Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Beautifully Broken


Beautifully Broken 

"There is a radical reaction every time I lift my eyes to gaze upon

the wonder of the Bridegroom and Bride....

my heart cannot contain this..

the GOD

of all creation wants

to give his heart to me. "

He has placed my life within Himself,
The Life of Christ and seated at the right side of My Father forevermore.

Colossians 3 

Beautiful by Kari Jobe

Beautifully Broken,

by Sheri Rose Shepherd

My Beautiful Warrior Bride, Beloved ~
What you may see as broken inside yourself, I see as beautiful.

 I am the One who makes beautiful 
things out of broken hearts. 

I am the same God who took a brokenhearted orphan named Esther and 

turned her into a queen who saved My people.

Just as I used Esther's pain for My purpose, I will not waste a single tear you have shed, My love. 

I can and will use whatever is broken in your life for My glory.

My love and mercy will shine brightest in those broken places.

I will not only use what is broken, I will rebuild you to become even better and more beautiful than 

you could ever imagine.


Your King who sees your true beauty
"This man had a very beautiful and lovely young cousin, Hadassah, who was also called Esther. 

When her father and mother died, Mordecai adopted her into his family and raised her as his own daughter."

~Esther 2:7 (NLT)~

  During 2010 through 2012 I could hardly walk anywhere much less try to dance without pain on 

the bottom of my feet and muscle pain throughout my body.

He's brought me a long way over the past two years...










2 Corinthians 1:4
The Message 

The Rescue

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, 

Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! 

God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us 

when we go through hard times, 

and before you know it, he 

brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so 

that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. 

We have plenty of hard times that come from following the 

Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—
we get a full measure of that, too.

I can comfort many with the comfort that the our DADDY GOD has comforted me with

I can comfort the abused for I've been abused.

I can comfort the beaten ones for I've been beaten.

I can comfort those who've been raped for I've been raped.

I can comfort the molested for I've been molested.

I can comfort the the divorced for I've been rejected and divorced.

I can comfort the brokenhearted for I've had a brokenhearted spirit.

I can comfort the grieved for I've lost children and a parent.

I can comfort the orphaned for I had an orphaned heart,

I can comfort the fatherless for I've experienced now knowing what its like to have my earthly 

father's accepting Love, but have come to Know the GOD as My DAD who truly Holds, carries, 

comforts, guides, and tenderly Loves my heart and being.

I can comfort the rejected for I've been rejected.

I can speak to the homeless for I've been homeless.

I can comfort and minister to those who experience migraines for I suffered from chronic 

debilitating migraines for over 7 years before I experienced

HEALING VIRTUE FLOW through my body and no longer experience migraines! 


I can comfort and heal the wounded for I've been wounded and



I can comfort the sick, destitute, abandoned, and alone for I've been in their shoes.

I can comfort the lame in feet and body for I've been lame in feet and body.

I can comfort those who are pressed down and crushed by life circumstances for I've been crushed 

and pressed down and in by many life circumstance....till my 'heart life' could only bleed' out his 

own beautiful fragrant LIFE who has brought me back to life, awakened my RISE 

UP..inside of HIS LIFE ALONE.....He picked me up, held me together in his arms, kept me as His 
Very OWN BELOVED ~ Beautiful ONE ~ whose heart is wholly surrendered to be HIS ALONE.

I offer up my very LIFE as a PRAISE offering TO HIM ALONE...I BELONG TO 

HIM......JEHOVAH ISHI ~ THE GREAT YHWH and WAY MAKER. HE made a way for me to 

be healed, wholly belonging to MY VERY HEART HOME.

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

We're On The Road To Beautiful


"We are on the Road to beautiful.
Abba Father is the Master story weaver. 
He takes the threads of our lives
that we think are old and worn out,
only to make them into threads of gold.
He writes the most beautiful Love stories ever told.
He dances with you upon this road called Beautiful as 
He whispers in your ear all the
just for you."

We are on the road to Beautiful,
our seasons always change, yet our lives
are spent on Loving You, Father.
You hold us up, you strengthen us when we can barely stand,
Our heart is set on a pilgrimage into the brightness of your
Loving Heart.

Beloved Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace 

Impregnated with the LIFE of LOVE

"He revealed the Fullness of His love by laying down His Life as our sacrifice. When AGAPE LOVE reveals the Agape love of the Father, Heaven's Glory Kisses the earth."

We're abiding in His GLORY
His life has kissed our lives.
His life has consumed us.
In our 'now' moments,
we are in the 'warp' speed of 'Glory Life.'
We live in his life...which is GLORY.
His word...has kissed our lives,
consumed us with the kisses of love,
covered us and enveloped us in the embrace of his arms
and impregnated us with his very life.

Living in the Eternal Moment of GRACE

We forever Abide in His Eternal HEART of LOVE.....

Enjoy the flames of LOVE burning for your Life.

Carrie Rebecca LOVE GRACE

I Have Summoned You By Name; You Are My LOVE

Today is SHAVOUT ~ The Celebration of Pentecost ~
Today is also 5-15 `meaning Grace-Grace, Grace, Grace.

Fresh Holy Fire is Falling today and burning deep within our hearts causing us to know Him as our First LOVE.

He woke me up this morning at 4 AM
to dance to a song called 'Empty Me' by Jeremy Camp.
(Holy Fire burn away anything that is not of you...I want more of you and less of me.)

HOLY FIRE is Falling

The number 5 is the symbolic number representing Grace.
Today is 5-15 meaning ~ Grace - Grace, Grace, Grace.
We are 'Carried' into this place of
'Abiding Grace' as Holy Fiery Love is pouring down upon us. His Spirit fall fresh upon us is a gift given to us by his 'Holy Spirit of GRACE' purchased for us through the finished work of Yeshua upon the cross.

We are to simply yield to His Loving Grace there is no room for works whatsoever. His Grace carries us through.
His Spirit of Grace pours out upon us, wholly consuming us with His LOVE.

For 14 years this date has has been a special date for me much like a Wedding Anniversary Date.
This morning He asked me to Dance with Him Forever in the Fields of Grace.

My experience with Him this morning was as if He took me back to the beginning where I first encountered His LOVE yet in a greater way.
He asked me to 'Marry' (Mary) Him again!
He burst my heart wide open with His Love.

He caused me to experience Him as my first Love all over again. He caused my heart to feel the freshness of his LOVE, innocence of Love, and like a brand new youthful bride to His Spirit.

He is restoring our hearts back to the place of experiencing Him with innocent trust in His Love for us.

He is restoring our hearts to experience life with with a pure heart demonstrating youthful trust in His delight over us.

He restores our hearts to the condition of a youthful, giddy kind of joyful love flowing through the depths of our hearts which existed before any pain, trial, or trauma entered our lives.

The very place of your greatest brokenness, greatest trauma and greatest pain are the very places He is pouring in the greatest amount of His Healing Love ~ The Balm of Gilead.

He is releasing the greatness of His Peace and Love manifesting as the weightiness of His Shakinah Glory.

He is causing our hearts to experience the greatness of his restorative Love strengthening our very being, releasing Rivers of Living JOY into the depths of your heart and soul.

He truly is the keeper of our hearts. He is our Oyster shell of protective Love and we are his pearl of great price.

He has given his whole life to have us as his very own bride.
He dove into the depths of the deepest darkness to recover us as his very own pearl of great price.

He protects our hearts as he does his very own heart. He loves us as He Loves himself. He is LOVE who always heals himself back into oneness with himself. We are breathed alive out of his own heart, made in his image, and he will always heal us back into His Heart, into the place of
of Pure LOVE, Pure Light, Pure Life.

The Pearl of LOVE and GRACE ~
I'm sharing here a portion of my testimony of Love and Grace.
By His Spirit of Grace He made me his child of Grace. He let me know that he purposely chose me as the fifth child born to my mother, thus his child of 'Grace.'
I am only carried through this life by His Spirit of Grace.
He has called me unto Himself as His own.
I carry His Spirit of Love and Grace.
Today My bridegroom awoke me at 4 Am
and led me to dance with Him to 'Empty Me' while I was asking for His Holy Fire to consume me.
He asked me to dance with him the fields of Grace where we will forever dance together.

This is the moment of LOVE and Grace.....
every moment of our lives is where we exist in the Eternal moment of LOVE and GRACE. Our Father is Eternity. He is Heaven and Heaven is Eternal LOVE and GRACE.......and 'He' is the place we already live and exist forever.

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
Carried by His LOVE and GRACE into the Depths of LOVE's Embrace

Living 'IN' the Eternal 'Moment of LOVE'

July 30, 2013 at 2:09am

What is it like to live 'in' the 'Moment Of LOVE' ~

When we're children of the LIGHT and are trusting our Abba Father is leading us In LOVE, we're not afraid to stop for the 'one' in order to 'BE LOVE' to the 'one' He places in front of us.

Stopping for the cause of 'LOVE' brings Light to 'one's' day.“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."Matthew 5:14,16

Today as I walked into Wall-Greens, I stepped onto the sidewalk and looking up I saw a elderly man sitting on the bench leaning again a brick wall. I noticed he was hot, sweaty, had a brace on his knee. I felt Papa's heart 'of Love' leading me to speak to him but at the moment didn't really know what to say.
As I walked by he spoke up first and said, "Its hot out today isn't it?" I answered, "Yes, it sure is."
Walking out of the store I had a drink in hand for him on this hot summer day. After he shared with me his experiences with Christ, I asked if I could pray with him. Expressing gratefulness that I asked, he  clasped  my hands in his and tears began streaming down his cheeks while sharing with me that his dad who was in his 80's, passed away two weeks ago. He shared much that was on his heart about his family who were fighting to have the 'inheritance' of the family home and belongings. Within these few moments he shared that he cared to have 'nothing of it' if it meant a fight with his brother.It was grieving his heart terribly yet he'd rather remain homeless and live with no monetary goods  in order to  have God's LOVE...and Peace.  It was certainly breaking his heart that his family was fighting over 'stuff' and not being considerate his needs. Later within the conversation he shared that he served two terms in the Vietnam War which left him with much trauma. As we spoke, Abba began showing  me how He sees Wyndol and how He is so very intimately close to his heart.
Psalm 51:17
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

Isaiah 57:15
"For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite."

His humble heart was crying out to His Heavenly Dad today. His heart was sensitive and open to His Presence (who is LOVE).As We prayed, I felt The Power of God's Presence break off grief and releasing healing Love into his broken heart. I was humbled to witness the Holy Spirit  'lift UP his heart and soul' to look fully into His FACE of LOVE. Change in Wyndol's appearance  happen right before my eyes as His face light up with a smile and his eyes began to sparkle with Peace, Love and Joy.
Isaiah 61
The Message (MSG)
Announce Freedom to All Captives
The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me
because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor,
heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives,
pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies—
and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness”
planted by God to display his glory.

After we prayed, Wyndol shared with me that when I first walked by he felt and saw a 'LIGHT' around me. He knew then that I was sent by GOD to speak to him today. He said that these few moments were the 'highlight' of his day and was so grateful that I took the time to stop and speak to him.

Yielding to God's LOVE to stop for the 'one' makes their day and lets them know that they are treasured, valued, favored and significant to GOD. Allow GOD to stop you in your 'be' his 'living light of LOVE to the ONE he places upon your path.

As one of Abba's messengers of Love and Grace, I was prompted to encourage his heart and soul that his Abba Father Presence is LOVE and  LOVE is always with him; is never apart from his life, for GOD is everlasting LOVE.
His (our) true eternal inheritance is our Father's Presence with us, regardless of his (our) status in this world.

When we have our Heavenly Father's presence abiding with us, through the Spirit of Christ Yeshua, dwelling with in our hearts, we have our Father  who is our Full Inheritance.When we have 'heaven' abiding within us and us 'within' Heaven's Heart, we the Greatest Wealth that the world cannot provide to us. When we confidently know we have our Father's LOVE, we have something that no one in this world can ever give to us nor take away from us.Father reminded and affirmed Wyndol of how wealthy he is in this very moment because he has His True Dad's Presence with him. Wyndol is 'rich' with the Father's Presence. He is 'rich in the Kingdom of Heaven for he walks as son in the Kingdom with His Dad.He may be poor by this earthly standards but he is by far one of  the wealthiest 'sons' I have ever met, for the presence of YHWH is 'weighty' with glory upon his life.
Jesus' revealed who our True Father is by demonstrating who LOVE is through his 'death defying' action of laying down his life for all of creation.
Jesus opened up the 'way' and became 'The Way' for us to be 'ONE' with 'The Eternal Life of LOVE,' ~ GOD.

This man, Wyndol, is a brother in Christ, whom we will one day meet again walking upon the streets of gold.

Through Christ's 'finished work' on the cross, our Father sees ours and Wyndol's life as 'Complete IN HIM' (His forever Abiding and Loving Spirit).
This is true for all of us regardless of where he is and you and I are at upon our journey.
He is one of Abba father's messengers of LOVE and GRACE who knows that God is with him in every waking moment.
Father reminded our brother 'in Christ' that he is a messenger of Love and Grace, a messenger of the 'Good News' to all who are placed upon his path who their 'True Dad' is; GOD is EVERLASTING LOVE.

" many as are led by the Spirit, THESE are the sons of God."
Rom 8:14.

Blessings of Father's LOVE and GRACE,
Carrie Rebecca LOVE GRACE

My Jesus by Todd Agnew

Being LED by LOVE

Being LED by LOVE

'as many as are led by the Spirit, THESE are the sons of God'. Rom 8:14.

As we are LED of his Spirit,
His Spirit is LOVE
LOVE leads our hearts.

LOVE is always a 'now' moment LOVE is in the moment Love in the moment makes a full circle

Living 'in' the moment of Love always brings us full circle then truly draws us into the depths of the center of His LIFE.

Much as a Moth is drawn to the LIGHT...
Love magnetically....(woos us) draws us into the center of His HEART........
In the center of the circle is the fullness of LIGHT and LOVE Himself
In the center of the circle is the fullness of LIGHT and LOVE Himself
In the center of the circle is the fullness of LIGHT and LOVE Himself

WE're .....'IN' the 'CENTER'....of the Light/LIFE of LOVE

We're walking... 'IN' side....of the circle of LOVE.
We're Walking IN LOVE with LIFE.
We're walking in THE LIGHT of HIS LIFE ...... who is LOVE HIMSELF.

WE are.....B E....AM...ING....LIGHTS.
WE are.....BE....AM....ING....LOVE LIGHTS.


Up-Ward Call of LOVE

I press on towards the goal for the prize of the 'UP'ward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14

We're called to Ascend be clothed with and ABIDE in....CHRIST (Anointed One) as ONE HEART as we manifest the Father's LOVE to all.........just as Christ Yeshua did by laying down his life 'for the cause of Love' while we were still his enemies.

He gave his all for the sake of 'LOVE'
in order to make his Father our Father.
Father ~ GOD Is LOVE

Highway Hearts

"Our hearts become the 'highways to Zion' ~ His Very PRESENCE.
As we lay down our hearts in 'Love' for Him to be wholly consumed by His LOVE,
our 'hearts become ONE heart' with HIS.

Our ONE heart of LOVE then becomes the 'highway' for others to travel upon.
As they come to intimately 'know' him as LOVE through our laid down lives, to love them as HE loves them,
they too will also desire to lay down their lives to be wholly consumed by His Love and become wholly ONE HEART WITH HIM.

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
in whose heart are the highways to Zion.

As they go through the Valley of Baca
they make it a place of springs;

the early rain also covers it with pools.
They go from strength to strength;
each one appears before God in Zion

Psalm 84:5-8

Resting inside the Eternal Grace Haven of LOVE's HEART HOME,
Carrie Rebecca LOVE GRACE

Chariots of FIRE

Our HEARTS are 'Chariots of FIRE'.....
Carrying the Holy FIRE OF LOVE ....
out into the world......
Turning on the FIRE LIGHTS OF shine in the darkness...

We receive ALL of your light our hearts aflame
for your shine ..into all of creation!
Our hearts are His Chariots of FIRE....
We are His holy Hearts aflame with LOVE
being carried into the fullness of his GLORY 'as' we are





LOVE ...........heals all pain.
LOVE............opens every door.
LOVE............consumes every heart lie with LIVING HOLY TRUTH of LOVE.
LOVE.............sets every heart free......
LOVE .............heals every heart....and unlocks every door from being locked away behind bars of shame and pain.
LOVE .............reaches out to us and calls us HIS very own.
LOVE.............calls out to you and me as he sees within us the image of his own life;
He whispers to our hearts, 'MY Fair LOVE.'

BE Generators of LOVE

LOVE ....generates...More LOVE.


break out of  your confines to 'BE' the LIGHT of LOVE set upon a Hill...........

You are LOVE LIGHTS shining in the depths of the darkness in this world.
Your LOVE disperses all darkness.......

No more hiding your LOVE .....
under the confines of the flesh ways...

Look up,
open up your heart  to
in the darkness of the night....
shining the light of your LOVE LIGHT.

Let your LOVE shine.
so  ALL can  SEE THE LIGHT.....
of who He truly IS......
 of the Kingdom of Heaven
living as the
within you.

Shining your LOVE causes all to SEE who you truly are.....
You are
One with the LIGHT of LOVE

You are
 living in this realm as Sons and Daughters of the

YAHWEH is the Diamond of LOVE
Yeshua is the Pearl of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca LOVE Grace
Fully Carried by the Saving GRACE of The Light of LOVE