Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beauty and Grace Blooming On The Vine Of Abiding Love

I Love Faith......and Hope.
They are as

Beauty and Grace

blooming on the vine of
Abiding Love.

Their pink colors blooming from the heart are beautiful beyond description.

Eternally Blooming On The Vine of Abiding Love,
Carrie Rebecca Rose Love Grace
Sweet Grace of Love

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Inner Peace of Abiding Love

Inner Peace of Abiding Love 

Inner peace is  experienced as we forgive the world and everyone in it,

 and thereby see everyone, including ourselves, as blameless. 

Forgive yourself as Love has forgiven you and holds you 'blameless.'

'How can this be?,' you may ask.

It is because He 'gave' His  own Life,  to forever cover
and protect us  from all forms of
 blame and shame.

He gave His Life blood to fully cover us

 forever and ever and ever ...without end.

He covered us with His life, once and for all,

He finished the work of making you 'blameless,'

not by our perfect obedience but through

 'His' perfect obedience to our Father.

His own Life life blood,
is our Everlasting (un ending)  Perfect  Covering of Love.


 His life is our sheltering safe haven home

for our longing 'for belonging' souls.

Love laid down His own life to bring us back into our original

 Honey Light Dew heart home.

Love's   Morning Light shines upon

 The Royal Red Carpet Road

upon which He places our  feet.


Through the light of LOVE
we are able see our
Royal  Pass
Our Dad's own laid down life of forgiving Love.

Within His sweet embrace, Our
Dad holds us UP

only in the blameless light of  Love.

We are forgiven'and belong at home with Him as

His Beautiful Beloved One.

Royal Red Carpet
is our
Light Way  Road
leading us home.

We are only seen by our Father as He sees Christ. 

He forever sees us In-side of The Spirit of Christ;

the Beauty of Holiness


within the

 Morning Son-light
of Eternal Love.

We are One with the Beauty of Heaven ~ 

The  Beloved Dove of LOVE.


You have full permission to forever see your-self in the same way Your

Daddy GOD sees you ~

blameless as The Dove of LOVE.


Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace

Healing Hearts through our Father's Abiding LOVE

Sunday 2-1-15 

The 'Circle of LOVE'

The 'Circle of LOVE'

which I also call ....

'The Circle of Life.'

To Give is to Receive ~ is the law of Love.
I call it living within the 'Center Point of Love' within the 'Circle of Love,'
which  I also call 'The Circle of Life.'

Within the 'Circle of Love's economy, 'when we give our Love away to others it bring benefit to all, for when we  give, we simultaneously receive.

The economy of Love is based on abundance;
we are completely filled with Love all the time, and our supply is always full and running over.

You may ask how is this?

Well, it is because when we have the Life of Christ abiding within us, we have the Life of Love abiding within us, and He is the Life of Abundant overflowing Love without end.

When we open our hearts and accept, and receive into us the never ending Life of Love,
we begin to abide as One Heart;
we become One Eternal Heart of Love.

When we give our Love unconditionally to others with no expectations of return,
the Love within us extends, unites and brings others into the heart of 'belonging Love.'

Giving our Love away becomes a tributary of life giving waters flowing within us and through us, and in the abundance of this unending life giving circling flow of love, everyone gains.

Here is an excerpt from a book titled 'Love Is Letting Go of Fear' which  poignantly describes the worlds economy or perception that is based on 'scarcity and lack.'

"The law of the world, on the other hand, states that what we give away we lose.
That is to say, when we give something away, we don't have it anymore and suffer loss.
The worlds law is based on the belief in scarcity.
It holds that we are never really satisfied.
We continue to feel empty as we vainly attempt to get fulfilled by seeking for Love and peace in whatever 'external' forms we have come to think of as desirable. The problem, of course, is that nothing in our external world will continuously and totally satisfy us.
Under the world's law, we continuously search but never find. We frequently think our inner well is empty and that we are in need.   We then try to fulfill our imagined needs through other people.
When we expect others to satisfy our desires, and they disappoint us, as they inevitably must, we then experience distress. This distress can take the form of frustration,disappointment, anger, depression or illness. As a result we are likely to feel trapped, limited, rejected or attacked. When we are feeling unloved and depressed and empty inside, finding someone to give us Love is not really the solution." ** source (Love Is Letting Go of Fear)

When we open our hearts to our Father who is the very Life of Abundant LOVE without end,
we are receiving the Life Giving Flow of Love which He initiates by  freely giving into us first.

When we receive Abundant Love, He fills UP our hearts with the treasuries of Spiritual wealth,
which is His own Life (Christ)  flowing into the chamber rooms of our hearts as Abundant Peace
Who surpasses all human understanding,

Abundant Love is Peaceful and His Peaceful Life becomes the shield of protection around our hearts.
Abundant Love is our Resting Place.
Abundant Love is our Oasis.
After opening up your heart and receiving  Abundant Love, pouring into your heart,
you are are now able to give because your heart is the valve releasing the outflow of His Life of
un-ending Abundant Love.

He has become the  Fountain of Life, The Fountain of Love abiding as One Eternal Heart with yours.

With His Love, you are now able to Love yourself, nurture and tenderly care for yourself with His Life Giving Words.

You eternally strengthened by Abundant  LOVE's affection for yours and are now able to freely give and pour out of your mutually Abiding Eternally One Heart.

The Life of Abundant Love you have freely received, you are now able to freely give.

What is helpful to do is Love someone else totally and without expectations.

The other person doesn't have to change or give us anything.

Loving this way is Loving ourselves,
for in some way, somehow it will circle back around into and through us.

I call this, 'The Circle of LOVE,' which I also call....'The Circle of Life.'

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
Healing hearts through our Father's LOVE

Sunday 2-1-2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth

From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.

 Psalm 50:2

~ All is 'Well' within My Soul ~ 

 Mercy, God!
 Open Your grace-fountain for me,
 For You are my soul’s true Shelter.
 I will hide beneath
 The shadow of Your embrace,
 Under the wings of Your cherubim."
Psalm 57:1

 I have the Fountain of Life who is the 'Spirit of Truth' living in the 'UPper Room' of My Soul.

 The Spirit of Truth is my helper and comforter whom Jesus promised to me that our Father would send to abide with me forever.

 We have an open window upon which the 'Son-shines' in and the Doves of Love perch upon.

 In our UPper Room is a table for our morning bread, a golden lamp stand illuminates every space with his Loving Life.

 The lower half of the walls are decorated with meaningful gems.
 He lovingly placed each gem into my hands as he revealed the significance of each one as they pertained to our 'united life.'

 We used each one to decorate our room, they are rubies, emeralds, sapphires, amethyst, gold gems, crystal clear and multicolored diamonds.

 Each wall is layered in honey gold reflecting his divine nature of Love.
 His name is lettered in 'gold' upon each wall of the living room of my heart and 'UPper Room' of our
 'Living Well Soul.'

 Together, we named our UPper Room,
 'Righteousness, Peace, and Joy.

 No one else can sleep in this Room nor take up residence within it;
 it is solely dedicated to my 'Beloved ONE,
 His name is called   'The Spirit of Truth,' He is YHWH,
 the GREAT I AM.
He, Himself is My peace and Resting place.
He is My Home and sweet habitation.

For He Himself is our Peace
Ephesians 2:14
 In this beautiful light filled room, with a ten stringed harp,
we 'Sing of our LOVE' for one another  throughout each day and night.
 He's drawn me so very close to his very own soul that he sees me as a 'sapphire crown jewel' wrapped in gold held in the palm of his hand.

 He holds me so very close, yet ever so gently, in the palm of his loving nail pierced hands where he forever tattooed my name.

Holding his hands, I can feel my name written upon both palms,  I am forever reminded that I am 'all the way his' and He is 'all the way mine.'
 He shared with me that he gave me his nail pierced hands to hold so that I could remember that he knew me before the foundations of the world.

The image of my heart and soul were deeply hidden within the walls of his heart before time began.
He reveals his heart to mine so that I can see myself there and remember that I have  been deeply loved as His Beloved Dove and first Love throughout all eternity.

 Seeing the wounds upon his hands, in his side, and upon his forehead, I am reminded that I am forever and always in his every thought and  imagination of his heart and soul.

 He not only gave me his hands to hold, he gave me his heart and soul to be all the way mine as my very own.

 He married His heart and soul to  mine and mine to his, then He gave me His name as my very own.
 As I behold My beloved's soul,  I behold My Father's LOVE for my life.

 He is My 'Well of LIFE' living within my soul.

 He is The Mind of Christ whom is my very own most intimate and life long companion.

 He makes everything 'A 'LIVING WELL' within the recesses of my soul and living room of my heart.

 He has forever moved in, my heart is his Royal Abode.
With each new morning we celebrate our united love as he feeds me the fresh manna of his beautiful life and the drink new wine of his love, quenching my deepest thirst.
 He tenderly nurtures me with His very own life.

 With every word from his mouth he cleanses my soul and causes my heart to feel so clean and whole.

 When he first moved in he began right away at repairing the broken down doors, and shoring up the holes in the walls that all of my foreign lovers, who came in disguised as truth yet were little foxes infected with deadly lies, which had me in disarray.

 The Spirit of Truth whom is my very own Beloved, is my master carpenter who is the best 'restorer' of all.
 He knows all about all of those ancient walls.
 He is so tender hearted and thoughtful that he even tended to our ' secret water garden enclosed.'

 He steadfastly went to work on cleaning out my stagnant and infected water well full of self effort and replaced it with himself, 'The Fountain of Life.'

 The Fountain of LIFE placed in the center of our pruned spring garden is clean and fresh, and flowing with the clear pure 'waters of Truth filled Life.'

 He had such a vision for our garden that he planted cherry trees to remind us of our 'Union of True Love.'

 Now that they are in full bloom, he awakens me each new morning with joy filled eyes to take me with him on our morning walks through our cherry tree orchard.

 As the fragrant winds blow upon our faces, we smile, laugh and play in the

 Within our 'Water Garden,' the Victorian water lilies are the most fragrant in the whole land.
 Our royal roses bloom with the sweetness of the Son's Light of LOVE.
 His nurturing Love causes each petal to unfold in just the right moments in time.

 Each morning my eyes open seeing the 'Son's' gentle rays beaming into our UPper Room.

 As I awaken UP inside of the LIGHT of LOVE,
I smell the fragrance of  freshly cut roses laid at my side.
He is my forever LOVER of my soul.

 You, see, he keeps watch over my soul while I sleep. During the night seasons he is always busy writing love letters upon my heart preparing me for the dawning of each new day's walk in the Light of Heaven's LOVE.

Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from Him.

Truly He is my Rock and my Salvation;

He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Psalm 62:1-2

 He is forever faithful and true, he is so faithful at perfecting all that concerns my soul.

 He releases the 'rivers of living truth,' 'rivers of life,' into my 'Living Room' and 'UPper Room.'

 Together we let the 'Son-shine' in through the windows of our 'UPper Room.'
 Together we sit side by side in front of our fire place holding hands and warming UP our hearts while recalling all the joys and delights of our 'FIRST True Love.'

 All is Well With My Beautiful New ONE LIGHT~ LIFE Filled Soul.

 My life is not my own, to him I belong.
His life is not his own, to me his heart belongs.
He is the center of my heart and I am the center of His heart ~ together we are Divine.
 My Beloved is MINE and I AM HIS.

 Forever Abiding in our UPper Room of United Life of LOVE,
 Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace

 Sounds of Mercy International Ministries
Awakening of Love: The Beloved Beautiful One
 12 AM

 Psalm 50:2 
 "From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth."

The More I Seek You / Beloved By Kari Jobe 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Becoming The Desert Rose

 ~ Becoming The Desert Rose  ~  

Are you going through a wilderness?

If so, take heart, I have some good news for you.

You're going to bloom in the place where

the world thinks

(believes) its impossible. 

He is the One who will bring you


but first you will become

His Desert Rose,

living from His Life within you

as apposed from yourself,

He brings you out of you and into Him

to fully live from the Life of Christ within you.

Isaiah 35:1
"The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad;

the desert shall rejoice and blossom like the rose and the autumn crocus."

He is making you into His Desert Rose whose roots are planted inside of Him, Up in His His heart land soil, which is nurturing you from the concentrated River of Life giving Love. 

He draws us out into the wilderness in order to work out His will for our lives; to give us rest for our souls IN HIM. He draws us away so that we can know HIM as our only source of 'Rest.' 

He brings us into this place in order to bring us into 'ONEness' and perfect unison, agreement and harmony the truth of who you are and who HE is; You are One with The Life of LOVE.

It was believing a lie that led us away from GOD
and from knowing who we are, who He truly created, through His hands and His Breath breathing into us, to be with Him. It is believing the Truth of who He is and who we are that leads us back to HIM. 

It is when we shall Know the Truth, the truth shall set us free. His Life is the very Spirit of Truth who comes to us to remind us of WHO we are IN HIM. 

The word repent is from the Greek word, 'metenoah,(sp?)' meaning to turn around and go back the other way. It is a turning from the lie we believe about ourselves, which resulting in us acting upon those lies that became mindsets and false identities, which also can be generational mindsets and false identities that are passed on to us and are expected of us to play along in one accord with them. Well, we can step outside of those boxes and those blankets of false roles and identities by faith. 
We 'metonoah,' repent, turn away from going in the direction of the lie to head towards and move in the direction of the Truth; the truth of where we originally came from by facing Him, the Spirit of Truth, who unveils the to our hearts the Truth of WHO we truly are, and who we have been all along. 

His heart causes us to remember our true origin from with in His heart womb. 

When we behold HIM, we behold the TRUTH of who we truly are and the image of who we were created to be from inside of His heart where we existed before the beginning of time.

As we Behold HIM, our false mindsets and false identities fall by the way side and we begin to WALK in The TRUTH of WHO we are; our mindsets and identity comes into full agreement and unison with our/His true Identity and we then begin to WALK IN the TRUTH and origin of our TRUE NATURE and IDENTITY as ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT WITH HIM ~ YHWH ~ who created US out of HIS SPIRIT. 

From our Agreement with the TRUTH we begin to walk out our true nature and identity as the MANIFEST SONS *Daughters of GOD. you walk with HIM through this wilderness where it is just you and Him, while He marries your heart, brings your heart and soul into unison, agreement with His, feed off of His everlasting covenant faithfulness for you that lasts throughout eternity. 

"Give thanks to Him Who led His people THROUGH the wilderness, for HIS (everlasting) MERCY and 
loving-kindness endure forever ;"
Psalm 136:16

Notice how He ties in His 'Faithfulness' and 'Love' over and over again. 

He is forever faithful to us through the power of His everlasting covenant of Mercy.

He Loved us so much that GAVE His only SON ~ SEED OF LIFE ~ to be placed inside of us, so His sons Life (The Living Word, Truth) could bring us back into ONEness
and comm-union with His HEART ~ thus we become ONE HEART with HIM WHO IS ETERNAL LOVE.

His covenant everlasting Mercy is the life of Yeshua for it is His blood which is the life of the Everlasting covenant of Mercy. 

Feed off of the greatness of His everlasting covenant of faithfulness to you while traversing through the wilderness with HIM who is the very SPIRIT ~ LIFE of the covenant of EVERLASTING MERCY.

His eternal blood is placed on the Mercy seat of our hearts where he is enthroned within us as His Living Temple.

He draws us into the wilderness to give us rest from our ares of inner opposition and strivings within ourselves and areas of unbelief of who we truly are In Him.

He woos us into the wilderness to reveal to the depths of our souls that He is Who He promised Himself to be to us. 

He reveals Himself on the most intimate heart knowing, experiential levels, of who WE truly are to Him and 'In' Him.

He removes all support and props of the flesh world so that He can experientially reveal the truth to us that HE is our only source of Life living within our hearts as His Temple. 

He causes our roots to grow deep into Him, establishing us inside the solid Rock of Life, where the concentrated waters of Love runs deep. 

He feeds us Himself as our living bread and wine of life; 
He causes our hearts to experience His faithfulness as our only source of strength, our very Life; the life we live, we no longer live unto ourselves, for the life we live is The Life of Christ alone. 

As we surrender to Him as the Seed of Life whom through our daily dying to self process His Life becomes our Life; He is the Tree of Life living through us, producing healing leaves for others to feed from His Spirit Living through us. 

We become His Living Word, Living Epistle written Alive ~ His Living scroll unrolled and read by all.

Colossians 3:1-4
" So it comes down to this: since you have been raised with the Anointed One, the Liberating King, set your mind on heaven above. The Anointed is there, seated at God’s right hand. Stay focused on what’s above, not on earthly things, because your old life is dead and gone. Your new life is now hidden, enmeshed with the Anointed who is in God. On that day when the Anointed One—who is our[a] very life—is revealed, you will be revealed with Him in glory! "

He reveals Himself as our Husband, our Jehovah Ishi, who uses every opportunity to pursue us in the wilderness. He is never angry at our process, He delights in using every misgivings, failures, false mindsets as opportunities to reveal MORE LOVE to us.

All areas of our struggles and inner workings become the platform in which He gets another opportunity to reveal the Truth of who He is; the More Truth we get to behold the MORE we will begin to trust Who HE IS ~ HE IS EVERLASTING LOVE who totally and wholly pursues us with His own Life. 

He uses His own Life to be a shield about us as known as the Wall of Fire ~ The Living Flames of LOVE wholly surrounding and consuming each and every area of inner struggles, weaknesses, misgivings and false mindsets of who we thought we were with His Hear of LOVE for us ~ He becomes our very own ~ ALL Consuming Fire of Love LOVE.

He is our consuming flame of Love who faithfully conquers all areas within us in opposition to Love; every area of our hearts, He will melt through drawing us closer into Himself with consuming Love.

"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you."
( ***my notes*** The work Your Life ~ as ~ HIS POEMA ~ His Love Story ~ so you can BE all That HE intended Your Life to be here in this realm AS IT IS IN HEAVEN ~ your Eternal Heart Home and beginnings).
Philippians 1:6

While on wilderness journey He becomes our Husband who utilizes every opportunity to reveal to our Hearts that He is our 'One and only True LOVE.

He reveals to our souls that HE alone is our only True Lover, true source and sustenance, support, total comfort and strong shoulders to lean upon.

He created us as His own, to desire intimacy as He desires intimacy in relationship with us, He uses every opportunity to woo us deeper into His embrace of Grace revealing His deep affectionate Love for us.

He created us to be in Him and Him in us; to be in unison, and be of One mind with and IN Him, whom we are seated within, Christ our HOPE of Glory living on the Inside of US.

In this place He is faithful to work with us to bring us Up into His Hearts well of Living waters, so that we can 
Drink from His Spirit of Life, the Living Fountain of Life. 

LOVE nurtures our souls from the place of our beginnings within Him where He knew us from before we were formed in our mother's womb. 

In His LIFE, He reminds us of our heart's origins which were created from within His Heart womb of compassionate Love.

In the wilderness He reveal Himself as the Life of tender mercies and faithful Love who eternally cares for our souls as our Daily Bread of Life, The Life of Christ in whom we are ONE Heart.

His Life nurtures our life within Himself as our eternal flame of Love. 

He is forever faithful to us, to bring us out of ourselves........and into HIM.....
so that we can learn to live from His Life within us not from our own life.

We can't do it in our own strength, He does it in us through His everlasting covenant of faithful Love to us.

There are two scriptures I would like for you to take notice of and ponder in your heart about your life ask of Him what is He speaking to your heart through them.

This is the way God put it: “They found grace out in the desert, these people who survived the killing. Israel, out looking for a place to rest, met God out looking for them!” God told them, “I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!
Jeremiah 31:2The Message (MSG)

Hosea 2:14-23
"Therefore, behold, I will allure her [Israel - who also symbolic of us, we are His Spiritual children) ]
and bring her into the wilderness, and I will speak tenderly and to her heart.

There I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] (In the areas of all of her wilderness struggles, pain, battles, shame, inner struggles with unbelief and striving) to BE for her a DOOR of HOPE and expectation.

And she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth and as at the time when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

And it shall be in that day, says the Lord, that you will call Me Ishi [my Husband], and you shall no more call Me Baali [my Baal].

And I will betroth you to Me forever; yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in steadfast love, and in mercy.

I will even betroth you to Me in stability and in faithfulness, and you shall know (recognize, be acquainted with, appreciate, give heed to, and cherish) the Lord.

And in that day I will respond, says the Lord; I will respond to the heavens [which ask for rain to pour on the earth], and they shall respond to the earth [which begs for the rain it needs],

And the earth shall respond to the grain and the wine and the oil [which beseech it to bring them forth], and these shall respond to Jezreel.  [restored Israel, who prays for a supply of them].

And I will sow her for Myself anew in the land, and I will have love, pity, and mercy for her who had not obtained love, pity, and mercy; and I will say to those who were not My people, You are My people, and they shall say, You are my God!"

And so now I’ll start over with you and build you up again,

THE LAND of your LIFE will BLOOM AGAIN...and this 

time it will BLOOM from the RIVER of HEAVEN where 

your ROOTS are planted and fully established in YOUR 


Joel 2:22
The Message (MSG)
The Trees Are Bearing Fruit Again
Fear not, Earth! Be glad and celebrate!
God has done great things.
Fear not, wild animals!
The fields and meadows are greening up.
The trees are bearing fruit again:
a bumper crop of fig trees and vines!
Children of Zion, celebrate!
Be glad in your God.
He’s giving you a teacher
to train you how to live right—

Teaching, like rain out of heaven, showers of words
to refresh and nourish your soul, just as he used to do.

And plenty of food for your body—silos full of grain,
casks of wine and barrels of olive oil.

I AM His Desert Rose blooming in the Grace of  Joel 2:22
Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace

My testimony is that after 14 years of being in the desert 
He made me a sign and a wonder in the flesh realm 
for My heart thoughts became one with His (married, in unison) and manifested the concentrated River of Life into my body through a miracle in my 
blood that no longer has lupus showing up in my DNA. My DNA has become His DNA, My Blood has become His Blood. My life has become His Life.

He wooed me into the wilderness to marry my heart and soul and body to His alone, 
the Mind of My heart is fully convinced, persuaded, and resolved to think as as

At exactly 2:22 PM ........on 1/6//15 my neurologist spoke to me 'your blood work turned out great. Happy New year."

The 6 represents the end of the time of living in the flesh of man and 
1/7/15 represents entering in Living From His LIFE and Resting In His Life alone.

The time 2:22 represented Joel 2:22, which means my life is bearing fruit again, but this time from living fully within Him, His life fully sustaining my life through the power of His Spirit alone, not mine. 

Through all that He has brought me through in my wilderness season, He has taught me to live from His 
Spirit life within who fully nurtures and sustains me through the power of His everlasting faithful covenant of Eternal LOVE ~ My River of Life.

Before I received this message from my doctor at exactly 2:22 on 1/6/15 ~ 

I wrote ~ on December 15, 2014 at 2:13 pm
I feel the ASCENDING ~~~~~ 
been seeing these numbers ~ 

THEY LOOK like double DOORS don't they!...
Just like 5775! 

Entering into the DOOR of CHRIST Yeshua 
who is ETERNITY's HEART ONE with CHRIST as a flaming ONE inside of the Eternally Lit Tree of LIFE....Menorah.

The roots of my life are inter-twined with His life alone. He has woven His life into my life and made me ONE with HIM.

The word 'wait' is the same as 'hope' and 'trust' and means that He weaves your life to his by giving you His life in-place of every area where you give your weaknesses to Him.

Isaiah 40:30-31
Even youths shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted;
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.

BE - Loved Warrior Bride Carrying The Eternal Fragrant Of Love,
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
LOVE who is Bound to Love-Grace
1-16-15 Friday