"I will walk by faith even when I cannot see,
Well, because this broken road prepares your will for me.
Help me to rid my endless fears,
You've been so faithful for all my years,
With one breath you make me new,
Your Grace covers all I do.....
Well I will walk by faith even when I cannot see...
Well, because this broken road prepares your will for me....
Well.....I'm broken....but I still SEE Your Face......
Well, You've spoke, pouring your words of Grace into me...
I will walk by faith even when I cannot see....
Well, because this broken road prepares Your will for me.
Well, I will walk by faith even when I cannot see......
I will walk by Faith
I will walk by Faith
I will walk by Faith.....
This song came on the radio on the way to church tonight.
He gave me this song during 2009 and spring of 2010 when my vision was fluctuating and there were a few times I could not see.
There were many times that Abba asked me,
"Will you serve me even if you can't see?"
During the weekend that I saw the movie, The Book of Eli, the movie that my son Benjamin Eli had so badly wanted me to see, Abba asked me again, "Will you serve me even if you can't see."
I didn't know that the movie was about a blind man who stayed the course by following the voice of the Holy Spirit and The WORD which he carried everywhere with him.
Eli walked by faith despite not being able to see.
He stayed the course, despite not being able to see.
He stayed the course despite the distractions and attacks that came at him spiritually and in the natural. He was determined to reach his destined assignment given to him and accomplish his final goal.........to get the WORD in Print.
After seeing the movie, I thought to myself,
"Oh man, he is really asking me to walk with him through physical blindness."
I readied my heart to do so and felt that he was perhaps preparing me by asking me so many times then having my son ask me to watch this movie with him.
I thank him that I did not go blind and still have my physical sight.
My sight got better and stopped fluctuating.
I believe it was a time of true testing to see how dedicated my heart would be to Him above all things.
He desires that we keep our spiritual eyes fully on him.......
seeing him fully .......HE IS LOVE.
As we do, we become stronger and stronger in seeing His Kingdom rather than the deterrents here. The distractions won't move us because our hearts will be so established and focused on Him who is the Living Word.
I believe this is how he desires us to draw closer and closer to him during these times.....our eyes seeing clearer and clearer the kingdom...of TRUE LIFE and TRUE LOVE.......TRUE LIGHT.....
Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Video ~ Rescue the Prisoner based off scenes from the movie, The Book of Eli.
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