Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tears of Joy, Faith, Hope, and LOVE

Tears. Joy.
Faith, hope, and Love...

The greatest of these is LOVE

If we have not LOVE...
we are nothing....
not even clanging cymbols....
ALL of GOD's answeres come through LOVE..
His unfailing LOVE for us.....
it is the only constant in this world.
steady and consistent..

That is why LOVE is the called the ROCK...

The Solid Rock- our foundation from
which we build our house upon that
weathers the storms of life.

Who is this LOVE?

His Name is JESUS.

HE is the manisfest image of
AGAPE LOVE..also called OUR Father.

HE is the Father of us all.
We are His gift to each other
the image and expression
of His LOVE to one another.


I Agape You.

1 comment:

william rogers said...

LOVE.. this is beautiful it really touches my heart deeply; there is no life worth living without GOD's LOVE... He created us in his image with this LOVE..that we would carry it in our heart..its the only thing that makes life worth living is to share abundantly with our brothers and sisters with humility..understanding without conditions...That’s GOD’s Awesome LOVE~