Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Thursday, December 27, 2012

~~ This is LOVE ~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE ~

Step Into Grace ~ By Laura Rhinehart

~~ This is LOVE ~~

~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE ~

Back at home on the farm:
This is a picture of my Mom with my babies when they were little.
It was taken in May 1998, a little over a year before she passed away to be with Jesus on July 3, 1999.

I was one of my mom's caregivers for 7 months.
During this time there were many remarkable miracles and precious moments that are like treasures of Love that are tucked away in my heart.

I once asked my mom, "does the grief get any easier to deal with over the years?"
She said to me, "You will always carry me with you in your heart."
What she said is true, I carry each  loving moment with her as a precious treasure tucked away in my heart and  share them with the king of my heart....for each loving moment given to me came from his hand of love for me."

The Lord kept showing me white butterflies and a bridge.....even white butterflies floating over a bridge.
These brilliantly white butterflies were trimmed in gold.

Four weeks before passing to the other side, she fully surrendered, accepting Jesus Christ as her LORD and savior.

One of those memorable moments was when Abba Father healed her of a trauma she was reliving for many days in a row, sometimes many times during each the day.

Jesus healed her of a lifelong trauma from a head on collision car accident in which she experienced her mother  covering her with her own body to in order to save her.
Her mother  was crushed but she survived.
My mom was 15 years old when this accident happened.
She wasn't able to attend her mother's funeral as she herself was recovering.

During the time I was with her while she was on hospice she experienced reliving  this nightmare many times.
One day the Holy Spirit led me to pray in a particular way with her.
 While she was experiencing this trauma, I asked her, the 15 year old girl, if it was ok if I invited Jesus to come to her side to hold her hand.

I knew she, at 15, was alone and scared in this place, trapped in this trauma  in her mind and heart, while reliving these moments  of coming out  from unconsciousness  on the ground not knowing where she was and screaming for her mom.
After I asked her if it was ok if Jesus came to hold her hand she shook her head yes.
I then in front of her acknowledged to Jesus that she said it was ok for him to come hold her hand.
I said to Jesus, "Jesus, she said its ok for you to hold her hand, will you come hold her hand now?"  I then asked her if she saw Jesus there with here. She shook her head, "Yes."
I asked her if he was holding out his hand to her? She again shook her head, "Yes."
I asked her if she would place her hand in his hand, she again shook her head, "Yes."
I then asked her if he was now holding her hand, she shook her head, "Yes."
In that very moment peace visibly fell over her face and her emotions, that moved  from the top of her head down her body. She instantly relaxed and smiled.

During the reaming days on hospice care she never again relived this traumatic nightmare.
I saw my sweet Jesus heal the brokenness in her life .The night before she took her last breath I saw  Him holding her in His arms as He would hold a little lamb; he was preparing her heart by holding her in his arms, making her heart ready for her Home into HIS LIGHT.....our Father's LIGHT of LOVE

One year later my dad gave me a little bag of jewelry she left for me.

Within this bag was a diamond butterfly trimmed in gold.

~~ This is LOVE ~~~ Our Father's attentive and affectionate LOVE.


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