Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting

Come to the Water, Come to the Well, Drink of Life, Life Everlasting
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink..." ~ Jesus (John 7 :37)

New Morning Hope

New Morning Hope
Hope, New Every Morning Fills My Soul With Joy

Thursday, January 31, 2013

LIVING STONES OF GRACE ~ Messengers of our Father's Love and Grace

Messengers of our Father's Love and Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Alexandrite -
In the Light of the sun it beams emerald green
Oceans of Mercy
beaming New Hope
with the Rising of The Son
 Jesus Christ
the manifest Presence of our Father's LOVE
Just as Christ in the late afternoo light shed his blood for us
this stone at dusk turns cherobyl, blood red.
His Blood eternally covers our lives with LOVE
He covers  the multitude of our sins with His Blood.
He eternally does this for us.
My Spiritual Birth date stone is the Alexanderite stone.
He became the sacrifice for my sin and then gave me new hope
in the morning as he rose again shining forth light of his love
brighter than the sun.
The Alexanderite is the known as the
New Hope In The Morning Prophetic Stone.
The Green is shines in the morning light is the color of Eternal Mercy.
Mercy is who gives us hope to live this life with each rising of the sun.
The Alexandrite was first found in a providence in Russia and was introduced to the CZAR Alexandrite on His Birthday.
In March of 2008,  a jeweler shared with me that the Alexandrite is the rarest gem in the world.
This is when I discovered it is my spiritual birthdate stone.
  Upon doing more research I discovered it is also known as

"The Prophetic Stone."
  When bright light radiates through this stone it reflects emerald green tones.
The Russian Czar deemed that this stone given to him on his birthday to represent

 This same stone is in evening light...
turns to a cherry cherobyl

The Blood of Jesus washed all our sins away,
giving us hope for our
Jesus is our
The Alexandrite stone can also be found to reflect
shades of Purple representing Royalty.
The stone I have turns to a purple and red colors in Candlelight lighting.
It reminds me of his bridal chambers living inside of the secret place of our
Holy Breath with Him....

His Royal BRIDE.
All color is fractionized light is from the source of pure light ~

Our Father is pure LOVE.

His Pure LOVE for us is Pure Light for our hearts and souls.
This is the ministry Message He has given me.
To call each one back into their true Identity as

The Ministry Name He has given to me is called ~

Living Stones of GRACE ~

Messengers of our Father's Love and Grace

I will share what the Lord had shared with me about the colors and this may bring even greater depth. It has been over the course of 8 years that He has revealed information to me.
It is precious to my heart what He has done in my life.
Everyday he reveals more depth of  who he is and his love for me.

In 2003 he revealed to me that as he formed me in my mothers
womb he placed within me an emerald green gem within my spirit.
He gave me a vision, cuasing me to see that as he was forming me he formed, interwoven,
this emerald green gem into my spirit, and it was part of my make up of who I am.
I saw that my spirit was carrying and it was part of the fabric,
or make up of who he created me to be.

The only way I can explian it is to say that  I carry the relfected light, or
color of Emerald GREEN, represtnting the part of his nature or character of who he is within my heart.  He deemed it to be so that I would be created with this part of his nature within my heart representing who he is. He creates each of us to carry a part of his nature within us, thus once we as understand our unity as the body of Christ, we will begin to see his nature relfected through us as we come together as a whole.
Emerald Green

  I began researching more information pertaining to the emerald green color and found that
it is the dominant color in the
rainbow around the throne of YHVH.

It is also the color for worship
as it is the gem stone color representing the Tribe of Judah.

The Name Judah means worship, perfect praise  unto the LORD. 
The word worship means to kiss the face of Abba Father;
to kiss Him with our life essence...
giving him our lives as a living sacrifice...
wholly unto Him and completely sureendered unto him alone.
The Emerald color also represents Mercy.
So this means that Emerald Green is the color for Mercy wich brings forth life.

Life Giving Mercy and Grace
is the color Color of light that goes before the face
(The Eyes) of YHVH.
The Spirit of MERCY (Green - Life)
always goes before the eyes of  God....
means then that

Yahushua HaMashiach
is this LIGHT and LIFE of
of our Father's very essence of Mercy and Grace for us.

Yahushua is The Spirit of Mercy
who is always before the eyes of His Father
....... who is the

Yahushua is The Eternal Flame of Love.

Yahushua Is the Spirit of Mercy
Yahushuah is the dominate color around the throne of YHVH.
Yahushua is the Life of Mercy
Yahushua is The Emerald Green Light.
Yahushua's Blood is the Blood of Mercy Upon The Mercy Seat ~

The Throne of YHVH.
His Blood is The Color and Life of Mercy
Who is always interceding for our lives ~
Crying out Mercy, Mercy,Mercy For our lives.
His Life, light, Blood is the Life of Mercy who came into the earth to
be our gift of Mercy from our Father redeeming us back into wholeness,
fullness of relastionship with Him......
The Pure Life and Light of Eternal LOVE.
  His Own Life of Mercy always goes before His Eyes ~
His own life of Mercy is His Son Yahushua.
The colors in the rainbow is fragmented light ~
fragmented from a pure white light source....
This is Revelation it says there is no turning of the shadow of light.
It also says he himself it is THE TEMPLE.....of HEAVEN.
There is no where we go that he is not.
He is pure true white, holy light.
Out of Mercy and love fore us...
he knew that if he looked at us directly with his white lazer bright light .....
it would designate us in a flash.

So he released
MERCY (GREEN -Light of Mercy)
to go before His eyes
thus enabling him to look upon us
of His Heart....
Yahushuah is His  Heart of MERCY.
Our Father's gift of Mercy is given to us in the Life of Yahushua.
All things in creation is matter.....all matter...even our human BLOOD retains LIGHT.
Scientist have now proven that blood is a form of light, but is congealed light.

Our Spoken WORD...into the atmosphere is
LIGHT traveling at a slower frequency.
Light is retained INSIDE OF GEM COLORS
(ALL GEM Stones retain and release Light.)

is Light...even colors on paper.
Each color retains and releases a spectrum of light before our eyes.
Our spirits retain and release a spectrum of Light....
Our Blood retains and releases light.....
scriptures says Life is found in the blood.
What spectrum of light did he create each person with ...
is the question to ponder and ask of Him.

He gave each tribe their own gem color meaning something
for their lives in how their gifting, light, calling, ministry.
The Life, character, nature of our Father is revealed to the
world around them through the color of each  gem.
Each gem color is specific in how He desires to place light inside
of your spirit to also release the Light of His Life through your spirit.
The City set upon a Hill reflecting His Light
into this world.
Various  spectrums is  released as each of us release his life of  LOVE to the world around us.
Some may be GREEN LIGHTS.
BLUE Lights,
Topaz lights...
Turquoises lights....
Diamond lights.

We carry the colors of the rainbow within us representing a certain aspect,
nature and character of God's LOVE to the world around us.

Living Flames of LOVE
When the Living FLAME of LOVE moves into our spirit being....
His Pure Holy,
white Light is living within our light...

His Light shines inside of our
making our
GEM color SHINE brighter.

Because of LOVE and through
we lay the essence of our lives on the

We are laying the essence of our light...
our gem color on the alter of the Living Flame of LOVE.
We yeild our LIGHT to Him on the alter so He can pour
into us His  pure and Holy Life of Love.
The more we yield our lives to His very essence
Living, breathing upon us, his flame of light begins
moving and groing brighter within us.
Thus the more LOVE (Light) we receive from HIM the more
LOVE (light) of his pure holy light is reflected through our GEM color.

We become more rare, valuable in nature.
and Valuable Pure Love 
reflects into this his His Pure Light...Life.

The more I lay my life down on the alter of the living flame of LOVE...
the bright the Emerald Green shines through me.
The richer the color, the deeper the color,
the richer his image of love is shown through expressing
His nature of LOVE
(Mercy- representing the blood covenant of everlasting compassionate LOVE)
to the world.
As I lay my life  down as an act of surrendered worship to our Father,
just as Jesus did with his life before the Father,
we become his living sacrifices.

He writes His Names upon our Hearts

 It is in the act of worship to his Father that he
laid His very light (life blood that carries his father's life and light) down.
The light contained within his casing (the human flesh) had to be broken open....
so the light of his pure  blood...touched the atmosphere of this world....
remember all light is sound and all sound is light...and blood retains and gives forth light....
which is the sound of
our Father's blood....the DNA of His NAME .....
so is was the soundof YHVH's NAME released into the atmospher of this world when Yahushua body was beaten and hung on the cross in our place.
The Very  SOUND and color of MERCY was released through the opening of his flesh to pour forth his life blood.
The sound of His name was released into this world, into all spaces, all matter, and through all times and ages for all eternity.
(YHVH's pure Blood) was  released  and illuminated,
shined forth at the speed of light into all eternity past, present and future.
The power of the sound of his blood hitting the atmosphere is what tore through the curtain of separation in the Holy of Holies.
The sound released from His Pure Blood...touched the earth...
sending sound waves into the fabric of the earth....
declaring, decreeing to the earth and all of creation....
is what SHOOK the earth, causing an earth quak and the graves to open up!!!

has been given!
The price of
has been given to redeem all of creation back into...
Unity, Com-union ~ with our FATHER of LIGHT.
He Redeemed us back into WHOLENESS  ~ ONENESS with YHVH ...
The Father of Light ~
Our source of where we came from...
HE is...Pure LIGHT..
sent out himself to shatter all barriers
that kept us fractionized from our true source of light....
We are retracted out of our existence as a fractionized light state back into
thus making us whole again.
We are His light bearers walking in wholeness with our GOD who is

We are His Burning Flames of LOVE
Everywhere we walk we release his holy pure light into this world.....
every word we speak we release his pure holy light back into this realm...
thus causing the light in this world to shift....
back into
all things...all matter..the trees, the grass, the computer, the air....
everything retains light ...
receives light...and sends out light....
meaning everything in existence is exuding its own sound...
out into the world...
We are his light bearers walking around as
His Pure, Holy  LIGHT SOUND...
speaking Holy light over all of creation..calling them back into
alignment with HIS LIGHT...
the covenant of LIFE and Light through His blood has already been paid...
the kingdoms (forces of energy bonds) h
as to bow before the holy light within us...

The Living breathing FLAME of LOVE

 The light within us breaks their energy bonds or light energies apart and brings things into LIGHT ...wholeness of HIS LIGHT...
The kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our is just our job to be living sacrifices of love...
and remain on the ALTER of LOVE....
walking around inside of our spirit can beam his holy
LIGHT and LOVE through ever cell in...every pour of our body into this world.
As Peter walked by the lame...even his shadow fell on them and they were healed...his shadow contained Holy SOUND of LIGHT.
Jesus Christ I give you all glory.

All of this revelation belongs to you and you alone as you reveal it to your servant for understanding of walking in Your LOVE and IN LOVE with YOU ALONE.
May we fully lay our lives down as your living sacrifice and even more so as you deem.Jesus.
I'm  In  (inside of ) LOVE with you...
My Living breathing FLAME of Eternal LOVE

living, breathing, moving within the essence of my life.
In Love I lay my life on the alter of the His Living Flame of LOVE....
His Light consumes my light...
I become whole in the Light of HIS LOVE....
His Pure Holy Light...
Yahushua is YHVH's gift of Mercy to us.


It was in January of 2010 when our LORD told me to write, write, write about our Father's LOVE....

It was 3 months later, March of 2010 that our Father revealed to me that my name in Gaelic Irish literally means....
"LOVE" and "Agape LOVE" and "Beloved."

Yes, I was named after my great-aunte Carrie who was part Irish.
you made us all in your image of LOVE...
You are our LOVE...
we are Your LOVE...
When you see us...all that you see is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE...
nothing more but your LOVE. AMEN

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Since I Was A Child I Have Loved His Presence

I love His Presence.
I've loved his Presence since I was a child.
I was born with asthma and most always very sick as a young child.
I don't recall my family going to church when I was very young,
yet I had a deep knowing His Presence was with me.

If anyone around me took God's name in vain,
I would cringe up in my body and secretly cry as I felt hurt for him.
It was like I could feel his heart with me;

I don't know how else to explain this except
I knew he was walking with me every where I went.

One time, when I was about the age of 4 or 5 I remember asking God, "GOD, who blesses you when you sneeze?"
and I waited for him to tell me.

I felt sorry for him that no one blessed him when He sneezed.
So I told him,
"GOD, from now on, every time I sneeze, I'm going to bless you."
In my heart I made up my mind that I was going to bless him.
I even remember exactly where I was at when I said this to him;
I was standing outside
by the front stairs of our family home.

From there on out, whenever I sneezed I would say,
"GOD, God bless you!!!"

"God bless you God"

I felt compelled to bless Him every time I sneezed or when I heard anyone else sneeze.
As a small child not knowing the Word...
I was blessing HIM.

He has always been with me...always.


I didn't know till I got older and mature in the Spirit
that I really had been seeing in the Spirit as a child.
The teachers labeled me a "day dreamer."
I remember staring out the classroom windows at the grass blowing in
the wind and talking to God about wanting to be outside with him.
There is always more to what is going on than what we see with the natural eye.


Beloved Warrior Bride Carrying the Fragrant Life o GRACE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Beauty Is Arising ~ Dance With The Lover Of Your Life Upon The Mountain Of Ashes


DANCE  ~ My Child
 the mountaintops of the enemy's ashes.
Is what our King has created in the secret places
In the hidden places of fiery trials, the furnace burning hot as coals were stacked on,
our lives have become diamonds for his glory.

The enemy thought he snuffed our lives but Abba's eyes all the while were intently watching  the very transformation of our lives taking place our darkest hours.
It seem like our life didn't exist any more but as we took our last breath from this world that we had know, in a twinkling of an eye, we breathed in our next breath from the air of heaven; the combustion of new life was born in the womb of darkness, hidden away from the eyes of this world.
He held us in his hands as we grew up into the life he formed.
His see, his plant, his life, birthed into this world.

We are arising our of the ashes of our past life to
dance the dance of Life and Love
with our King
upon the mountaintops of this world.


has set us free.
Hand in Hand in Joy we dance with liberty.
The restraints of oppression has been removed
up my child and see the light of day ~
with a smile upon your face take our King by the hand.
He stretches out his life to take you by the hand.
Hand in hand,
He lifts you up,
and places you above the very mountain of darkness
that the
enemy tried to bury you under,
to dance with him in abandoned liberty.

"Dance my child, dance, with glee.
Shout my child, shout with glee
rejoice my child, rejoice with me as we
dance together in Liberty."

    Carrie  Rebecca Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Dance With Me Lover Of My Soul ~ By Rober Stern

I've Never Lost Hope That You'd Come Home ~ To The Home of Love

Abba's Hebrew children are coming home to the
the well of life....Jesus Christ.
Father has been on the front porch watching for them.
He sees them coming down the long, crooked and dusty path.
With each step his son takes dust rises up from the ground.
He's been in a very dry place, but he's coming Home to LOVE.
Tears of joy are rolling down our Father's cheeks;
seeing his son He takes off running wildly, arms held out wide, yelling,
" MY son, My son, You've come home. I've never lost hope that you'd come home."
Throwing his arms around his son, whispering in his ear,
"You are my son, I have never stopped loving you,
you belong, come home, come home to My LOVE."

Amazing YHVH!!

John 7:37
If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink....that he may never thirst again.

Yeshua HaMashiach fills us with His Living Waters of LOVE..
causing waves of Love to flow through us as an
ocean with no end.


Carrie Rebecca Love Grace

Love Outran Me by Worship Mob

The Supply of LIFE At The WELL of Grace

Keeping this Connection of LOVE with GOD
all during the week (not just on Sundays) IS

THE most important thing in MY LIFE.

I Have a well within me and it is my job to keep my well full and overflowing with His LOVE.
This connection is is connected through giving Him all of my
Love and HIM giving me ALL of His into my heart.

He brings us to a place where we can finally say to HIM,
"I want YOU more than I want answers to my life's questions!"

All of my questions, requests...are all of little importance compared to Being with GOD.....the LOVER OF MY SOUL and HEART.

How do you do this LOVE?
The key is having an un-offended heart.
Offense keeps us from loving deeply.
Defeat the enemy of your soul with the "white smooth Stone"
He placed in your hands...just like He did for David.
David picked up 5 smooth stones out of the river of Besor (river of Good News)
and it was only ONE STONE that He needed to
Sling, hitting Goliath right between the eyes....
That One Smooth Stone's name is called ......JESUS....He is Love.

Beloved Warrior Bride Carrying The Fragrant Life of Grace,
Carrie Rebecca  Rose Love Grace

The  River of Besor which means River of Grace ~ The River of GOOD NEWS.
When He calls us to lay our lives down for a season, HE is calling us to lay down...our lives to be with His River of LOVE ~ which are His LOVE letters to our hearts.

During this season of laying down all other things and activities,

He washes over our hearts and renews our strength to Rise UP only in The Strength of His Life living through our laid down lives as His Lovers who Love Him more  than anything else in this life.

Its about allowing Him to woo us into a place with Him where we lay down our lives  fully; wholly surrendered to Him, His Word, His Spirit alone.

When we fully surrender our lives to live in this place with Him, our lives belong to Him alone.

Then at His choosing He will  raise us UP only through the power of His Spirit, no flesh efforts will be involved.

He will raise us UP within the blue flames of His Loving LIFE,
which is the hottest part of the flame of His loving  Life burning within us.

He woos us into these places so that He can escort our hearts, cause our souls to fall in LOVE all over

again with JESUS, the LOVER of our souls  and embracing Him alone as our

FIRST LOVE and Husband of our hearts and souls, our Jehovah Ishi.
I love you!

Carrie Rebecca Rose Love Grace

Beloved Warrior Bride Carrying The Fragrant Life of Grace,

Love Outran Me by  Worship Mob

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE

Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

I See You through Eyes of The Dove

Beloved I only have eyes of LOVE for you alone.
I LOVE you alone in this very special and sacred way.
I see you as our Father sees you -
through the eyes of The DOVE - The eyes of LOVE.

I Love you in prayer
I love you in sight
I Love you in might.

I love you my Beloved

Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Eternal Heart Of Love

You have the most beautiful heart in all the world.
You have the most beautiful heart in all of creation.
You have the most beautiful heart the world has ever known

My heart feels warm and at home with you.
I'm living and loving you in the eternal moment.
We thank you Abba Father for your endless love.

I see unending Love.
I see His love letters for our hearts written into all of creation.

We have unending LOVE.
He loves us just as we are.

We are
Loved 100% just as we are.
He placed us inside of Christ where we are
eternally inside of his heart.


Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013

Turn Your Eyes Upon The Face of LOVE

Arise My darling!
Come quickly my Beloved.
Come and be the graceful gazelle with Me

Come be like a dancing deer with me.
We will dance in the high place of the sky
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice!
Forever we shall be
United As One!

Song of Songs 8:14 TPT

The HOPE of LOVE :
I made you grow like a plant of the field.
You grew up and developed and became
the most beautiful of jewels
(Ezekiel 16:7, NIV).

Abba's heart says to you,
"Beloved, I LOVE you.
I made you in MY image.

God even came and blessed the doubting Thomas's.
Nothing you do or not do can ever stop him from
coming to you to love on you.

He meets you right where you are at in life.

He loves your sincere heart towards Him.

To Him, just your desire is a seed of love. He accepts your desire to turn to him.
You have the desire because he first shined the light of his Love for you into your heart.

He sees your desire as a gift of love and worship towards him.

You're praising him when you turn your heart towards him.

He accepts your desire as your gift to him, He accepts your desire and
  begins pouring more of his love into your heart....
causing your heart to bloom in
The Garden of His Love and Grace ~

Shining in the light of Love ~
you will not be able to help yourself but to
shine back all of the love he is pouring into your heart....
as you
Love Him with all of your might.


When we turn our faces towards the SON,
we are turning our eyes upon the face of the One who is  LOVE. 

Our Father is the very life of LOVE.

When we turn our hearts towards LOVE

we are turning our hearts to the giver of LOVE,
When we do he gives us his heart in exchange for ours;
he gives us his heartbeat of Love.


At sunrise, the faces of most sunflowers are turned towards the east.
Over the course of the day they follow the sun from east to west,
while at night they return to an eastward orientation.

As the bud stage ends, the stem stiffens and the blooming stage is reached.
Sunflowers in their blooming stage lose their heliotropic capacity.
The stem becomes "frozen", typically in an eastward orientation (towards the RISING of the sun).

Psalm 113:3
(English Standard Version)

From the rising of the sun to its setting,
the name of the LORD is to be praised

Isaiah 59:19

So they shall fear the name of the LORD
from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun;

for he will come like a rushing stream,
(narrow river)
which the wind of the LORD drives.

Malachi 1:11

For from the rising of the sun to its setting my
name will be great among the nations,
and in every place incense will be offered to my name,
and a pure offering. For my name will be great among
the nations, says the LORD of hosts.

Is. 56:7
His house is established as a house of prayer

Isaiah 56:7
these I will bring to my holy mountain,
and make them joyful in my house of prayer;
their burnt offerings and their sacrifices
will be accepted on my altar;

(heart felt prayer, worship and praise)
for my house shall be called a house of prayer
for all peoples."
Beloved Warrior Bride of LOVE
Carrie Rebecca Love Grace Jones
© Copyright 2013