Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Have Summoned You By Name; You Are My LOVE

Today is SHAVOUT ~ The Celebration of Pentecost ~
Today is also 5-15 `meaning Grace-Grace, Grace, Grace.

Fresh Holy Fire is Falling today and burning deep within our hearts causing us to know Him as our First LOVE.

He woke me up this morning at 4 AM
to dance to a song called 'Empty Me' by Jeremy Camp.
(Holy Fire burn away anything that is not of you...I want more of you and less of me.)

HOLY FIRE is Falling

The number 5 is the symbolic number representing Grace.
Today is 5-15 meaning ~ Grace - Grace, Grace, Grace.
We are 'Carried' into this place of
'Abiding Grace' as Holy Fiery Love is pouring down upon us. His Spirit fall fresh upon us is a gift given to us by his 'Holy Spirit of GRACE' purchased for us through the finished work of Yeshua upon the cross.

We are to simply yield to His Loving Grace there is no room for works whatsoever. His Grace carries us through.
His Spirit of Grace pours out upon us, wholly consuming us with His LOVE.

For 14 years this date has has been a special date for me much like a Wedding Anniversary Date.
This morning He asked me to Dance with Him Forever in the Fields of Grace.

My experience with Him this morning was as if He took me back to the beginning where I first encountered His LOVE yet in a greater way.
He asked me to 'Marry' (Mary) Him again!
He burst my heart wide open with His Love.

He caused me to experience Him as my first Love all over again. He caused my heart to feel the freshness of his LOVE, innocence of Love, and like a brand new youthful bride to His Spirit.

He is restoring our hearts back to the place of experiencing Him with innocent trust in His Love for us.

He is restoring our hearts to experience life with with a pure heart demonstrating youthful trust in His delight over us.

He restores our hearts to the condition of a youthful, giddy kind of joyful love flowing through the depths of our hearts which existed before any pain, trial, or trauma entered our lives.

The very place of your greatest brokenness, greatest trauma and greatest pain are the very places He is pouring in the greatest amount of His Healing Love ~ The Balm of Gilead.

He is releasing the greatness of His Peace and Love manifesting as the weightiness of His Shakinah Glory.

He is causing our hearts to experience the greatness of his restorative Love strengthening our very being, releasing Rivers of Living JOY into the depths of your heart and soul.

He truly is the keeper of our hearts. He is our Oyster shell of protective Love and we are his pearl of great price.

He has given his whole life to have us as his very own bride.
He dove into the depths of the deepest darkness to recover us as his very own pearl of great price.

He protects our hearts as he does his very own heart. He loves us as He Loves himself. He is LOVE who always heals himself back into oneness with himself. We are breathed alive out of his own heart, made in his image, and he will always heal us back into His Heart, into the place of
of Pure LOVE, Pure Light, Pure Life.

The Pearl of LOVE and GRACE ~
I'm sharing here a portion of my testimony of Love and Grace.
By His Spirit of Grace He made me his child of Grace. He let me know that he purposely chose me as the fifth child born to my mother, thus his child of 'Grace.'
I am only carried through this life by His Spirit of Grace.
He has called me unto Himself as His own.
I carry His Spirit of Love and Grace.
Today My bridegroom awoke me at 4 Am
and led me to dance with Him to 'Empty Me' while I was asking for His Holy Fire to consume me.
He asked me to dance with him the fields of Grace where we will forever dance together.

This is the moment of LOVE and Grace.....
every moment of our lives is where we exist in the Eternal moment of LOVE and GRACE. Our Father is Eternity. He is Heaven and Heaven is Eternal LOVE and GRACE.......and 'He' is the place we already live and exist forever.

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace
Carried by His LOVE and GRACE into the Depths of LOVE's Embrace

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