Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Love Mercy: The Image of Mercy is Jesus.

The Image of Mercy is Jesus.

Mercy always goes before His face, meaning Mercy is always

what His eyes are set on.

So when He looks at us, He is looking at MERCY.

Yes, Jesus is the expressed image of Mercy.

Jesus is the gift of Everlasting Mercy.
Mercy endures forever.
Jesus Endures Forever.
Mercy is forever before our Father's eyes.
Jesus is forever before our Father's eyes.
Mercy is unfailing, everlasting, and all encompassing Agape Love.
Jesus is Unfailing, Everlasting, and all encompassing Agape Love.
Jesus is the expressed image of Agape LOVE. 
Jesus is the expressed image of our  True Father (Agape Love) to us.

Jesus went about revealing the image of the Father;
Our Father is Agape LOVE.

When Jesus was revealing the Agape Love of the Father to us
He was revealing our true identity as His children made in His image.

He is Love.
His expressed image is Love.
Love is Jesus Christ.

His expressed image of Agape Love is His everlasting and unfailing Love revealed through Jesus.

Jesus is our gift of expressed Agape Love from our Father.

When we receive Agape Love, He reveals our true identity as His Love,

this is when we can walk through life knowing who we are,

His image of Love.

He made us in His image......His image is LOVE.

As reciprocal vessels of love, we able to first reflect the beautiful image of His love back to Him.

Love, it is what He loves the most.

We then become His expressed image of


to each other.

It was His love for us that held him to the cross....
not the nails!

Love, Love, Love

His Love redefines our understanding of Love and turns our world Up-side down making it

Up-side righ

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