Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Swift In Flight

May 1, 2012

"Papa gave me the word SWIFTLY in the Spring of 2011.When I saw this vision I also had another open vision of a Jet plane flying over the ministry I was working with and I was given the word, "Concorde." The parts of the Concorde are made from at least three different countries and thus the name Concorde.

It is SWIFT in ACTION and it includes joint multi-country efforts in building it. Papa related to me that there is a prophetic swiftness in the delivery of His message going forth. It is a jet that carries passengers, gets them to their destinations quickly: it gets in there, gets the job done and keeps on moving to the next assignment.

Then He gave me the name Gabriel and then Boaz. Gabriel as we know is a messenger of GOD. This name also means devoted to GOD, and means brave. The scripture that goes along with Gabriel is Joshua 1:9"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the LORD you GOD is with you wherever you go.

I looked up the spiritual meaning of Boaz and it means, "SWIFT," bearer of the Covenant. The scripture given for the name is Isaiah 16:5 A throne shall be established in steadfast love in the tent of David, and on it shall sit in faithfulness a ruler who seeks justice and is swift to do what is right."I pray this message blesses you tremendously. Your sister in Christ,

Swiftly Running with His WORD of LOVE,
Covering the earth with HIS DOVE of LOVE..
By: Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

The Life of LOVE is Rising ........
November 4, 2010
By Carrie Love Grace Jones

His LOVE REIGNS.......
Life of LOVE is Rising Within The LAND of Your HEART

You are His thoroughbred race horse......

He has taken the reigns of your life, guiding you in LOVE. Every turn you take it is because of Him. Every step you take, it is because of his leading.
Each pace you run, it is because you run in synchronized rhythm with his heart beat.

Softly you wander through the wilderness, sniffing the snow on the ground, you begin to smell the budding of new life rising up from below.

Joy fills your spirit, lifting your head, you are rejoicing and begin to run with wild celebration feeling the triumph of life rising up within the land of your own heart and soul.
He reigns in your life.

It's time to get back on the saddle and ride with him up into the mountains.

Do you see Him with you? I do. I see him taking you up into the mountain side, riding with him to the very top.

Heaven is in your eyes.

Heaven is in sight. Come up, come up higher to the mountain peak.

Stand with him on the SOLID ROCK OF HIS LOVE FOR YOU.
Your SOLID ROCK is JESUS....His love is unshakable and unmovable.

He is the mountain of LOVE.

I love you in the highest name we know....JESUS.

Come home....Come home.....
HIS LOVE IS SAFE and is forever for you.

~ Beloved ~

Swiftly Running with His WORD of LOVE,
Covering the earth with HIS DOVE of LOVE

Isaiah 5:26 (NIV)
He lifts up a banner for the distant nations,
he whistles for those at the ends of the earth.
Here they come,
SWIFTLY and speedily

Becoming the Rain of LOVE...
Running with the RAIN...
Running with the Winds of RAIN...
Raining LOVE
Running to you with HIS RAINS OF LOVE saturating the landscape of our lives with His Words of LOVE over us...

From Dwelling Inside With The Presence of LOVE
From Dwelling with the One who is our covenant LOVE
From Dwelling inside of our Habitation of LOVE....
we can carry the rain...
Birthing the RAIN OF HIS the world...
The message of HIS LOVE to the World...
RAINING HIS LOVE upon the World....
Raining LOVE

Walking with his raining Love
Running upon the waters of His raining Love
Running upon the Words of LOVE....
Waters of LOVE
Running upon The Waters of LOVE..
Running with The LIFE OF LOVE...

Running with My LOVE....the LOVE OF MY LIFE...
I'm running with my LIFE's LOVE....Yahushua
Jesus, my Beloved, I LOVE YOU...

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