I Know You By Heart
More Love ~ I will worship You with All of My Heart
(Cherry blossom is symbolic for 'Unite With Your Beloved One.'
Song: I Know You By Heart by Eva Cassidy
Beloved One, Cause I Know You By Heart
I hear
the freedom of Love flowing from Heaven's 'Beautiful One' heart to ours.
Heart to Heart
I rest in your embrace of Love;
overflowing purity pouring forth from your vulnerable and transparent heart
melts down my fiercely protective barriers and
I begin to sing the songs of Love as I'm being eternally held in
the arms of Heaven's Love drenching rain.
"Abba Father, I love to grow and glow in the light of your love."
My heart glows in the fertile soil
of our
One Heart Home
'Belonging Love.'
I sing to you Papa,
'I'm back home where I belong.'
I've journeyed upon a long and dusty road,
yet the warm fire of Your Love
drew me back home down the
righteous Eternal road of
My Beloved King, my heart is awakened by your love and I realize it is You who has
created this particular road just for my heart.
Upon the path of
'Eternal Loving-Kindness,'
I opened my eyes to discover it was You who has
been traveling with me all along.
You've been wooing me home...into our eternal heart home.
Your heart is my home, sweet home.
You looked upon my naked life, laying bare and bleeding,
and needing resurrection.
Heart to heart, You leaned over my being and breathed your very breath into my heart.
Your loving breath blowing through my heart filled my
lungs with resuscitation Life.
AS you saw me lying there bleeding in my own blood, you knew it was time to
awaken my heart into Everlasting Love.
You gave me Your blood.
You gave me Your breath.
You gave me Your Life.
You gave me Your Clothes.
You gave me Your Rings.
You gave me Your Glory.
You gave me your LOVE.
I only came back to life through Your Loving Spirit alone.
You made me alive with you In-side of
Your Life of Eternal Love.
Abba, Its been You all along.
I've been here with you all along in
the place where I was born with you in
the womb of Love.
Abba, I awaken to know I have been at home with You all along, inside of You,
the womb of Everlasting Merciful Love.
I Know You By Heart
'Belonging Love.'
You are my eternal home.
you've made a home for me
inside of your eternal heart.
You called my heart to awaken,
to know I AM home.
I AM an eternal
One Heart
with you
You're always open, embracing me as your very own
'Beautiful One.'
I AM breathing in each
gentle rain drop touching the delicate petals of my
'One heart Rose.'
My heart breathes as One with yours.
I begin to sing the songs of Love as I'm being eternally held in
the arms of Heaven's Love drenching rain.
"Abba Father, I love to grow and glow in the light of your love."
My heart glows in the fertile soil
of our
One Heart Home
'Belonging Love.'
I sing to you Papa,
'I'm back home where I belong.'
I've journeyed upon a long and dusty road,
yet the warm fire of Your Love
drew me back home down the
righteous Eternal road of
My Beloved King, my heart is awakened by your love and I realize it is You who has
created this particular road just for my heart.
Upon the path of
'Eternal Loving-Kindness,'
I opened my eyes to discover it was You who has
been traveling with me all along.
You've been wooing me home...into our eternal heart home.
Your heart is my home, sweet home.
You looked upon my naked life, laying bare and bleeding,
and needing resurrection.
Heart to heart, You leaned over my being and breathed your very breath into my heart.
Your loving breath blowing through my heart filled my
lungs with resuscitation Life.
AS you saw me lying there bleeding in my own blood, you knew it was time to
awaken my heart into Everlasting Love.
You gave me Your blood.
You gave me Your breath.
You gave me Your Life.
You gave me Your Clothes.
You gave me Your Rings.
You gave me Your Glory.
You gave me your LOVE.
I only came back to life through Your Loving Spirit alone.
You made me alive with you In-side of
Your Life of Eternal Love.
Abba, Its been You all along.
I've been here with you all along in
the place where I was born with you in
the womb of Love.
Abba, I awaken to know I have been at home with You all along, inside of You,
the womb of Everlasting Merciful Love.
I Know You By Heart
'Belonging Love.'
You are my eternal home.
you've made a home for me
inside of your eternal heart.
You called my heart to awaken,
to know I AM home.
I AM an eternal
One Heart
with you
You're always open, embracing me as your very own
'Beautiful One.'
I AM breathing in each
gentle rain drop touching the delicate petals of my
'One heart Rose.'
My heart breathes as One with yours.
I love our Royal hearts growing together in the
of Heaven's own Bright King.
of Heaven's own Bright King.
Heart to heart
we're drenched
in the Rain of Heaven's Love.
In the stillness of the night,
the dew of heaven settled upon our
dry hearts....nurturing us into our risen 'Son' life.
awaken in the morning Son-light
knowing we are
Heaven's own
Bright King Heart.
Heaven's heart Reigns
in the
Son-Light of Freedom Rain
We are Royal Roses
growing in our Father's Secret Garden Enclosed,
we truly 'Reign' in Heaven's Son-Light
I'm laying upon your chest, listening closely to your heart,
every heart beat I dare not miss.
Oh, how I love the rhythm of your heart.
You flow so beautifully in heaven's harmonious light.
I do not want to miss a step
as we rest heart to heart ~
listening to the sounds of Abba's
Love beating for us as
His Beloved 'Beautiful One.'
I hear the sound of Love
pouring as a river through
our Beautiful united Heart of Love.
It is here where I
hear the rain of Heaven
re-sounding through
'Beautiful One'
the rhythmic sounds of
Living Love
gently singing,
'I'm One.'
Abba's Heart of
'Belonging Love'
through our hearts with rhythmic sounds
'freedom drums,'
saying to the world,
'Liberty is here,
Freedom has won.
Love is our life and
Love has Won.'
We've embraced the 'Race of GRACE'
We know its only through His Mighty Life alone,
that we've already won.
Along this journey of Life and Love,
we're ringing the thunderous sounds
of Heaven's
'freedom bells'
to everyone.
~ Freedom ROSE ~
You're a freedom Rose in full bloom.
Heart to heart.......
we rest.....
to the sound of
Freedom ~ Drums
in the garden called,
'Eternal Grace.'
shining as
Our Gardner's
'Joyful Rose'
blossoming inside of
our Father's
secret garden enclosed...
Beautiful ONE
Captivated by LOVE and GRACE ~
Releasing the Sounds of His Fragrant Heart of Merciful LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
© Copyright 2013
published on 3//3/13, 10:15 PM
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