You Are For Me ~ by Kari Jobe
Out of 'The Heart' LOVE flows.
Out of ' The Heart' Love speaks.
Our hearts reveals the glory of Love.
LOVE speaks to our hearts today and everyday.
The Glory of His LOVE is fluidly reveals through us His nature of Love through us as we lay our lives down to love one another as he loves each one of us.
The Glory of Love reveals Himself to us and through us each and every day.
Ruach HaKodesh who is LOVE is loving on us today.
I was at the bookstore most all evening with a friend and my son. Out of the many books I carried around with me all evening, I carried close to my heart one special book on sunflowers.
Throughout the night I saw several books with 'sunflowers' on many covers.
I was thinking to myself,
'Wow, Father, what do you want to speak to me about the sunflower?"
I perused through this one special book describing the life cycle of the sunflower including information on how 'Bees' and 'butterflies' fertilize the eggs within the tubular of the flower head with 'pollen' that was stuck to their 'legs' and 'feet.'
My first impressions were visualizations of how we as lovers of Christ shod our feet in the gospel of peace.
As we travel from flower to flower we fertilize the soil of every heart we touch with the 'Golden pollen' of His Spirit LIFE.
We carry the Resurrection and Life to each heart we meet.
We pollinate each heart with His Spirit of Peace which Ephesians says it was the Spirit of Peace who resurrected Christ from the dead.
He is the Spirit of 'Shalom' resurrecting our lives into HIM who is our completeness, wholeness, nutrition, provision, and restful existence.
As we abide inside of his Spirit we are inside of our
'Resting Place,' our 'sabbath,' our eternal place of peace where we no longer strive;
we just 'BEE' with HIM as a united heart living, breathing, beating as ONE with him,
who is our Everlasting Peace.
Once the pollen from the bees 'feet and legs' reached the egg and became fertilized it is at this point when the egg is no longer just an egg, it has become the 'SEED.'
May I say it this way, the egg is no longer just a 'womb' or 'tomb' for now it not only shelters life, it has become 'ONE' with the 'SEED of LIFE' and has become LIFE.
The Hebrew name 'Rebecca' means to be bound, joined, married, and captivated.
We as His bride are so 'bound, married, and joined as one' with LOVE to the point that we have
become His very own 'captivating beautiful heart life' expressed here in this earth.
He captivates us with is love;
we become married (united as one) to the beautiful ONE who is Love; we are LOVE.
When the Hebrew letters for the name Rebecca is reversed it means, 'tomb.'
His Life is always looking for a tomb (nothing else left of us ) to impregnate with HIS Spirit LIFE.
Ruach HaKodesh breathes into the tomb of our lives to bring forth new Life.
He joins HIS BEAUTIFUL ONE HEART LIFE with ours to such a degree,
that He envelops us to the point we become hidden and sheltered within (inside of His Spirit) HIM.
We become so enveloped inside of his His Spirit that he becomes
our Strong Tower,
our Womb of Mercy,
Ark of Safety,
flaming torch,
and burning furnace.
Our hearts which carries His Presence becomes wholly consumed and overtaken by Him to the point that HE in-turn becomes our heart ark wholly carrying our presence.
We become one another's ark of abiding LOVE and ....Resting Place.
That's a nice thought isn't it.
Our hearts become wholly consumed by His Love to the degree that he becomes our
Chariot of FIRE carrying us up into His Presence.
One heart becoming wholly, fully, joined with His causes to fully walk in our true identity as One with I AM.
We're I AM's sons and daughters.
We're I AM's bride bride carrying His NAME.
We've give him all that we are and he has given us all of who he is,
even His name, and all that pertains to the kingdom is ours too.
Our Eternal King and The kingdom of LOVE is our full inheritance.
Eternal LOVE redeems us as His very own 'BEAUTIFUL One HEART.'
Back to the Sunflower ~
The egg (our tomb) now impregnated with LIFE, becomes ONE with the Spirit of Life and is a 'NEW CREATION.'
Once the 'SEED' is formed....the outer layers of the flower (petals) was no longer needed.
In this case The Holy Spirit was showing me that once the SEED of LIFE is Formed and fully matured and is ready to fall into the ground to die....the 'flesh' was no longer needed to sustain this New Life.
Its new life is now only sustained by the POWER of the SPIRIT (His WORD is Spirit and is LIFE to our Bones) being its (our) sole source of nutrition, and strength for life.
This New Life SEED fully relies upon the Power of the Spirit for sustenance to maintain every aspect of living.
Just as the sunflower seed will eventually fall into the ground to die in order to create a flower within the garden of life resulting in hundreds of new eggs waiting to be fertilized, so we too, allow the shell of our outer (flesh) lives to die in order to bring forth new life.
We Live now not by our fleshly appearance, we live in the Spirit as a new Life, His Resurrected life is sheltered and is made manifest through us.
His Seed of Life (Christ Life) grows up fully inside of us till we burst forth through the tomb, the womb, the Hole in the wall, as the LIFE of CHRIST ~
the fully developed Spirit man ~
coming out into the light as the Spirit Child of YHVH ~ His Sons and Daughters......
Living the as the LIFE of LOVE.
WE are no longer flesh led...we are LOVE LED.
God's very life essence is LOVE.
From LOVE all life flows.
When we are LOVE led we are being 'Spirit led'
for GOD is LOVE.
Being manifest as a son/daughter of LOVE means we
now wholly exist, breathe, live the life of LOVE.
We, now as children, manifest the Father's LOVE to one another just as His Son Jesus manifest the Father's LOVE to us.
Beloved, we too, give our lives away, no longer our own, so that he can use us to create new life through us.
Tonight I get home and find that an artist friend private messaged this photo she created for me along with the Words the Holy Spirit gave her to speak to my heart,
"You are GOD's Little Sunflower.'
Tonight May His Spirit blow upon
Father Your Heart Womb is breathing into our hearts the majesty of your Living Love.
Beloved One, may you know that you too are His Little Sunflowers in the Secret Garden Enclosed.
With your face and eyes always lifted up towards The Son, Y'shua, your first Love and Agape Lover throughout all ages, may you Glow with the Light of Your Own Bright King.
United in Eternal Love, carrying the fragrant ONE HEART LIFE of LOVE and GRACE,
Carrie Rebecca LOVE GRACE
Spring 2013
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