Artist: Pamela Jones
Painting titled: 'Releasing The Heart of The Apostolic ~ Setting the Captives Free'
Painting titled: 'Releasing The Heart of The Apostolic ~ Setting the Captives Free'
Vision on 5-13-13
LOVE Sets The Captives Free
I was praying in the Spirit this morning about 7:30 AM, meditating upon his righteous judgements this morning, releasing all to Him even all the dead works. Once I did this, I felt my spirit release from my body and lift up, I was lifted up into his presence and was in a courtroom of sorts.
His Shakinah was so thick upon me that I could not open my mouth nor speak. I experienced knowing my spirit as he knows it, I also experienced knowing what my spirit looks like and feels like when it (I) holds onto 'anything.'
His righteous merciful judgements were released this morning.
This is a special and significant day;it is like he is preparing (cleansing,freeing, releasing, clearing out all the lies and false beliefs and false judgements ~ releasing righteous judgements in every way into us and through we wholly trust his just judgements and surrender 'wholly' to him to have his way at all cost) his bride for the infilling of his Spirit..........'Shavout'
I again fell back to sleep and dreamed a significant dream which included the couple who leads our Sabbath meetings. He died then was resurrected, his wife was grieving when he drove up to her in a pick up truck with a huge Menorah in the bed of the truck which was as tall as a person or taller, 8 foot or more yet it was taken apart in pieces and covered in plastic bags.
He drove up beside Delilah, poked his head out of the window and spoke to her, "Do you think the Lord is going to bring us this far and not allow us to fulfill His Promises to us. Come on, let's go, we have promises from our Lord to fulfill."
I was in the house watering the trees that were dying. They had been left there for a long time, dust was every where yet as I was watering them they were coming back to life.As they were coming back to life, the atmosphere began to lighten up as if the dust was disappearing. Having more than enough water in each pot the water was overflowing into the pots next to them.
There is more to this dream but this was significant as His Spirit was speaking to me, 'resurrection of my dreams' and to confidently know that there is resurrection power in remembering (recalling and declaring to each other and to Him) HIS promises which He made to me as HE is the one who gave them in the first place. He, by the Power of His Spirit and me whole heartedly agreeing with him will bring forth LIFE of what he spoke into my 'heart womb.'
He will not bring us this far to allow them to die.
His Spirit empowers us to recall what He has spoken to us, whenever He speaks and what ever He speaks and 'we join' in with him in speaking it, there is LIFE.....will come forth ~ when we join in with him, a combustion will happen, sparking and igniting LIFE.
Upon waking up I clearly heard the phone ring and hearing the voice of my ex-husband saying to me, I just want you to know I'm becoming a Christian and getting baptized and filled with the Spirit today....and then I knew his wife was also joining him in this.
I was floored and wowed..and grateful.
Immediately after hearing this conversation...... This morning I had a crystal clear vision of the image of our savior's face behind bars. Eyes full of longing, his face was pressed in between the bars while his hands were gripping them;
blood was dripping down his face and from his hands, down the bars and on the wall behind him.
As I was seeing this image he clearly spoke to me,
"Love the One you see behind the bars because it is me whom you are seeing."
I've laid down my life to die to myself daily and pray for the ones who have betrayed and trespassed in many ways. I have been challenged in every way to rise above, to not see my life as my own but as HIS, and then to see them as ones who belong to Him setting me free to rise beyond the 'flesh' and
SEE with His Heart how He sees them.
MY and HIS just reward in all of is to see them come to Christ and rejoicing with them in their salvation and infilling of His Holy Spirit.
He is showing me the fruits of what is coming because I've asked him for His Righteous Judgements in all areas of my is a place of complete abandonment to trust that HE IS MERCIFULLY JUST and GOOD all the way down to the depths and core of my life.
MERCY always trumps judgement.
I was hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no
drink. 43I was a stranger and you did not take me in; I was naked, and
you did not clothe me. I was sick, and in prison and you did not take
care of me.' 44And those will answer,
and they will say, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a
stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and we did not minister to
you?' 45Then he will answer and he will say to them, 'Amen, I say to
you, as much as you have not done to one of these little ones, neither
have you done that to me.' 46And these will go into eternal torture, and
the righteous into eternal life.” ~ Matthew 25
Love Never Fails by Jami
Alabaster Box by Julie Meyer
1 comment:
Wow, what confirmation, of what the Lord is teaching me. The Lord has been directing my every step, as tho He is the One doing all the walking, this past week, I've started on a journey to Shalom in every area of my life, my spirit, my soul, and my body, He began with opening up my heart to really receive His LOVE, and He has led me on this journey toward complete transformation, and freedom from the pain, the chains that have kept me bound to the past. I know He is giving me new eyes to see. To see who I really am, not the lies I've believed. I just started reading "How to Stop the Pain" by Dr. Jim Richards, and he said the first step in the journey is surrendering my right to judge. Even the things that have caused me pain. I just thank the Lord that He is the one who is walking me through it all.
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