Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Beloved Breath of Heaven

 Beloved ~ Breath of Heaven

Through the blood of Christ Jesus...
May The Fire of The Holy Spirit...
Reign Supreme through your every waking moment...
May your every thought be consumed with Love... with Grace...
May your every breath speak the Love of Christ Jesus.
From My Beloved's Heart
downloaded into mine,
freely given to yours.

May the breath of Heaven blow upon you in this moment.

May you have dreams of his heart for you tonight.

May you know the heart of Heaven for you as you dream.

Rest in the embrace of  His heart for  you.

  Experience Heaven resting upon your heart in this moment.

Know  The Light of Heaven;

See Him Face to Face.

May you SEE The Gory of Heaven within your heart
as you dream of His Love for you this night.

May you Know the reality of the
Kingdom of Heaven .......
as the brightest Light shining within your heart.

Heaven ......our Father's Name.

He is the very Light of His Kingdom of Love.

Heaven's heart is beating for you.
His heart is beckoning you to come home.
Come home to Heaven's heart.

Come home,
Come by His Side.
Rest in His embrace at the fireside of his burning furnace.
Papa is saying come home my beloved dove, come sit with me for a while by my side.
Lets talk, I want to hear your heart.
I'll keep you warm, blanketing you with the light of my life.
I am your Fiery Furnace....
My heart is your Home, your Light, and Life.

The Fiery furnace of my Life burns brightly for you  inside
  Our One Heart
One Light of Life.
One Light of Love.
One Fiery Light Heart ~  breathed alive with my breath of eternal Love.
Welcome home My Beloved Dove,
We are At Home with one another inside our
Heart of Hearts,
Our One beating Heart Home of LOVE.


Beloved, I've made a home for you within my heart.
Welcome home my Beloved Dove.
Your home is my Heart for you.
Heaven is My beating heart of Love
and is our Beloved Home Sweet Home.
Beloved Dove, I see Heaven in your eyes.
I am Your Beloved, Heaven; I see my heart in your eyes.

♥ Beloved Heaven, I at home with you Living within my heart.
In Yahushua's Name Amen

Heaven's Beloved Warrior Bride ~

The Love of His Heart....
The Love of His Life
walking by His Side
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace  ~
The One who is  Heaven Bound to LOVE ~
King Eternal, Heaven's Flame of LOVE.


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

"Prince of My Life"

by Momosmiles Godsongsheart2heart

"He Holds Me Closer than my breath.
My Soul can see that it is well.
I love the way that you smile at me
as you whisper how much you love me to the depths with
Heaven's Love,
made your heart a home in me,
Prince of My life, You're the breath that I breathe.
I love your Holy Presence living in me.
For the Prince of Your Presence is all  around me.
Touch my heart to tears, restoring all the years. Prince of my life."
Embraced by the Light of Your Face,
my life song forever sings of your Grace
where your healing love  flows.
Wash me now Holy Love.
You've made my heart a shining throne.
Lord its yours and yours alone.
I bow before your mercy seat,
heart to heart I'm worshiping.
Prince of My Life.
You're the breath that I breathe.
I love your Holy Presence living in me."

Dream Again


He is taking you from the pit of despair to the palace of blessing.

It is time for the almond tree to bud.
The Lord tonight is healing broken hearts.
Healing chronic battles, he is healing you now.

Dream again.
LORD, breathe upon the broken hearted and weary,
cause them to be revived and dream again.


this night and dream again
in the places where you have been hopeless......

Let LOVE fill every place where you have experienced hopelessness.....

Be filled with the


 Breathe again

is coming forth.


Tonight I learned that Heaven is one of GOD's NAME.




  Receive  and  Agree
His vision is His Heart Light
Shining into the depths of your Life.

Heaven's heart is breathing upon your heart,
your heart is dreaming His dreams of
for your heart life.

the Breath of the
Love ...
into your

Breath in Life into your heart tomb that is becoming
His heart womb.....the womb of
the Life






Burn with Everlasting Fire that
won't burn out.

It can't ever be put out.
He is Holy Passion
abiding as One Heart within you.

He is the Life of Hope flowing through your veins.

Your Heart is His wick
His Love is the Flame .

Your heart is His the place of His burning flame of Love.

The wind of His Love blows through your heart
out into the outer darkness...
beckoning for all parts of the you to come home...
into the Holy Light of his LOVE.

Heaven's Love is blowing throughout your .....

blowing the fragrance of living Love into all parts of  your soul

that has been hanging out in dry and thirsty low lands .....

Love is beckoning you to come
back home into
 your eternal

Heart Land
He affectionately calls

Eternal LOVE.



is forever breathing

Resurrection LIFE

into all parts of

your being.




 8:32 pm

Yeshua You're The Breath That I Breath
You're The Prince Of My Life


His vision of you is His Heartbeat.

You're birthing His heartbeat  of
into this earth  for all to hear


When Yehsua lives within your heart.....
Heaven's HEART Lives inside of your heart...

..........beating as

Yes...If you have Yeshua Living within your heart...
You are a new creation of heaven's Heart.....
Your heart are
living and beating as


Open the door of your heart,
invite LOVE come sit down with you to dine at the table
 Abiding Love.

He Loves to dine with you as He
tenderly feeds you the Living Bread of His unending
 Life of LOVE.

When you ask Yeshua into your heart and

confess with your mouth, agree with your whole heart, soul and body,
with who LOVE is,
He is
Yeshau,  he Great I AM that I AM

abiding as One Life of LOVE

within my heart home that is now
Your resting place and

I accept you as my Resting Place and Home Sweet Home.

The Hebrew name of Yeshua means

When you ask Yeshua into your heart to live, you are asking "I AM Salvation"
 the One Who is Eternity and eternally whole into your heart to become ONE with your heart, thus eternally making you whole.

You shall be saved. You shall be whole.
You will have Heaven's heartbeat , Eternal Love, living within your heart.



Our Abba Father, Holy Spirit, King Yeshua is revealing His LIFE through us.

Our King Yahushua is coming for His Bride.

One Touche from the King changes everything.

The Camels are Coming: Hebrew YEAR ~ 5773

A Year to Bridge the Past and Enter the Future! Move from Recovery to Wholeness!
Head of the Year 5773 
(Hebrew Calendar Year)

This is a time to keep your feet moving and go beyond where you have
been in the past, until you drink and eat of the produce of your promise!

The Kingdom of YHVH will become the greatest influence in the earth realm.

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Friday, December 28, 2012

~ LOVE is our Home ~

John 14:3

Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Since I am going and preparing a place for you, I will return to take you with me; so that where I am, you may be also.
Beloved Ones of our Daddy's heart of LOVE ~ LOVE is Our Home.
Our Daddy's home is the Home of Loving Grace.
He never forgets us nor leaves us out.
He freely gives us our inheritance in His Life.
He is never selfish nor self seeking with us.....
He is always freely giving us all of his Love......
all of His Love....all of his life.........
so we could be adopted and be called his very own.

He gave himself away to have us abide in his Home
with him.

His Heart is our Home we now abide in .....His Spirit is the  home of Life and LOVE.....
FREELY GIVING HIS LOVE .......without end......
Without reservation.

Beloved, be free to be ~
Rest in knowing you are His Beloved ~

 Jump in our Daddy's arms, step into your inheritance of His LIFE
where there is always enough Love for every one.

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE ~

Holy Anointed One By Brian Doerkson

Jesus, Holy and Anointed One. Risen and Exalted One.
Your Name is Like Honey on my Lips. Your Spirit like water to my soul.
Your Word is a lamp unto my feet.
Jesus I Love you.
I Love you.
I've been laying at the side of My Jesus today.
He is my comfort. He is my LOVE. He is My Lion King Judah Jesus LORD.
He is My Holy and Anointed ONE and Only!
Rest in His laid down life of LOVE ~

"Oh Deborah, your rest is inside of the safe haven of the bee hive of
Honey LOVE  found
under the rib cage of your
Fly, fly, fly to His side.
Abide inside of His Honey Haven Life of LOVE.
The Fragrance of His Honey LOVE sets the Captives free.
You are Abba's Sweet, sweet Honey Bees
spreading the LIFE of Heavenly


His kingdom of Love blossoms as His Honey
oil is being poured through you.

His enemies are defeated as we carry
his Honey Love into the gardens of this world

Freely received, freely given...
go ahead, pollinate like the Honey Bee and spread the good news far and wide!!

Abiding in His Love, resting at his side


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013


Song of Solomon  ~  The Passion Version 

"When Jesus looks at you, he never sees your history,

he sees your destiny, he sees who you really are.

You are his lover, his friend, his delight, his bride.

When you think you deserve a lecture, he gives you a kiss.

When you have failed him, when you are your worst, Mercy rises up and says you know I love taking chaos making it into beauty and symmetry.
I work the night shift and my plan is Night to day.
Evening and the morning is the first day.
God always begins in the dark.
He's comfortable working to make you more like Jesus Christ."

Brian Simmons

Song of Solomon  ~  The Passion Version 

Part 1

Part  2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Clothe Yourselves With Love, The Bond of Perfection

Beloved Ones, Clothe Yourselves With LOVE,
The Bond of Perfection,

Colossians 3:12-15

Clothe yourselves therefore, as God’s own chosen ones

(His own picked representatives),
[who are] purified and holy and well-beloved
[by God Himself, by putting on behavior marked by]
tenderhearted pity
and mercy,
kind feeling,
a lowly opinion of yourselves,
gentle ways,
[and] patience
[which is tireless and long-suffering,
and has the power to endure whatever comes,
with good temper].

Be gentle and forbearing with one another and,
if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another,
readily pardoning each other;
even as the Lord has
[freely] forgiven you,
so must you also [forgive].

And above all these [put on] LOVE 
and enfold yourselves with the
bond of perfectness
[which binds everything together completely in ideal harmony].

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes)
from Christ rule
(act as umpire continually) in your hearts

[deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds,
in that peaceful state]
to which as [members of Christ’s]
one body you were
also called [to live].
And be thankful (appreciative),
[giving praise to God always].

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Free To Be You

Free To Be You

How wonderful it is to just be you.
Jesus paid the price so you could be adopted.
The heart of an orphan cries and be loved.
The heart of adoption says  Yes to His Love and Embrace.
When you are free to be a child you are not afraid to be hidden nor to shine.
You're just free to be a child.
When you receive the Spirit of Son-ship in Christ Jesus we are able to cry Abba Father..
You're a son/ daughter.
You're free.
You did not receive the spirit of fear but
of Adoption to be your Father's Child.

Walk in your anointing....
just be who you are called to be.
You may be radically different and that is ok.

You do not have to try to be somebody else ever!
May the Spirit of of Adoption break out in your house this day.

Romans 8:15-18

5 For [the Spirit which] you have now received [is] not a spirit of slavery to put you once more in bondage to fear,

but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship] in [the bliss of] which we cry, Abba (Father)! Father!

16 The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God.

17 And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also:
heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.

18 [But what of that?] For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and [g]
for us and [h]conferred on us!

Royal King Eternal - Your Rule And Reign Will Never End ~

King Eternal Your Rule Will Never Be Replaced

Jesus has brought to me a white horse and has asked me to ride.
As His Royal Queen Warrior Bride of LOVE, I say, "Yes, I will ride."

My King and I will ride upon the Winds of  Your Spirit.
One in Heart,
One in mind in CHRIST,
we ride together in unison and harmony into the depths of
Your Spirit of LOVE.


~ The Ancient of Days ~

In a new way we will SEE Our King.

His Royal reign is from everlasting to everlasting.

We SEE the King Eternal
FACE to FACE with Eternity.

We are FACE to FACE with LOVE from the INSIDE OUT.

From the Inside out We are
FACE to FACE with our KING
~  The Life of  Eternal LOVE ~

from the point of eternity...
inside out.

We are positioned in the realm of the kingdom of Everlasting LOVE.

Through His Grace he has set us in place.
Each and every stone in place, solidly established in His Golden Life.

We are in
His Arms of Everlasting
from the inside out.

We sit, rest, reign, rule as
from the inside out.


Then the royal rule and the authority and the glory of all the
kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the people of the High God.
Their royal rule will last forever.
All other rulers will serve and obey them.'
Daniel 7:25-27


Then God will bring back the ancient pillar of cloud by day and the
pillar of fire by night and mark Mount Zion and everyone in it with his glorious presence,
his immense, protective presence, shade from the burning sun and shelter from the driving rain.
Isaiah 4:4-6


Psalm 68: 32-34 Sing, O kings of the earth!
Sing praises to the Lord!
There he is: Sky-Rider,
striding the ancient skies.
Listen—he's calling in thunder,
rumbling, rolling thunder.
Call out "Bravo!" to God,
the High God of Israel.
His splendor and strength
rise huge as thunderheads.


Zechariah 14:20-21
On that Day, the Big Day, all the horses' harness bells will be inscribed "Holy to God."


But the Melchizedek story provides a perfect analogy:
Jesus, a priest like Melchizedek, not by genealogical descent
but by the sheer force of resurrection life—he lives!—
"priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek."

The former way of doing things, a system of commandments
that never worked out the way it was supposed to, was set aside;
the law brought nothing to maturity.
Another way—Jesus!
a way that does work, that brings us right into
the presence of God, is put in its place.
Hebrews 7:14-16


No one elects himself to this honored position.
He's called to it by God, as Aaron was.
Neither did Christ presume to set himself up as high priest,
but was set apart by the One who said to him,
"You're my Son; today I celebrate you!"
In another place God declares,
"You're a priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek."
Hebrews 5:3-5


"I saw a human form, a son of man, arriving in a whirl of clouds.
He came to The Old One and was presented to him.
He was given power to rule—all the glory of royalty.
Everyone—race, color, and creed—
had to serve him. His rule would be forever, never ending.
His kingly rule would never be replaced.
Daniel 7:12-14

~ Beloved Warrior Bride of Love and Grace ~

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Step Into Grace By Laura Rhinehart

His Love Is Like Fresh Drops of Rain ~ Taste And See That He Is Good

Holy Spirit of Grace is pursuing you with LOVE,
His Love is like the fresh drops of rain
resting upon the petals of each flower you pass by in this life.

Run into His Arms of GRACE.
Drink in His Love for you.
Taste of His Grace and See that He is Good.

Laura Rhinhart Drink of You Soaking Worship Prayer

"On that great day," God says, "I will round up all the hurt and homeless, everyone I have bruised or banished. I will transform the battered into a company of the elite.
I will make a strong nation out of the long lost, A showcase exhibit of God's rule in action, as I rule from Mount Zion, from here to eternity.
Micah 4:5-7

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

We Say Yes To Surrendering To Your Beautiful Life Of Love

We say Yes to laying down at your Feet Abba, Yeshua.

We say Yes to LOVING You with all of our heart, soul, and strength.

We say Yes to being your committed, beloved, Grace Filled Bride.
We say Yes to you adoring us with your Beautiful LOVE as you take upon yourself the ashes of our lives.

We say Yes to surrendering to
LIVING Wholly and completely within us.

We say Yes to living wholly surrendered to living our lives IN*SIDE
of Your Heart, the Womb of Everlasting LOVE...

We say yes to Communing with you,
receiving in the Life of Your Living Blood and Body wholly into our lives.

We celebrate Your Laid Down Life of LOVE upon the cross taking on all of our sicknesses, infirmities, weaknesses, deformities, disjointedness, brokenness, and order to give us YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE OF LOVE sown into the LAND of OUR
the cross of YOUR LOVE.....where Your Living Blood forever flows as our source of strength and life.

Your Living Blood delivers us wholly and completely.
We celebrate your Complete Deliverance flowing through our Blood...YOU ARE OUR DELIVERER.....

We celebrate Your Life within us this day and every day.
We say Yes to Tabernacling with You Abba, our Heavenly Groom and Allow Your GLORY to Be our Covering over our lives for all eternity.
We enter in to your Beautiful Glory cloud this morning and forever.
In Yeshua's Beautiful NAME.


Step Into The Life of GRACE

Step Into Grace by Laura Rhinehart

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ LOVE GRACE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BEAUTY OF LOVE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Restoration of all relationships in life happens through the power of Agape LOVE.

I shall run, empowered by His GRACE with His WORDS of AGAPE LOVE..........
A life abandoned to the LIFE OF LOVE.......Yeshua.

May our Father's LOVE be revealed through all of our lives to the nations.

I praise you Father for my brothers and sisters here.
I thank you for saturating our lives with
Your LIFE Essence of LOVE flowing through every cell of our bodies.

Thank you for uniting us as ONE through the giving of your
Laid Down BREAD of LIFE.

You are our Sustenance for all eternity.......
GIVING us LIFE FOREVER.............

In Yeshua's NAME..........above all names.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Living Flame of Everlasting Grace

Abba is our Living Flame of  Everlasting Grace
dwelling in our laid down hearts of Abiding LOVE.


upon the alter of our hearts.
The oil of His Spirit  of Love
causes our hearts to become
Ignited with

Abba's Heart of Laid down Love
meets our
heart of laid down love
Upon the alter of our  hearts.
His Living Flame of Love
Unites with ours.
We Become ONE
Living Flame of Fiery Love
Upon HIS Spirit WATERS of TIME


to the lost, hurting, dying world around us ...
beckoning them to come and
Come ride upon the WINDS of HIS FIERY LOVE flowing throughout all time.


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

~~ This is LOVE ~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE ~

Step Into Grace ~ By Laura Rhinehart

~~ This is LOVE ~~

~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE ~

Back at home on the farm:
This is a picture of my Mom with my babies when they were little.
It was taken in May 1998, a little over a year before she passed away to be with Jesus on July 3, 1999.

I was one of my mom's caregivers for 7 months.
During this time there were many remarkable miracles and precious moments that are like treasures of Love that are tucked away in my heart.

I once asked my mom, "does the grief get any easier to deal with over the years?"
She said to me, "You will always carry me with you in your heart."
What she said is true, I carry each  loving moment with her as a precious treasure tucked away in my heart and  share them with the king of my heart....for each loving moment given to me came from his hand of love for me."

The Lord kept showing me white butterflies and a bridge.....even white butterflies floating over a bridge.
These brilliantly white butterflies were trimmed in gold.

Four weeks before passing to the other side, she fully surrendered, accepting Jesus Christ as her LORD and savior.

One of those memorable moments was when Abba Father healed her of a trauma she was reliving for many days in a row, sometimes many times during each the day.

Jesus healed her of a lifelong trauma from a head on collision car accident in which she experienced her mother  covering her with her own body to in order to save her.
Her mother  was crushed but she survived.
My mom was 15 years old when this accident happened.
She wasn't able to attend her mother's funeral as she herself was recovering.

During the time I was with her while she was on hospice she experienced reliving  this nightmare many times.
One day the Holy Spirit led me to pray in a particular way with her.
 While she was experiencing this trauma, I asked her, the 15 year old girl, if it was ok if I invited Jesus to come to her side to hold her hand.

I knew she, at 15, was alone and scared in this place, trapped in this trauma  in her mind and heart, while reliving these moments  of coming out  from unconsciousness  on the ground not knowing where she was and screaming for her mom.
After I asked her if it was ok if Jesus came to hold her hand she shook her head yes.
I then in front of her acknowledged to Jesus that she said it was ok for him to come hold her hand.
I said to Jesus, "Jesus, she said its ok for you to hold her hand, will you come hold her hand now?"  I then asked her if she saw Jesus there with here. She shook her head, "Yes."
I asked her if he was holding out his hand to her? She again shook her head, "Yes."
I asked her if she would place her hand in his hand, she again shook her head, "Yes."
I then asked her if he was now holding her hand, she shook her head, "Yes."
In that very moment peace visibly fell over her face and her emotions, that moved  from the top of her head down her body. She instantly relaxed and smiled.

During the reaming days on hospice care she never again relived this traumatic nightmare.
I saw my sweet Jesus heal the brokenness in her life .The night before she took her last breath I saw  Him holding her in His arms as He would hold a little lamb; he was preparing her heart by holding her in his arms, making her heart ready for her Home into HIS LIGHT.....our Father's LIGHT of LOVE

One year later my dad gave me a little bag of jewelry she left for me.

Within this bag was a diamond butterfly trimmed in gold.

~~ This is LOVE ~~~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE.


Monday, December 24, 2012

Abandon Your Heart To Be Embraced by Mercy And Grace

Ephesians 2:8-10

The Message (MSG)
7-10 Now God has us where he wants us,
with all the time in this world and the next
to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus.
Saving is all his idea, and all his work.
All we do is trust him enough to let him do it.
It’s God’s gift from start to finish!
We don’t play the major role.
If we did, we’d probably go around bragging
that we’d done the whole thing!
No, we neither make nor save ourselves.
God does both the making and saving.
He creates each of us by Christ Jesus to
join him in the work he does,
the good work he has gotten ready
for us to do, work we had better be doing."

Mercy and Grace by Clint Brown

Yeshua is the Hope and Mercy of our lives......
this day
and every moment of every day of
every year of your life.

He is the living gift of Never Ending Mercy and Grace.

Abandon your own perceptions and understandings...
to gain his SIGHT.
See with His EYES of Hope, Love and Mercy.

You are an eternal being.
As you abandon your heart to His embrace,
you will  find yourself abiding inside of His Etrernal Spirit of Love and Grace.

As you surrender to His Love,
you will discover it is Him who has been carrying you all along.
Mercy carries us in this moment and and throughout  all eternity.

As you turn towards Mercy, abide in His life giving embrace,
you will  find yourself abiding  more and more fully in HIS SPIRIT
and discover His Spirit  abiding more and more  fully within you.

He is the one who has been carrying your through each and everyday of your life.

Just as He is your gift of Mercy and Grace,
You are His Gift of Mercy and Grace to His heart first
who then becomes his fragrant life giving gift of mercy and grace
delivering the message of His heart of everlasting Love
 to all those He places upon your path.

May all who come upon your path this day come to know who  Grace and Mercy is through you.

He is your Abba Father who is the Life of Eternal Love making his home within your heart.
 ~ Home is where the Heart is. ~
Home is where the heart of Love Abides.

This Man by Jeremy Camp

Would you take the place of this man, would you take the nails from his hands?~~
Grace Fall Like Rain Falls Down On Me All My Stains Washed Away
  by Toddy Agnew

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013