who he truly is.
His desire was for them to know him as
one who they could fully lean upon and trust in with all their heart, soul, and
body. He desires us this day to know him as our all in all.
Just as he desired them to experience the depth of His commitment to them…the
depth of his comforting love He desired for them to know him as the One who
sooths and cares for them throughout difficult times, so does he today desire
to reveal himself to us as the one who is committed beyond his own life to
soothe us, comfort us, provide and protect us; to be our all in all.
Giving the Ten Commandments was out of a motivation of love for them.
He gave those boundaries and laws that were as ‘seat belts’ representing
‘safety measures’ to them as they are to us today. He lovingly gives us boundaries for our own
From the beginning all He asked of them, “Will you let me be
your God?”
“Will you let me Love you with all of my heart and life, and will you love me
with all of your heart and life?’
Deuteronomy 6:24 ‘And the Lord commanded us to observe all
these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that He might
preserve us alive, as it is this day.
Then it will be righteousness for us, if we are careful to observe all these
commandments before the LORD our God, as He has commanded us.”
Deuteronomy 7:6-9“
For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen
you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the
face of the earth.
The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in
number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples; but
because the LORD loves you, and because He would keep the oath which He swore
to your fathers, the LORD has brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed
you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt (the
house of flesh),
know that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and
mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His
Deuteronomy 8 repeatedly says that He brought them through
the wilderness to humble them and test them to see what was in their hearts.
He revealed to them through the wilderness experience that man shall not live
by bread alone but that man lives by every Word (Spirit Word) that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD
(Ruach HaKodesh ~ Holy Spirit, Breath of YHVH).
Moreover, at the same time, He did not let their garments
wear out nor did their feet swell for forty years. Yes, the LORD chastened them
as we would our own son. He chastened them for their own good that they may
keep the commandments of the LORD their God and to walk in all of His ways and
to fear Him.
They needed to know the depth of their commitment in their
relationship to Him, knowing him as the one who husband’s them, before He
brought them into the land of Milk and Honey; the land flowing with brooks of
water and of fountains and springs that flow out of valleys and hills.
He wanted them to remember lest they fall away from Him as
his own people and Bride.
.He did not want His bride becoming a
harlot and giving herself away to all who passed by her (Ezekiel 16:15).
Here she is the Queen Bride and she trusts in her own beauty
and plays the harlot because of her fame. She poured out her harlotry on
everyone passing by who would have it.
My commentary says that this is not just adultery, but unbridled lust. She gave
herself to everyone passing by. Instead of being paid for her services, she has
paid her lovers. She took her Queenly Bridal garments, adorned multicolored
high places for herselfand played the harlot on them. She took her
beautiful jewelry of gold and silver which He gave to her and played the harlot
with them.
She took his oil, incense, and set them before the embroidered garments that he
had covered her with. She took all that He gave her and set them before the
false gods. Then it finally came down to her taking her husband’s sons and
daughters she birthed to HIM
and sacrificed them to be devoured by her husband’s enemies.
Can you imagine how much this grieved their God and Husband?
And then He says in verse 22, “And in all your abominations
and acts of harlotry you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were
naked and bare, struggling in your blood.”
This is the cry of a husband with a broken heart.His heart is broken that she took His love
and perverted it. Then she took all that He gave her and perverted it. She
adulterated the beauty which He gave to her and made it to be abhorred. She
offered herself to everyone who passed by and multiplied her acts of harlotry.
She even committed harlotry with the Egyptians whom He delivered her from. She
humiliated and disgraced her husband right before his face and in front of the
faces of her husband’s enemies.
I often thought that it was the temptations of the world
that led her into sin. It is true that we should run in the opposite direction
when temptation comes, but with her, his bride, this is not so.She became proud of her beauty and position as
his queen; she acted as an exhibitionist revealing herself to the world for the
pagans to come after her. Disgustingly and repulsively, she became so proud of
herself that she opened up her garments to reveal herself to her husband’s
enemies. She is the one who made proposals to them, not them to her; therefore
adulterating and defiling herself.
This started when she trusted in her own beauty.He says in Ezekiel 16:13-14, “ ..You were
exceedingly beautiful, and succeeded to royalty.Your fame went out among the nations because
of your beauty, for it was perfect through My splendor which I had bestowed on
you,’ says the LORD.”
I guess my summary would be, take your time in the
wilderness learning all that He wants you to learn.Take your time developing the depth of the
relationship you need and He desires. Take your time in the secret places
getting to know him as your groom and husband.In addition, enjoy the fellowship of our Husband, build the firm
foundation of that relationship before jumping into the place of conquering
foreign lands full of pagans, and on into the place of inheritance, walking
before all as His Royal Queen, lest you grieve the heart of our Husband who is
the Lover of your soul and heart..
Take your time in letting the roots of your love for Him grow deep into the
rock of his life, become richly established in Him lest you bring ruin upon
yourself by not being so deeply
committed to Him as your one and only Lover.Do not forget Him and his sacrificial faithful love for you lest you
begin looking to the world for affection, attention thus exposing the secret
treasures of your heart and his heart deposited within you.
He has richly invested his life within you. Finally keep looking to Him as your sole
source of significance lest you come to the place where you begin looking to
the world for your significance, approval and intimate needs your spirit and
soul thirst for.
He Says, “Do Not Forget Me”
Deuteronomy 8:15 says, “Who led you through that great and
terrible wilderness, in which were fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty
land where there was no water; who brought water for you out of the flinty
rock; who fed you in the wilderness with manna, which your fathers did not know,
that He might humble you and that He might test you, to do you good in the
end—then you…. you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you
power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your
fathers, as it is this day.”
Forgive me if I am simple minded in this, but I have heard
plenty of teachings on the children of Israel and about their failures,
lack of faith, and their sin, and their idolatry.I have also heard that we stay in this
wilderness until we get it right so that we can go on
into the land of milk and Honey.
It is almost as though there is a message that says to us,
‘shame on you for going around the mountain one more time, let’s get on over
the rough parts and get into the inheritance part.’
I would say that yes we need to learn all the lessons in the
wilderness, such as not grumbling and complaining.
But I would like to caution the church, as well as myself included, weCAN NOT learn our lessons and begin to walk our life
with himthrough a semblance of holiness
through legalistic routines.
It becomes a dangerous legalistic routine when we do not see God’s heart and
forget His heart’s purpose for bringing us there in the first place; His
heart’s motivation towards us is always LOVE, for GOD – YHVH is the very breath
and life of Agape LOVE.
He brings us into the wilderness to draw us close to Him and
betroth us to Himself IN LOVE, mercy, kindness, and faithfulness.
He wants us to see through our experiences there that it is Him and Him alone we
come to know as he reveals His Life to us throughout intimate interactions with
one another.
In this place, we come to know who he is
as each need, issue, challenge, obstacle presents itself, is him being our sole source of provision in
every given situation, allowing each even to be his platform for him to reveal
himself as the True and Faithful, Just and Merciful One ~ that he is ~ our
Husband, King and YAH.
come to know him as being as intimately close and one with us that we awaken to
know him as our very breath we breathe.
Desperate times lead
to the end of ourselves and our own strength leaving only room for Him to birth
within us Himself, ‘The Resurrection Life’ living through our vessels.
It is even being at a place of our last breath and only being able to breathe
out to Him in desperation for help.Just
as Hannah was at a place of desperation so much so that she could not eat or
drink, and her words weren’t even getting out of her mouth.It was at that point that the Word that
brought relief was THE WORD of the Lord spoken to her “Be it unto you as the
Lord wills.”
It will be His timing and His purpose that will come forth during times like
these.In other word, it is His baby, not our ‘fleshly production’ that comes
out of our own strength and timing.
It will be something that only the Father of the fathers can
produce. He alone will be able to receive all the Glory
for it.
In the wilderness is where God births the depth of
relationship into His people so that they would KNOW HIM and TRUST HIM as their
God.He also wanted them to know what
was in their Heart.
He tested their hearts to expose, reveal to ‘themselves’ their level of love
and commitment for Him.
There was a need to see what was in the heart and reveal what level commitment
they were going to have to their God and to their Husband before moving on to a
land; their promised land. It was theirs but it was a place that was full of
idolaters and foreign gods that needed to be conquered. He wanted to know if
their soul really belonged to Him in total commitment.
They needed to see if they were ready
for it. He may even prolong your time with Him in the wilderness because He
knows your heart and that you are not quite ready for the battle to come in
conquering the land; and ruling in royalty with integrity and honor.
Moreover, I can hear Him
repeatedly saying, ”Do not forget me, do not forget Me, the one who was there
for you…when no one else was there for (you) then. Do not forget me the one who
brought you up out of bondage. Yes, you went through the difficulties in the
wilderness and it was a place where no others were there with you; a place
where I have drawn you so that you could get to know me and I know you.”
I would dare say that all of us need this wilderness
experience with our God.
I would also dare to say to others to not try to hurry this
experience up nor try to skip over it.It is the perfect place to get to know Him as the one who feeds us with
manna, which no group or other person can feed us.Only our God and our Husband can provide for
us the depths of what we need in our souls and hearts.
And it is so often in these times in the wilderness that we
come to know Him as the ONLY one who can satisfy our deepest yearnings and
needs in the depths of our hearts.And
He wants to.He wants to be your
Husband, the one who spreads His wings out over you to cover you and to give
you the rest that you greatly need.
is the one who rests upon you, overflowing you as you experience Him as Your
He brings His rest to you while in the wilderness.As you are betrothed to Him, and He is your
God and your are His people, you will experience the benefits of His wings
covering you bringing you rest, and bringing you shade by day and fire by night
as you travel side by side as His bride and Him as your Husband.
Deuteronomy 32:10-12
“He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a
howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the
apple of His eye.As an eagle stirs up
its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, taking them up,
carrying them on its wings, so the LORD alone led him, and there was no foreign
god with him.
What He is interested in producing in us is found in
Revelations 21:2, “Then I John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down
out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”
And in 2 Corinthians 11:2,“For I am jealous (zeal, intense
desire, passionate commitment, and eagerness) for you with godly jealousy.For I have betrothed you to one husband, that
I may present you as a chaste (pure, clean, modest, undefiled, morally
faultless, and without blemish) virgin to Christ.
You are the Apple of HIS eye. He watched over you from the time of your
conception, your childhood, and trained you in the wilderness.His wing is spread over you. You are
betrothed to Him.You are His special
treasure.You are His bride and He is your
As in the Song of Solomon, “I am His and He is mine.”
Remember HIM,
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
I have added below sections of the article “2000” from Bob
Jones prophetic site. I added today because it is bringing further confirmation
to me and to His bride for what He is doing. And I think he said it better than
what I could. If you would like to check, this site out for yourself go the
site and then click on Shepherd’s Rod 2000.
The highway of
the upright is to depart from evil; He who watches his way preserves his
life.(Prov. 16:17)
A voice is
calling, "Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness; make smooth in the
desert a highway for our God."Let
every valley be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; and let the
rough ground become a plain, and the rugged terrain a broad valley; Then the
glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all flesh will see {it} together; for
the mouth of the LORD has spoken."(Isa. 40:3-5)
Go through, go
through the gates, clear the way for the people; build up, build up the
highway, remove the stones, lift up a standard over the peoples.Behold, the LORD has proclaimed to the end of
the earth, say to the daughter of Zion,
"Lo, your salvation comes; behold His reward is with Him, and His
recompense before Him."And they
will call them, "The holy people, the redeemed of the LORD"; and you
will be called, "Sought out, a city not forsaken."(Isa 62:10-12)
"For My
people have forgotten me, they burn incense to worthless gods and they have
stumbled from their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in bypaths, not on a
highway, To make their land a desolation, {an object of} perpetual hissing;
everyone who passes by it will be astonished and shake his head.(Jer 18:15-16)
A highway will be
there, a roadway, and it will be called the Highway of Holiness.The term “Highway” is derived from the
language used by the prophet signifying the return of the Jews from captivity.
The idea is there would be easy and uninterrupted access to their own land.According to scholars, “Highway” refers more
particularly to a RAISED way and would be expressed by our word
"causeway" or "turnpike." It was such a way as was usually
made for the march of armies by removing obstructions, filling valleys, and removing
hills and other obstructions.It is
used to portray the way of access to the blessings of the Messiah's reign
allowing the unimpeded flow of the Spirit to the Church.No impure person is to travel this route,
mandating access to it through Holiness.This is the High calling of God to which the idolater is not allowed nor
shall anyone be admitted, save the pure worshiper of God.I press toward the mark for the prize of the
high calling of God in Christ Jesus.(Phil 3:14)
The Lord's Divine
nature and Holy Character is the only foundation upon which lasting ministry
can be built.Each of these stones represents
aspects of the Lord's nature and character upon which His Tabernacle must be
assembled.Seeing that His divine power has
granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true
knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.For by these He has granted to us His
precious and magnificent promises, in order that by them you might become
partakers of {the} divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the
world by lust.(2 Pet 1:3-4)
Every provision
for Life and Godliness is ours, provided we are willing to pay the price
through the Spirit’s refining work to share in His divine nature and escape the
corruption that is in this world according to its lusts.This provision is not merely necessary to
allow powerful ministry, more importantly, it is necessary to walk closely with
the Lord to see Him with an unveiled face being transformed into His very
image.Without the foundation of
Holiness, we will not be able to enter the intimate chambers reserved for the
This is the
foundation spoken of in Matthew 7:21-27.“Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven."Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord,
Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and
in Your name perform many miracles?'"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from
Me, you who practice lawlessness.'"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon
them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock."And the rain descended, and the floods
came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and {yet} it did not
fall, for it had been founded upon the rock."And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act upon
them, will be like a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand."And the rain descended, and the floods
came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and it fell,
It is the
revelation of Jesus Christ and His divine nature and radiant character that is
the rock upon which His everlasting Church must be grounded.Any other foundation is sinking sand.Many powerful ministries and anointed leaders
have fallen in times past because they did not build upon this foundation.Being
anointed with powerful gifts and knowing the Lord intimately are two separate
and distinct issues.There is the
possibility of great deception if this differentiation is not clearly
recognized.Many can have powerful
ministry gifts attracting large audiences and yet never even know the Lord
intimately nor His thoughts and ways.In
fact, Matthew 7:21-23 tells us that many can have tremendous success in
ministry and not even know the Lord.
Conversely, there
can be others who rarely if ever publicly minister, who nevertheless walk so
intimately with the Lordthey even know
his "heartbeat" and most intimate secrets.We need and must function in both to become
the Bride of Christ and the victorious army prophesied in scripture.To walk closely with Him and go deep into the
things of God should be our greatest desire, even more so than the gifts of the
Spirit, as wonderful as they may be.As
splendid as His anointing for ministry is, it is no substitute for intimacy
with Him nor can we allow ministry to interfere with our relentless pursuit to
KNOW HIM as fully as He may be known.
with all my ability I have provided for the house of my God the gold for the
{things of} gold, and the silver for the {things of} silver, and the bronze for
the {things of} bronze, the iron for the {things of} iron, and wood for the
{things of} wood, onyx stones and inlaid {stones,} stones of antimony, and
stones of various colors, and all kinds of precious stones, and alabaster in
abundance.(1 Chr 29:2)
As David supplied
Solomon with the precious glistening stones, so have our spiritual fathers
provided valuable “jewels” they discovered through their insights to God that
are to be used in the foundation for the end time generation.However, we do not live on the foundation but
build upon it.The prior generations
have provided us with priceless insights into the "ways" of God that
will form a solid foundation in the scriptures used by this generation to
construct a Tabernacle suitable for His Glory.
In Bob's vision
he noticed a variety of precious stones.However, the diamond was the one stone that seemed predominant and in
abundance.A Diamond has withstood great
pressure in its formation.Likewise,
many have been going through great pressure and will emerge as a diamond,
precious to the Lord and immensely valuable in kingdom purposes.The Light of God will shine upon these
"diamonds" reflecting the seven Spirits of God even as the sun will
strike a diamond displaying the seven colors of the spectrum.
Drink water from
your own cistern, and fresh water from your own well.Should your springs be dispersed abroad,
streams of water in the streets?Let
them be yours alone, and not for strangers with you .Let your fountain be
blessed, and rejoice in thewife of youryouth.
(Prov 5:15-18)
This final
passage was given as an emphasis for this year.Unknowingly, we have allowed subtle, and sometimes not so subtle,
influences from the spirit of the world enter our lives.The Lord views these as spiritual
adultery.There will be a spiritual and
natural parallel in the marriage relationship promoting purity in both.Marital partners cannot be allowed to give to
others nor receive from others physical and emotional affections that are
lawfully reserved for the marriage covenant.This application applies not only to the natural relationship of husband
and wife but also spiritually through spiritual adultery and fornication.We must be pure naturally, spiritually, and
The Body of
Christ is like a wife to the Lord.It
would be adultery for a woman to have her thoughts and affections upon anything
other than her husband.So is it with
the Lord.If our affections are upon the
things of this world then they represent spiritual adultery to the
Husband.We must be able to discern
these offences and repent of them promoting purity of heart and soul within the
bride.Thus, will we be on the glorious
path to the promised union between Christ and His Bride.
This will be a
year for re-dedication.A special grace
is being bestowed to reaffirm commitment to the marriage covenant and its
vows.This applies both to the
relationship of husband and wife and the Bride of Christ and her
Bridegroom.As we repent for past
failures, we will discover the grace to begin anew in our relationships, especially
with the Lord.It will be a restoration
of the joy we knew at the beginning.
There will also be a special emphasis on
the Feast of Dedication (Feast of Lights) this year.Watch closely the spiritual and natural
occurrences during this season to determine greater insights into the Lords
heart for His people. (Dec. 4-11)He is desiring to establish a “dedicated”
line of communication with His Beloved.
Beloved, Love is the brightest of Lights shining in the darkest of nights.
Love never fails you.
Love is Alive
Love is
The Way
The Truth
The Life. Love will forever embrace you even when you fail.
Love is the brightest of Lights in the darkest of nights
always searching for the lost and lonely heart.
Beloved, Love will find you.
Love will always hold you.
Love will bring you safely home.
Love will never hide from you.
Love will forever revive you. Love affectionately cares for you. Love will always sustain you. Love forever carries you.
Love's tender care forever sets you free from the shackles of blame and shame.
Love sets you free from deepest pits of pain.
Love is the rope of hope rescuing you from shadows of despair
Love's warm light melts away the darkest fear in the middle of the night.
Love's Presence causes fright and terror to shrivel up and dissipate.
Love will forever be your guiding light in the darkness of the night.
Love is always alive and will never hide from you his compassionate life giving light, Love is always there with you.
Love always pursues you even when you want to hide. Love always protects you. Love is your abiding strength When you experience the frailty of your flesh and feel yourself at your weakest, His Spirit will reveal to you heart the expanse and greatness of His strength holding your life together.
When you feel you're at your weakest moment, this is when He reveals to you how he is holding you tightly to His chest just so you can clearly hear his heart beat only for you.
Love is right there with you in your hiding place. Yes, Love sees where you are. Love is always right there beside you. Love doesn't hide himself from you. Love opens wide his heart and says to you, 'here I am, right beside you.' Love is journeying with you in this narrow hiding place. Love is your protection, a wall of fire about you, while journeying along this path.
Love is never apart from you. He is right there with you in the midst of the storm, raging in the middle of the night. Love is at the bottom of the boat, resting beside you, embracing your heart in the palm of His hand while the storm outside is raging.
LOVE is your forever anchor who holds you steady and on course. The Anchor Holds in spite of the storm
Love is your forever Peace holding you in this moment. Beloved, Love says to you, 'Come, come and rest your weary soul in the palm of My Hand.' Beloved, the Roar of Love over your life is greater than any dark night and raging storm. The Roar of Love is louder, stronger, brighter than any powers or forces the skies or earth has ever known. There is no force in existence greater than LOVE.
Love is the raging wall of fire surrounding your life.
Love's life blood is your shelter and safe harbor.
Beloved One, Love knows what is best for you at all times and yes he is gentle and kind; peaceful with every touch.
Yes, Beloved, in the middle of the night, Love's warm light will guide your ship safely home into His sheltering harbor called 'Home.'
Beloved, Love will never play shaming games with your soul. The Light of His love never dims, flickers, nor wavers in the middle of the night.
Love always desires to hold you close to his peaceful Light beaming from his heart just for you while guiding you safely home.
Beloved, Love hurts when you hurt. Love rejoices when you rejoice. Love is secure, trustworthy, and safe. Love is always just, merciful, and truthful with you. Love is forever faithful to you.
Beloved, Love will forever embrace you even when you fail. Love will never go away, no never, not even when you fail him. Love only sees beyond your flesh into your heart. Love only sees you in the light of His Love Love Hides you inside of the Light of His own Heart. He sees the you inside of Him; you're the picture of Love he holds close to his chest.
Love loves you at all times in all seasons of your life.
Beloved, Love's heart is always open to you, arms open wide, he is ready and waiting for you on the solid rock of ' Forever Abiding Grace.'
Yes, Beloved. the seas have been raging, the storm winds howling, and rains pouring, yet Love has always been right there with you throughout this dark and stormy night.
Love, invisible, yet ever present, always Abiding, always Guiding, always beside you....and yes, breathing with you, hiding with you sailing with you..... while you've been on the run........
Yes, Beautiful One, all the while Love has been holding you covering you comforting you while patiently waiting for your heart to to surrender to His Abiding Love.
Yes, Love's Arms are Open Wide..... waiting for you to come home to abide ... inside of 'Love's Strong Tower of Abiding Love'
Heaven's heart is the Brilliant Light.of Love always beckoning for your heart to come rest and be at home with him; abide at his side, the fiery furnace warming your heart in the light of his Love in the midst of the night.
Love's been with you all along.
The Torch of Love is held high for you, He is burning brightly, brilliantly, beautifully, and beating loudly for all to hear.... beckoning to your heart....to come home and rest in his embrace, the embrace of eternal Grace.
Beloved, Open your heart to LOVE .... Love is your 'Safe Harbor' and 'Peaceful Sheltering Home.'
Beloved, come home to the Light of Love through the forever open heart door of Yehsua.
Yeshua is the manifestation of who our Father is. Our Abba Father is LOVE.
Our Abba Father is the Safest Harboring Home. As we walk upon earthly shores, Love is always sheltering our hearts in His Infinite Embrace of Abiding Grace. Love is our Home Sweet Home. Love is Thee Way, The Truth, The Life. Love Never Fails You.
Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath
LOVE never fails you! LOVE always Holds you with His endless supply of GRACE. LOVE is the RIVER that flows from me to you.....and from you to me. LOVE is forever ALIVE...... GOD IS LOVE. LOVE is our Miracle. LOVE empowers and enables us to Love one another. I LOVE YOU.
Inheritance Message by Graham Cooke and Jonathan David Hesler
Father GOD Loves you 100 % right now.......even if you
have no plans to walk with Him, he will love you one hundred percent,
because this is who he is, LOVE. He loves all the time, all the way. It is because of who He is..... It is his nature, he loves all the way, all the time. His Love is unchanging. GOD is .......Love.
What changes is your ability to receive his Love. Open your heart.........and BE LOVED.......receive His LOVE for you.