Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant
Breath Of Heaven Is Strengthening
Your Heart Wings
Beloved sisters,
I Love you dearly.
We all deserve to be truly loved and cherished in a loving and respectful relationship.
I know the hurt of your heart as I too have walked along this broken road..
Jesus is The Master who does not let one little broken piece go to waist.
He is so lowly, gentle, humble and kind in his nature as he comes to serve us by taking on our burdens.
I know Him to be One who picks up each broken piece into His hands saturating each one with His healing balm of LOVE.
He gently holds and caresses our hearts, molding the pieces of our lives into something brilliantly beautiful;
a trophy of Grace shinning with the Light of His Love.
He truly steps into our place of hurt, removes the shackles binding our heart and head.
He then places the burden of pain on Himself and carries it in our stead.
He is The Servant God who washes my hands and feet from the dust of this world
with the water of HIS LOVE for me.
With His hand He gently wipes away the tears from my eyes so I can clearly see it is Him,
The One I LOVE.
He takes my hands and place them in His, holding them, He looks into my eyes and says,
"Come and walk with me , My LOVE."
My sisters,
There is a path of love which will lead you to a place where the grass is truly green.
Do not hesitate to walk with Him along this path even if you see it leading you to a valley.
Valleys contain green pastures and still waters.
It is in this place you will find that the breeze is calm, the water is deep yet still and crystal clear.
As you become still, looking deeply into The Waters of Grace, you will know it is Him, YHVH, LOVE, loving your heart as He reveals himself as the very Waters of Grace that you're looking into.
Peering into the Waters, you will begin to see it is Him, Grace's eyes in the waters peering back into your eyes. Your eyes have become the eyes of Grace. Grace is looking into the eyes of Grace.
The beholding of who Grace is has brought you to the place of knowing that Grace only sees and knows you as Grace with Him. You are His heart whom he created in LOVE.
In this still place He gives you His cool drink of Life Giving Love.
It is the Well of His Spirit quenching your deep thirst for absolute Love while in the same moments
restoring you as His Living Grace washes over your heart and soul.
Your heart will begin to clearly see it is Him, the One who is called Your Wonderful Maker,
living inside of your as One Heart of Love
It is in these places of the valleys of Grace, where butterflies are born.
He will cocoon you in His Presence, the Presence of His Word,
till He knows your wings have been strengthened by His Love.
His Love flowing through each vein of your life strengthens your wings.
You will see your wings grow firm and strong enough to spread out and burst into flight.
You will begin to see that you've been beautifully made, delicate yet courageously strong, by his very breath breathing into you the depth of His Mighty LOVE.
See yourself as strong inside of His Canopy of Love as you fly upon the currents of His
Life giving breath enabling you to endure the winds of this world.
My sisters,
He desires to reach His hands down into the deepest ashes of our humanity.
As you allow Him to serve you the drink of His LOVE,
He is able to draw out the most precious treasures the earth has yet to know.
He is the Master Treasure Hunter, hunting for the treasures inside of your life.
He is ever so searching and looking for places of deep ashes to pour his Love into.
Our lives are the ones whom hold His most precious gems.
The strength of His Love is able to reach in and bring forth His brightest and most precious jewels!
The gift of His Life and Love is deposited within our spirits.
Our hearts breathed alive by Him are the most radiant of all gems.
This life's trials and tribulations tried to bury and hide us, his gifts, under heavy bond-ages, leaving us alive yet barely breathing.
However, before time, He knew you.
He formed you and called you by your name, and he knows exactly where to find you....
you've always been in his're not forgotten.
You may be buried so deep under the ashes of this world that the world has forgotten you, and doesn't know where you're at but he does. (Isaiah 43:1-2).
He is Our Father GOD who knew all along where His treasures would be.
He knows just the right time and the right way to reach His hands down into the
deepest places of our lives to breathe into us His resurrection breath.
He become our very breath and brings us forth, as his buried Treasures, now made a live.
He delights in releasing His treasures into the Light of Life;
He releases into us his wonderful life giving freedom enabling us to spread our wings, then lift up upon the breath of His Life Giving Spirit, taking flight upon the winds of His Love.
My sister, by His Spirit within you, your flight shines forth His beautiful Light of Love.
I can clearly see you spreading the fragrance of His love to all the lives you touch.
It is the Glory of His LOVE He placed there within your life
before the foundations of the earth were formed.
My sister, You are One of His Special Treasures.
He formed you in His image, in you He sees Himself;
He sees the Light of His LOVE.
I love you my sisters,
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
At His Side Resting In His
LOVE, Beloved
Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013