Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Saturday, August 31, 2013

LOVE Will Guide You In Every Way

When I went through a brief period of time of not being able to physically see, Father spoke to me,
"Will you walk by Faith and follow me even tho you cannot see?'

My answer was 'yes.'
 My sight was soon restored.

There are times in life when we hope and dream for things to take place, and we even have the promises for them to come to pass but we 'don't yet SEE them.'

These are the times we can only abandon ourselves to continue to 'walk by FAITH, 'trusting without limits'  in the goodness of his heart towards us.


He really does have a great hope, destiny, and future for your life.
Trust Him (without limits)  to be who he says he is to you.
He is the very life of Goodness who forever draws you with cords of Loving-kindness into the depths of his heart for your life that exists because he exists.

Jeremiah 29:11

The Message (MSG)
10-11 This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.

Inside the LIFE of FAITH
Walking HAND in HAND with HIM who is GRACE
His Broken Road Prepares His Will For ME

Carrie Rebecca LOVE GRACE

Friday, August 30, 2013

Flying On The Winds Of LOVE Blowing Across The Nations

"Who are you to defile the armies of the living YHVH?"
My Daddy roars at the voices which taunt us.
This is who my Daddy is........YHVH!
My Daddy is LOVE.

Together we hurl forth the white stones of
revealing the

My Dad is Wisdom and Revelation.
My Dad is Resurrection and Life.
My Dad fights for me.
My Dad is Eternal King
My Dad is My Inheritance
My Dad counts my tears
My Dad forever holds my heart
My Dad carries my life in his heart
My Dad reveals the reality of His Love for me
My Dad's eyes are always upon me
My Dad sings with me

My Dad dances with me!

My Dad is The Living Flames of the
Winds  Living within me


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dancing Through The Valley Of LOVE

I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin


Carrie Rebecca Love dancing through the valley of Baca
which became the 'Valley of LOVE.'
to the song
The Anchor Holds


Rejoice and dance with me inside The RAIN- BOW OF COVENANT LOVE

As we dance ... we dance right into our future ...
As we celebrate ... we celebrate right into our future ...
As we sing ... we sing right into our future ...

Come and dance with me inside of Father's RAINBOW OF LOVE.

It is my prayer that your eyes SEE the many colors of HIS LOVE RAINING DOWN

upon you as you dance inside of HIS LOVE FOR YOU.

I am saturated with the LIGHT of Abba's love moving through your
creative Heart Land of Perfect Love.

We  Trust the LIGHT of LOVE

is moving through every cell of your being....
as he is healing himself (you his body)
 into synchronized, harmonious, come-union flow inside of Himself ~
the Heart Land of LOVE ~

LOVE heals Love - (us into the beautiful oneness with himself).

I see you abiding in this beautiful land of Love,
walking hand in hand with our Papa  LOVE....
I'm seeing LOVE revealing the fullness of His Love for you
as he is walking hand in hand,
 talking to you about all the beauties within his heart....

He's revealing...the diamond of LOVE,
the essence of himself.....
within this lush green valley of LOVE.

Heart to heart......abiding as One,
you're hearing and seeing him clearly
and experiencing him dearly.

He is flowing through your 'Beautiful One Heart'
beating as One with His.

Captivated (bound, married to) his heart....
you're intimately knowing him ~
who is the LIGHT of LOVE ~
Healing LOVE
Belonging LOVE,
Just LOVE,
Merciful LOVE,
Forgiving LOVE,
Rejoicing LOVE,
River of LOVE,
Valley of LOVE,
Tears of LOVE,
Comfort of LOVE,
Joys of LOVE,
Mountain of LOVE,
Creative Light of LOVE,
Child like heart of LOVE,
Beauty of LOVE,
Majesty of LOVE,
Glory of LOVE,
Diamond of LOVE,
and yes.....the DANCE of LOVE........
embraced in his arms, moving and flowing,
united wholly wrapped up as  ONE Bright HEART ~
beating as ONE  Beautiful Loving Life,
He affectionately calls ~
"My Beautiful ONE.'

We  are Forever dancing  upon the crystal clear waters
of the forever expanding
Blue Sea of Endless Grace
embraced inside the arms of 
Everlasting LOVE.

Dancing In-side of LOVE,
Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace
copyright 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Arising


of The Honey Bees of Love and Grace ~

We are Father's Honey Bees of LOVE abiding inside of his
'Safe Haven Honey Home' while flying about in the
'Fields of Grace' visiting each 'heart garden of life,'
pollinating each flower with the good news of
'Everlasting Life.'


Give LOVE ...away while you're still alive and can give it away.
LOVE is not love till we give it away.

LOVE in action is Faith in Action,
Be Love in action.

Be Love to the hurting
Be Love to the outcast
Be Love to the lonely
Be Love to the homeless
Be Love to the poor
Be Love to the widows
Be Love to the orphans
Be Love to the disabled
Be Love to the imprisoned
Be Love to the thirsty
Be Love to the hungry

Be Love to those whom the world deems unlovable,
unacceptable, and not 'good enough' to exist in their 'world' system.

Father who is 'LOVE' is waiting there with the ones
we're to 'Be Love' to.

He's beckoning out to you , calling you forward
to move forth as his army of LOVE
arriving on the scene as His
Beloved ~
Peace Walkers,
Chain Breakers,
Nutrition Providers,
Joy Dispensers,
Safe Shelters,
Comfort Givers,
Feet Washers,
Heart Healers,
and Family Menders.

Beloved, You are the manifestation of Father's sheltering LOVE in this earth.

Your life born from above
is resonating the
Sounds Everlasting Mercy
from the Kingdom of heaven
into this earth.

The SOUND of Everlasting MERCY
is exploding through your lives.

as the family of LOVE
synchronized by the Sound of Father's Heart beat,
harmonizing through LOVE,
fully betrothed,
fully clothed with His LIFE,
living as Father's
'Beautiful ONE'
resounding the majestic sound of
Everlasting MERCY ~ The voice of Christ
who cried out from the depths of his heart
for all hear and know,
"My beloved, I am yours and you are mine!!!"

At His Side Resting In-side of His Everlasting Mercy ~
Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE and Grace

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Little One

'Looking up into his eyes I said,
'Daddy I have faith in You.'

Looking back into my eyes, he gently and sweetly laughs,
and says to my heart,
''Little One, I have faith in you too."

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

The LOVE Pocket

The LOVE Pocket

When you make the decision to love,
to truly commit to loving someone,
be ready for the depth of your love pocket to be tested.
Be ready for the depth of your commitment to 'Continue in LOVE'
to be tested.
It is through the fiery tests....that the depth of your willingness to lay down your life for the 'sake of LOVE' will be revealed.
Remember that as you're going through the fiery trial that
the Glory of LOVE will be revealed through your 'laid down life'
beating as one heart with His.

Warrior Bride of LOVE

1 John 3:16
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
16 We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

David Isaac Judah Dancing with His Dad

David Isaac Judah Dances for Jesus7 years old
GOD is my Dad.

This page is a picture of what Father GOD is speaking to us through David
about being sons and daughters of Christ.

He's raising up a new generations of "Davids" who know who their DAD is and know that they are sons and daughters worshiping God in Spirit and in Truth.

God is doing a new thing in the earth..and its his amazing and outrageous grace that He gives us.
Amazing grace how sweet the sound.
God is the father to the fatherless..Abba Father.
He is raising up a new sound ..all the nations..170 nations were there..singing the same new song!

David Isaac Judah Jones ~ 7 Years old.

Musicain ~ Klaus
Speaker ~ Jonny Enlow

~~~~Message ~~~~

The Kingdoms of This WORLD BECOME the Kingdoms of OUR GOD YAHWEH


Awakening to the full spectrum of YAHWEH ( 7 Colors of the rainbow)
7 mountains of authority within each nation
Celebration (Creative Arts)

parallels ~
7 Spirits of Yahweh
7 locks of Sampson's hair (Authority to open up the GATES)
7 ~ lamb horns
7 ~ Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive
blessings, power, wisdom, riches, glory, honor, strength

Our Call ~ "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. " Matthew 28:18-20

David dancing before the nations propelled us into a place of being able to pray for, minister to and bless the nations....
As many from various nations approached us afterwards, David and were able to hold their hands, bless them and bless their nation in the
NAME OF Yahushuah HaMashiach.
We called their nations into the KINGDOM OF YAHWEH....
We called out for salvation for their nations.
We released the Father's LOVE over the nations as we held their hands in agreement!!!
Five ladies from Japan came up to us to photograph us. We in turned asked if we could pray for them, we all joined hands and wept for JAPAN....
as we released the saturating Anointing Presence of FATHER's LOVE over them and their nation
Ugandah, Ecuador, Peru, Switzerland, Kenya, Australia, China,
The Netherlands, Belgium, Somoala Islands, Japan...many, many, many more;
and many from various states within the US.

It was a beautiful experience to be able to hold their hands, hug them, and release THE FATHER's LOVE Upon their lives...and releasing the anointing He placed upon our lives and sending it back with them to their nations.

Just thinking about it still birngs me to tears.
Abba Deeply desires to shine the Brilliance of HIS Father's HEART of LOVE into all nations of the earth.....He is calling All NATIONS TO HIS HEART of LOVE.

RIVERS Of LOVE are Flowing around the Globe!!!

This is part of what I was said by David at the mic ~

Tony Hoyt (the husband of Jane Hansen Hoyt ~ President of International Aglow) is the one who danced with him and asked him his name.
David answered, "David Isaac Judah Jones."
He asked David where was his mom and dad at.
David answered, "I do not have a dad. GOD is my Dad."

This is when the LORD reduced the house to LOVE..........."GOD IS MY DAD. "

I was so overtaken by the Holy Spirit I did not hear all that he said to David. I did hear, "Now you have a thousand dads who are in this room."

There were approximately 2 or close to 3 thousand people from 170 nations present that witnessed David Isaac Judah dance before the LORD.

I was so overtaken by The Holy Spirit's Presence and LOVE, all I could do was cry.

This is the first time David has ever done danced and wielded a flag like a sword.
We bought the streamer the day before he danced here as shown in this video.

He has danced with me at home and perhaps waved a flag a
few times at home....but nothing compared to what happened here.


Before and on the way to the conference I was talking to our Father about The Father's Blessing passed down onto Isaac.
I could see within him an un-settleness in his spirit and had a knowing that this is what it was....

He needed His Abba Father's Blessing. He needed to feel the touch of His heavenly Daddy blessing him.

This is what I felt was happening to David when Tony Hoyt LIFTED David UP from the FLOOR onto the stage.

It the demonstration of Abba Father ~ Holy Spirit~ HEART of LOVE for David and I that had brother Tony Lift him up in LOVE......acceptance, favor.....and in turn David was also passing onto Him the anointing that is on the younger generation.

This is what Abba spoke to me last year....He is Marrying together (UNITING ) the anointing that laid upon each generation. He is doing this for HIS END TIME GLORY.....The Know of the GLORY OF THE LORD SHALL COVER THE EARTH.


For weeks before we left for this conference, I was seeing visions of us dancing inside of the RAINBOW........

We are dancing In Side of our Father's Covenant Promises for our lives. David and I even watched a movie together with the title being something like, " Dancing inside of the Rainbow."

A sister gave me music cd with a song called, "Inside the Rainbow."
A brother sent me poems on the Rainbow, all confirming to me what

Abba was saying......
Celebrating in side of HIS Rainbow of everlasting covenant LOVE Promises.
Forever dance inside of HIS Everlasting LOVE for us.....
We dance inside the full spectrum of His colors.
We dance inside of His Covenant Rainbows....Raining down all the colors of his LOVE for us.

David Dancing with his rainbow banner was one of the demonstrations of His covenant promises to us.

I did not plan to take David with me till the final moments of preparations for travel.
The whole week prior to this I felt a wrestling in my spirit and asked many of you for prayer without mentioning what I was going through.
I felt Abba was telling me to take David with me to this conference.

Thank you for your faithfulness to me
as my family in Christ.

Abba sent three conformational words to me that I was to take him.
The words included that David was to receive a Heavenly impartation during this time.

My Response: YES FATHER.....I LOVE YOU ....I obey You....
I follow YOU in all things. YOU ARE FIRST IN MY LIFE ALWAYS.

Always and all times, what Abba does in our lives forever includes the family. When one receives a blessing, it is to benefit and bless the whole family; the whole family is to benefit from the blessing that each one receives.

Abba Father does not ever leave one family member out of any of the blessings he pours out.
We are ONE Family and ONE body of Christ.
When He blesses one it is for the purposes of blessings ALL.

It was my prayer that David would receive the Father's Blessing while here.
Father GOD Yahweh answered and blessed David beyond what I could have imagined. The Father's Blessing is activated in his life...and it is continuing does not stop is moving forward into his (our future)

This is the time FATHER is PROPELLING US ALL into our Destinies.

Rejoice and dance with me inside of HIS RAINBOW OF COVENANT LOVE....As

As we dance....we dance right into our future
As we celebrate....we celebrate right into our future
As we sing....we sing right into our future
Come and dance with me inside of Father's RAINBOW OF LOVE.....

It my prayer that your eyes SEE the many colors of HIS LOVE
RAINING DOWN upon you as you dance inside of HIS LOVE FOR YOU.

FOR DAVID ~ 2 Samuel 23:9-10

Next to him was Eleazar son of Dodai the Ahohite. As one of the three mighty warriors, he was with David when they taunted the Philistines gathered at Pas Dammim[a] for battle. Then the Israelites retreated, but Eleazar stood his ground and struck down the Philistines till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The LORD brought about a great victory that day.

There is a lady who is in many of the photos with David.

Before she danced with David here she came up to him earlier in the day at the generations meeting on 9/30/11
and prophesied over him that when he dances that people will experience CHANGE....
He will minister to the nations,
then she danced with him. This is the evening service where she came back again to worship with David Isaac Judah.

In this evening service, he went to the front and danced a war dance where the Holy Spirit Fell upon us.......He danced in front of 170 nations.
They captured this dance on camera for the conference video taping.

GLORY TO YAHWEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He ministered to the nations this night!!!!!
I delight greatly in the LORD;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness,
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations.

Isaiah 61:10-11 (NIV)

ony Hoyt (the husband of Jane Hansen Hoyt ~ President of International Aglow) is the one who danced with him and asked him his name.
David answered, "David Isaac Judah Jones."
He asked David where was his mom and dad at.
David answered, "I do not have a dad. GOD is my Dad."

This is when the LORD reduced the house to LOVE..........."GOD IS MY DAD. "

I was so overtaken by the Holy Spirit I did not hear all that he said to David. I did hear, "Now you have a thousand dads who are in this room."

There were approximately 2 or close to 3 thousand people from 170 nations present that witnessed David Isaac Judah dance before the LORD.

I was so overtaken by The Holy Spirit's Presence and LOVE, all I could do was cry.

Swift In Flight

May 1, 2012

"Papa gave me the word SWIFTLY in the Spring of 2011.When I saw this vision I also had another open vision of a Jet plane flying over the ministry I was working with and I was given the word, "Concorde." The parts of the Concorde are made from at least three different countries and thus the name Concorde.

It is SWIFT in ACTION and it includes joint multi-country efforts in building it. Papa related to me that there is a prophetic swiftness in the delivery of His message going forth. It is a jet that carries passengers, gets them to their destinations quickly: it gets in there, gets the job done and keeps on moving to the next assignment.

Then He gave me the name Gabriel and then Boaz. Gabriel as we know is a messenger of GOD. This name also means devoted to GOD, and means brave. The scripture that goes along with Gabriel is Joshua 1:9"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the LORD you GOD is with you wherever you go.

I looked up the spiritual meaning of Boaz and it means, "SWIFT," bearer of the Covenant. The scripture given for the name is Isaiah 16:5 A throne shall be established in steadfast love in the tent of David, and on it shall sit in faithfulness a ruler who seeks justice and is swift to do what is right."I pray this message blesses you tremendously. Your sister in Christ,

Swiftly Running with His WORD of LOVE,
Covering the earth with HIS DOVE of LOVE..
By: Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

The Life of LOVE is Rising ........
November 4, 2010
By Carrie Love Grace Jones

His LOVE REIGNS.......
Life of LOVE is Rising Within The LAND of Your HEART

You are His thoroughbred race horse......

He has taken the reigns of your life, guiding you in LOVE. Every turn you take it is because of Him. Every step you take, it is because of his leading.
Each pace you run, it is because you run in synchronized rhythm with his heart beat.

Softly you wander through the wilderness, sniffing the snow on the ground, you begin to smell the budding of new life rising up from below.

Joy fills your spirit, lifting your head, you are rejoicing and begin to run with wild celebration feeling the triumph of life rising up within the land of your own heart and soul.
He reigns in your life.

It's time to get back on the saddle and ride with him up into the mountains.

Do you see Him with you? I do. I see him taking you up into the mountain side, riding with him to the very top.

Heaven is in your eyes.

Heaven is in sight. Come up, come up higher to the mountain peak.

Stand with him on the SOLID ROCK OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU.
Your SOLID ROCK is JESUS....His love is unshakable and unmovable.

He is the mountain of LOVE.

I love you in the highest name we know....JESUS.

Come home....Come home.....
HIS LOVE IS SAFE and is forever for you.

~ Beloved ~

Swiftly Running with His WORD of LOVE,
Covering the earth with HIS DOVE of LOVE

Isaiah 5:26 (NIV)
He lifts up a banner for the distant nations,
he whistles for those at the ends of the earth.
Here they come,
SWIFTLY and speedily

Becoming the Rain of LOVE...
Running with the RAIN...
Running with the Winds of RAIN...
Raining LOVE
Running to you with HIS RAINS OF LOVE saturating the landscape of our lives with His Words of LOVE over us...

From Dwelling Inside With The Presence of LOVE
From Dwelling with the One who is our covenant LOVE
From Dwelling inside of our Habitation of LOVE....
we can carry the rain...
Birthing the RAIN OF HIS the world...
The message of HIS LOVE to the World...
RAINING HIS LOVE upon the World....
Raining LOVE

Walking with his raining Love
Running upon the waters of His raining Love
Running upon the Words of LOVE....
Waters of LOVE
Running upon The Waters of LOVE..
Running with The LIFE OF LOVE...

Running with My LOVE....the LOVE OF MY LIFE...
I'm running with my LIFE's LOVE....Yahushua
Jesus, my Beloved, I LOVE YOU...

LOVE heals the brokenhearted

Love Came To My Rescue My Broken Heart

 During 2010 through 2012 I could hardly walk anywhere much less try to dance without pain on the bottom of my feet and muscle pain throughout my body.

He's brought me a long way over the past two years.................

2 Corinthians 1:4
The Message (MSG)
The Rescue
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.

I can comfort many with the comfort that the our DADDY GOD has comforted me with
I can comfort the abused for I've been abused.
I can comfort the beaten ones for I've been beaten.
I can comfort those who've been raped for I've been raped.
I can comfort the molested for I've been molested.
I can comfort the the divorced for I've been rejected and divorced.
I can comfort single moms for I'm a single mom of four children.

I can comfort the brokenhearted for I've had a brokenhearted spirit.
I can comfort he lonely for I've been lonely.

I can comfort the grieved for I've lost children and a parent.
I can comfort the orphaned for I had an orphaned heart,
I can comfort the fatherless for I've experienced now knowing what its like to have my earthly father's accepting Love.Yet  I have come to know  GOD as My DAD who truly holds, carries, comforts, guides, and tenderly nurtures my heart and soul as he holds me within his embracing arms of Everlasting Grace.
I can comfort the rejected for I've been rejected.
I can speak to the homeless for I've been homeless.
I can comfort and release healing to those who experience migraines for I suffered from chronic debilitating migraines for over 7 years before I experienced healing virtue flow  through my body in 2010; I  no longer experience migraines!


I can comfort and heal the wounded for I've been wounded. My HEALER has healed my broken heart.
I can comfort the sick, destitute, abandoned, and alone for I've been in their shoes.
I can comfort the lame in feet and body for I've been lame in feet and body.

I can comfort those who are pressed down and crushed by life circumstances
for I've been crushed and pressed down and in by many life circumstance....till my 'heart life'
could only bleed' out his own beautiful fragrant LIFE who has brought me back to life, awakened my RISE UP..inside of HIS LIFE ALONE.....
He picked me up, held me together in his arms,
kept me as His Very OWN BELOVED ~
Beautiful ONE ~
whose heart is wholly surrendered to be HIS ALONE.

I offer up my very LIFE as a PRAISE offering
HE made a way for me to be healed, wholly belonging to MY VERY HEART HOME.

Faithful LOVE

Faithful LOVE

His LIFE is our

Faithful LOVE 

who carries us through this journey here

Inside the Spirit of Grace


His Spirit of GRACE
Our hearts are worth every drop of Jesus' Blood.
Feed on His Faithful Life Giving LOVE.

He, Long suffering Love, deposited his Resurrection Life within us.
As we've been hidden away in his presence, remaining in Long suffering LOVE,
his Spirit has been digging deep into our hearts, creating, shaping and reshaping our
lives with the capacity to carry the brilliantly beautiful Life of His Long Suffering Love.

Long Suffering Love ~ is one of his graces for us, empowering us to reflect his heart beat to others, through the depths, widths, lengths, and heights of long suffering love.

Through the journey of long suffering love, our Father is molding our hearts into instruments of praise with the capacity to carry his Eternal Grace and to resound the vibrations of his Love into the biospheres of the earth's atmosphere.

It is his gift to our hearts that we get to experience reflecting
His long suffering love implanted into our hearts is our gift to those placed upon our paths
and into our lives.
Our hearts are created to reflect the image of The Spirit of LOVE and Grace. 


Carrie Rebecca Love Grace ~ 
Bound to LOVE, 
fully Carried by His Loving GRACE